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Stand Pad Tenders

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Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39825536 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For purchase of o.sml micro tube rack , odc mini cooler (blood collection tube) , odc mini cooler (thermo conductive rack) (ino/pk) , odc mini cooler lsml , 1 % dithiothreitol (dtt)-1 g , 1 % dithiothreitol (dtt)-sg , i.sml float rack- 8 places , 1 dc cooler (capacity 1 or 1.8) , 10ml syringe with needle , 10ml syringe with needle (22xl 1f4) , isml centrifuge tube (soo noslpk) sterile , isml centrifuge tube amber conical bottom , 18g needle , lxphosphate buffered saline ca& mg free (sooml) , ix tris edta- ph-7.0 , 2ml screw cap micro tube conical bottom , 20ml syringe , 2ltr plastic beaker , 3% hydrogen peroxide solution , soml centrifuge tube (soonos/pk) , soml centrifuge tube (soonos/pk) racked sterile , soml centrifuge tube large volume wire racks , soml vacuum filter/storage bottle system (12nos/pk) , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 1 ".d with digital , display , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 11-11 with digital , display , 8 channel multi pipette (variable) increment 11-11 with digital , display , a 72s0: n-acetyl-l-cysteine (1 ogm) , absolute alcohol-sooml , absorbent cotton roll , acetic acid glacial , aluminum foil , aluminum weighing boat (100nos/pk) , amber narrow mouth bottle 30ml , amber narrow mouth bottle 8ml (72nos/pk) , antiseptic urinary towelette , apron (white lab coat) full (medium) , apron (white lab coat) full (small) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (medium) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (small) , ast 2 tube carrier set, (pack of 3) , ast 5 tube carrier set, (pack of3) , ast carrier rack 8 set , ast carrier set -5 tube , auto clave label , autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen l2x24 inches (100 , nos/pk) , autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen 19x24 inches (100 , nos/pk) , bd serum vacutainer-4ml , bd serum vacutainer-6ml , bd vacutainer edta tube-4ml (cbc and hbaic) , bd vacutainer trace element plastic (100/pk) , bd vacutainer k2 edta trace element plastic (loo/pk) , bd vacutainer k2 edta plus 6m! (100/pk) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 21g, , 23gx3/4"xi2 (0.8xi9mmx305mm) (50nos) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 23g, , 23gx3/4"xi2 (0.6xi9mmx305mm) (50nos) , beaker 1000ml (20 per case) , beaker 100ml (20 per case) , beaker 500ml (40 per case) , biohazard waste container- 5ltr , blotting paper sheet , bottle with screw cap 1000m! , bottle with screw cap 500ml , bottle with screw cap 100ml , bottle with screw cap 50ml , bp handle- long & medium , carbol fuchsin (zn, strong) , carbol fuchsin practical grade , card board cryo box 36 places for 15m! centrifuge tubes , (8nos/pk) , card board cryo box 81 places for im1l2ml vials (8nos/pk) , card board cryo box 100 places for iml/2ml vials (8noslpk) , card board cryo box 25 places for 1 m1l2ml vials (8nos/pk) , cedarwood oil , cello chiller box (3l, 8l, 12l, 14l, 20l) (without tap) , champ autoclavable variable volume pipettor (20-200ml) , chromotrope 2r , collapsible space saver rack (2 nos/pk) , combilok (4 nos/pk) , conical centrifuge tube rack (l/pack) , conical flask 100 ml , conical flask 150 ml , conical flask 250 ml , conical flask 50 ml , conical flask 500 ml , coup lin jar places-1 0 , corning 2ml external threaded polypropylene cryogenic vial , self- standing with round bottom (500/pk) , cover slip, rectangular- 22mrnx40mm , cover slip, square- 22mmx22mm , cryo apron 42" , cryo cube box 100 places (4nos/pk) , cryo cube box 25 places (8nos/pk) , cryo cube box 50 places (8nos/pk) , cryo cube box 81 places (4nos/ pk) , cryo cube box 81 places (4noslpk) , cryo gloves (medium) , cryo label nitro tag , cryo laser babies (1.28xo.50mm) , cryo marker , cryopure tubes, 2ml white, internal thread , cryo racks, (50 place) , cryo tags (l.50xo.75) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (500nos /pk) (self-standing with external , thread) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (500nos /pk) (self-standing with internal , thread) , cryogenic barcode label l "x 1 " , cryogenic permanent marker blue , cryo vials 1.oml, sta

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39825553 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For purchase of 5ml micro tahe rack , 8 c mini cooler (blood collection tube , oc mini coolm (tuono conductive rack) (norpk) , c mini coo15ml , 1% dahlodrett (dtt)-10 , in duhinthrenol (dtt)-sg , 1.5m float rack-places , 1 c cool (capacity 1 or 1.3) , uni syringe with naalle , 10ml syringe with noodle (22x1 m) , 15ml centrifuge tabe (500 nos/pk) sterile , 15nt centrifuge tube amber conical bonom , 180 needle , isphosphate buffered saline cad mg five (500ml) , is tris edta-p1e-70 , 2ml screw cap miens tube cotizal bettem , 20ml syringe , lur plastic beska , 7% hydrogen peroxide solution , 50mi centrifuge tube (3000nos/pk) , that cerartflage tube (500nos/pk) hacked sterile , somi cerifuge the large volume wire racks , silmi varaum filter surage bottle symom (12es/pk) , chamel multi pipette (variable) lassement iul with digital display , & channel multi pipetta (variable) lerument iui with digital doplay , channel multi pipata (variable) irement il with digital display , a7250: n-acetyl-l-cysteine (10gm) , absolute alchol-500ml , absorbem cotton rod , annual repairstic acid glacial , alaninum foil , aluminum weighing boat (100nes/pk) , ainbet narrow mouth bottle 30ml , anber narrow mouth botile and (72 ) , antiseptic urinary towalette , aprom (white lab cost) fall (medium , apton (white lab cont) full (small) , apmm (white lab cout) half sleeve (medium) , apron (white lab coat) half sleeve (small) , ast 2 tube carrier set, (pack of 3) , ant 3 tube canter set, (phuck of 3) , ast carrier back , ast carrier -5 the , aute clave label , autoclavable bishanand bugs or specimen 12x24 inches 1100 , nos pk , autoclavable bioltazard hags or specimen 19x24 inchen (100 npk , bd serum vaztainer-m , bd serim vac tal- , bd vastainer edta then (cbc and hhaic) , bd vacutame trace element plastic (100/p) , bd vastaine k2 edta trace element planic (100/7) , bd vinstainer k2 edta plus mi (100/pk) , bd vacutainer safety lock blood collection sets, 210, 23034x12 (0.8x19mmx305man) (2000) , bd vazunaliser safity lock blood collection sets, 230, 2301/12 (0.619mmx305mm) (500) , benker 1000ml (20 per come) , beaker 100ml (20) , beaker 500ml (40 per ome) , biohamand waste comteiner-5ltr , bloning papo shest , battle with screw 1000ml , bottle with screw cap 100 , bottle with screw 100ml , bottle with screw cap 50ml , bp handle long & malim , carti fuchsis (zn, seong) , cartsil fochoin practical grade , card board cryo box 36 places for 15ml cexifage tabes (nos/pk) , card board crye bux 81 places for inilmi vials (nos/) card board cryo box 100 places for imd/2ml vials (nou/pk) , cand beard cryo box 25 man for ind/2mi vials (8nos/pk) , cedarwood nil , cello chiller box (1, 81, 121, 141, 20) (with) , champ autoclavable vurishiz sulume pipettit (20-200m) , chromotrope 2 , collapsille space saver nick (2 nos/pk) , combilok (4 nou/pk) , canina emiflage tube rack (pack) , conical flask 100 ml , comical flask 150 mi , comical flask 250 mi , conical fleek 50 mi , conical flask 500 ml , couplin jar places-10 , corsing 2mi external threaded palypropylese