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Starch Powder Tenders

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Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :39101039 Due date: 10 Feb, 202510 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of supply of sodium chlorite (naclo2) at iocl barauni refinery.


CTN :39076174 Due date: 28 Jan, 202528 Jan, 2025 3.50 Lacs
Tender For supply of sodium hypo chlorite liquid (bleaching liquid) and periodical maintenance at water head works and borewells for various sites in karaikudi city municipal corporation.

CTN :38921154 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of bib tap two way , wire cloth , wire mesh , hand shower , non returing valve , over head shower , two way angle cock , butt hinges , water pipe , coupler , elbow , hinges , flush cistern , brackets of ms , white putty , towel ring , bend , floor trap round , floor trap square , clamp , swr pipe , water tank , whb flat back , ewc china ware , tube light fitting led , switch socket combine , led lamp , fan capacitor , door bell , fan regulator , bell push switch , switch , socket , mcb , calcium hypo chlorite , scs 10 k chlorite dioxide , alum crystal , sodium hypo chlorite , poly aluminium chlorite , aluminia ferric , bleaching powder , copper cable , tape insulation , modular socket , plug top , lamp holder batten , end cap , nipple , taflon tape , hole tight cotton , cable lugs

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :39040605 Due date: 12 Feb, 202512 Feb, 2025 15.00 Lacs
Tender For tender for supply of chemical - calcium carbonate nanopowder. 80 nanomater, nm), 98 percent 500