cryogenic vial self standing with round bottom (500/pk) , cover slip restmguir-22mmx40mm , cover slip, square-22mmx12mm , cryo apron 42" , crye cube box 100 placas (4ncs/pk) , crye cuhe box 25 places (en) , crye cube box 50 places (nou/pk) , cryo cute box 81 places (4nos pk) , crye cube box #1 places (4nos/) , crye gloves (medium) , cryo label nitro tag , cryo laser hables (1.20x0.50mm) , cyo marker , cryopure tubes, 2mi white, intersal thenad , cryo racks, (50 place) , cye tags (1.30x0.75) , crye visis 1.8-2ml (100k) (cling with extrsal thread) , cryo vials 1.8-2ml (300nos/pk) (self-standing with interma thread , cryogenic baroode label 1"x1" , cryogenic permanent marker hue , cryo vials 1.0ml, sur foot (500nos/p , cryo vials 1.8ml, ste foot, external thread(300n/pk) , cryo vials 18ml, star foot, internal thread(1000nos/pk) , cryo vials 1.8 (star foot, internal thread) (500nos/pk) , cutarab , dp.x. manastast (la

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :39835041 Due date: 10 Apr, 202510 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of gem clip 26mm tring bell multiclr plastic coated , alpin gross wt 100 gms , magnetic board duster , binder clip 15mm sdi , binder clip 19mm sdi , binder clip 25mm sdi , binder clip 32mm sdi , brown tape 1.5 , brown tape 2 , cello tape small 11mmx9 mtrs , cello tape big 12mm x 65mts , gum tube , index file nidhi premium quality , register 1 qr. , register 2 qr. , register 3 qr. , register 4 qr. , stappler max 10 kangaroo , stappler pin max 10 kangaroo , stappler hd 45 24x6 kangaroo , stappler pin hd 45 24x6 kangaroo , punching machine kangaroo dp 280 brand , scale steel 12 king make , scissor inf sc007 165mm infinity , rubber band 50 gm packet 32 mm worldone , spiral note book 11x19 ibico , spiral note book 19x22 ibico , scribbling pads ballarpur mill srigopal orient 7.6 kg , paper napkin 200 nos , room freshner spray premium , a4 photo glossy paper , damper , eraser pencil 621 , pencil hb 621 pack of 10 pencil , pencil sharpner 621 natraj , highlighter set of 5 colours , pen set skectch , fevi stick 15gms pidilite , permanent marker pen camiln , highlighter yellow luxor , uni correction pen mitsubhishi , ohp cd marker , pen blue reynold 045 carbure , pen black reynold 045 carbure , pen red reynold 045 carbure , steddler pencil norica 13246 , pen hi tech v5 pilot blue , pen hi tech v5 pilot black , add gel achiever pen blue , add gel achiever pen black , pen pilot blue hi tecpoint 05 , pen pilot black hi tecpoint 05 , pen uniball eye micro ub 150 blue , pen uniball eye ub 150 black micro , post it flag 683 5cf of 50 flags , post it pad prompts 3 colours , post it pad 1.5 x2 , post it pad 2 x3 , post it pad 3 x3 , post it pad 3 x5 , pencil cell aaa 1.5 v , pencil cell aa 1.5 v , scotch tape with dispenser , parker pen , premium note book , pen drive 64 gb usb 3 0 , cloth cleaning duster , pen set sketch , pen drive 64 gb usb 3.0

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39835531 Due date: 10 Apr, 202510 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of insulated tubular lug 0.5 sq mm , insulated copper tubular lug 1 sq mm , insulated copper tubular lug 1.5 sq mm , insulated twincable tubelar lug 1.5 sqmm , insulated copper tubular lug 2.5sq mm , insulated twincable tubelar lug 2.5 sqmm , insulated twincable tubular lug 4 sqmm , insulated twincable tubular lug 6 sqmm , u type lug - 1 sq mm , copper , u type insulated lugs - 1.5 sq.mm , u-type 2.5 sq.mm insulated lugs for wiri , lugs 1.5 mm2 o type cop , lugs 2.5mm2 o type coppe , fuse , glass , 100ma , fast blow , 20 mm length , fuse , glass , 200ma , fast blow , 20 mm length , fuse , glass , 500ma , fast blow , 20mm , fuse , glass , 1a , fast blow , 20 mm length , fuse , glass , 2a , fast blow , 20mm , fuse , glass , 5a , fast blow , 20mm , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1sqmm , white , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1sqmm , red , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1sqmm , black , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1sqmm , yellow , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1sqmm , blue , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1sqmm , green , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1 sqmm , gray , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1.5sqmm , red , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1.5sqmm , blac , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 1.5sqmm , gree , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 2.5 sqmm , red , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 2.5sqmm , blk , signal cable , 1c , multistrand , 6sqmm , green , cable tie pack - 3x300mm , cable tie pack - 4x300mm , heat shrink tube (1mm to 5mm) , heat shrink tube (6 mm to 8mm) , heat shrink tube 10 mm , permanent marker camlin thick(set of 10) , permanent marker camlin thin(set of 10) , aluminium tape 1mmx2 inch x20m , teflon tape-yellow 12mmx0.10mmx10m , transparent tape 1 inch x65m , 42microns thick , transparent tape 3 inch x65m , 42microns thick , compound rubber tape (omega) , masking tape 24mmx20m , masking tape 48mmx20m , brown packing tape 48mmx40metres , pvc insulation tape black , 18mm , 8mtr , .125 , pvc insulation tape blue , 18mm , 8mtr , .125 , pvc insulation tape green , pvc insulation tape red , 18mm , 8mtr , .125mm , pvc insulation tape yello , 18mm , 8mtr , .125 , ferrule printing tube- 3.2 mm lm390a , ferrule printing tube - 4.2 mm lm 390a , ferrule printing catridge black , lm390a , tube pu-4 polyeurethane , 6x1mm , silicon grease , 250 gms pack , alkaline battery , 1.5v , aa type , battery-9v , alkaline , duracell or equivl , alkaline battery 1.5v , aaa type , durac , silica gel half kg box , m-seal (100g) , wd40 (420 ml) , banyan cloth (kg) white colour , contact cleaner-oks 2621 , silicone sealant white (gp1000) , loctite 406 , loctite 495 , general adhesive , 20gms

CTN :39836069 Due date: 05 Apr, 202505 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of black lead pencils (v2) as per is 1375 (q4) , paper weights (q4) , desktop calculator - electronics (q4) , metric scales (plastic) for general purposes as per is 1480 (q4) , binder clips (v2) (q3) , self adhesive flags (v2) (q4) , pins, paper, straight as per is 5653 (q4) , stamp - pad ink as per is 393 (q4) , stamp pads (q4) , stapler pin / staples (v2) (q4) , staplers (v2) (q3) , pen stand (v2) (q4) , register (v2) (q4) , markers for white board (v2) (q4) , gel pen (v3) (q4) , rollerball pen (v3) (q4) , fluid correction pen (v2) (q4) , glass cleaner, liquid (v2) as per is 8540 (q4) , correspondence envelopes (v2) (q4) , clips, paper as per is 5650 (q4) , tags for files (v2) as per is 8499 (q4) , eraser (q4) , highlighter pen (q4) , sketch pen (v2) (q4) , glue stick (v2) (q4) , knife blades (q4) , sweeping broom (v3) (q4) , naphthalene (v2) as per is 539 (q4) , squeegee washer wiper mopper (v2) (q4) , permanent marker pen (q4) , poker or awl as per is 10375 (q4) , water jugs (q4)

CTN :39836012 Due date: 28 Mar, 202528 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of permanent marker pen (q4) , colour pencil (v2) (q4) , highlighter pen (q4) , graph paper (q4)

CTN :39847214 Due date: 26 Apr, 202526 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of aneurysm clip permanent 5 mm straight , aneurysm clip permanent 5 mm bayonet , aneurysm clip permanent 5 mm curved , aneurysm clip permanent 5 mm fenestrated , aneurysm clip permanent 6point5 mm straight , aneurysm clip permanent 6point5 mm bayonet , aneurysm clip permanent 6point5 mm curved , aneurysm clip permanent 6point5 mm fenestrated , aneurysm clip permanent 7 mm straight , aneurysm clip permanent 7 mm curved , aneurysm clip permanent 7 mm fenestrated , aneurysm clip permanent 7 mm bayonet , aneurysm clip permanent 8 mm straight , aneurysm clip permanent 8 mm fenestrated , aneurysm clip permanent 8 mm curved , aneurysm clip permanent 8 mm bayonet , vicryl no 1 half circle round body needle 36 mm suture 120cm , vicryl no1 half circle cutting needle 36 mm suture 120cm , mersilk no 1 cutting needle half circle 40 mm 90 cm , mersilk no3 0 round body needle 12to16 mm 90 cm , fibrin sealent with synthetic aprotinin 2 ml kit , fibrin sealent with synthetic aprotinin 4 ml kit , spongostan gelatine sponge size 7cm x5cm x 1cm , spongostan gelatine sponge 7cm x5cm x point5cm , wraparound surgical gown w size xl , wraparound surgical gown size large , vaccum suction drain size 14 , compressed rayon patties thin 20x40mm box of 20 , compress rayon patties thin radio opaque marker 20x20mm box of 20 , compressed rayon patties thin 20x30mm box of 20 , compressrayon pattiesthick radio opaque marker20x50inch boxof 20 , nylon no 2 0 half circle cutting needle45mm 100cm , suction yankauer rosebud tip vacuum control 3 m , opsite dressing for post op wounds 25 x 10 cm , opsite dressing for post op wounds 15point5 x 8point5cm , disposable surgical sterile ot drape size large 150x200cm , disposable surgical sterile ot drape size medium 120x150cm , dressing wound care 10cm x 10cm box of 5 , dressing wound care 20cm x 20cm box of 3 , polyaxial pedicle screws 4point5 x 30 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 4point5 x 35 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 4point5 x 40 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 4point5 x 45 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 4point5 x 50 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 5point5 x 30 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 5point5 x 35 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 5point5 x 40 mm nuttitanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 5point5 x 45 mm nut titanium , polyaxial pedicle screws 5point5 x 50 mm nut titanium , rod for pedicle screw dia 5point5 mm or 6 mm compatible with procured screw , peek vertebral cervical spacer prefilled 5 mm sterile , peek vertebral cervical spacer prefilled 6 mm sterile , peek vertebral cervical spacer prefilled 7 mm sterile , peek vertebral cervical spacer prefilled 8 mm sterile , disp perforator with duraguard 14 mm , surgicel nuknit 3x4 box of 24 foils , disp perforator with duraguard 09 mm , disposable craniotomy drape kit bid details/ 2 / 47

CTN :39383708 Due date: 28 Mar, 202528 Mar, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras tender for supply of stationery items - blank outer sheets brdb19a for muster roll , long roll size 16 inch x 2 32 inch length in landscape and width 12 inch 500 pages in each long roll , file cover without plastic coated , file cover plastic coated , dak folder neelgagan , dak folder red neelgagan , dak folder green neelgagan , drawing sheet white , drawing sheet different colour , colour adhesive flag 1 inch 3 colour in one packet , yellow adhesive flag , stapler small 10 , stapler pin hd 10 , stapler pin 24/6 , stapler 24/6 , correction pen , pilot v5 hi tech pen (blue) , pilot v7 hi tech pen (blue) without cartridge , pilot v7 hi tech pen (black) , pilot v7 hi tech pen (red) without cartridge , pilot pen blue , gel pen blue , calculator , sketch pen different colour (12 nos in each packet) , stamp pad ink , stamp pad small size , stamp pad big size , pencil sharpner , photo copier paper a4 size (75 gsm) , photo copier paper a3 size (75 gsm) , photo copier paper legal size (75 gsm) , scale plastic 1 ft , scale stainless steel 1 ft , marker pen , gem clip , paper cutter 1/2 inch size , paper cutter big size , blade for paper cutter big size , register 200 pages , register 400 pages , register 600 pages , envelope 12inch x 16inch cloth coated , envelope 14inch x 10inch yellow with plastic lamination , envelope 10inch x 4.5inch , envelope 6inch x 4inch , cello tape transparent 24 mm x 65 mtr , cello tape transparent 12 mm x 65 mtr , paper pin t type , tag cotton large , permanent marker pen small , glue stick , edge binding tape d/c 1.2 cm width , 65 mtr length red , edge binding tape d/c 1.5 cm width , 65 mtr length green , edge binding tape d/c 1.5 cm width , 65 mtr length yellow , edge binding tape d/c 1.5 cm width , 65 mtr length black , fevi quick 15 ml , araldite standard (36 gm) , high-lighter of different colour (5 nos in each packet) , poker steel , pencil cell aaa

CTN :39847543 Due date: 07 Apr, 202507 Apr, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of packaging tape (q4) , permanent marker pen (q4) , black lead pencils (v2) as per is 1375 (q4) , tags for files (v2) as per is 8499 (q4) , fluid correction pen (v2) (q4) , scissors (q4) , file/folder (v3) (q4) , plain copier paper (v3) isi marked to is 14490 (q4) , register (v2) (q4) , glue stick (v2) (q4)

CTN :39828748 Due date: 03 Apr, 202503 Apr, 2025 9.50 Lacs
Tender For supply of stationary. - letter receipt register 300 pages ledger paper, letter receipt register 300 pages ledger paper, copy book 3 column column column column column column column column column column column 200 pages ledger paper, register lined full size 500 pages, register lined full size 300 pages, register lined full size 180 pages, register lined full size 120 pages, register lined green paper ledger new cloth binding 500 pages, register lined green paper ledger new cloth binding 300 pages, register lined green paper ledger new cloth binding 200 pages, office attendance register 26 name full size s-121a carbon blue os full size rate per packet, carbon black os full size rate per packet, photostat rim good quality per ream a-4a photostat rim good quality per ream a-3a photostat ream good quality per ream legal size, file less gross good strong thread rate per packet, file tag per packet 100 pcs, gum camel 700 ml bottle, gum camel 200 ml 3 bottle, stamp pad your brand big size, stamp pad your brand small size, pin packet 100 gms rate of 3 packet, postage pad four fold cloth/resin per piece, file pad cloth diaper, pen refill cello red/blue/black/green, demand maintenance register 100 pages nagar palika a demand maintenance register 200 pages nagar palika a postal register 100 pages, peon book 100 pages per book, stapler pin big course brand a stapler pin small course brand a stapler big kangaroo brand a stapler small kangaroo brand a stamp paid ink big bottle blue, stamp paid ink big bottle red, stamp paid ink small bottle blue, stamp paid ink small bottle red, marker pen course brand a high letter course brand a challan book time book, permanent stock register 100 pages, temporary stock register 100 pages, salary bill register 100 pages time register, pay posting, t.a. bill register, p.l. register, c.l. register, medical bill register, postage stamp register, favistik small course brand, vehicle logbook, pen drive 16 gba pen drive 32 gba pen drive 128 gba taperoll half inch, taperoll one inch, punching mean small size, punching mean big size, plastic folder, cobra file, ball pen cello, ball pen jetter, bitter paper, calculator small size citizen company, calculator big size oreva company, p.f. diaries, envelopes a-4 size, envelopes legal size, envelopes small size
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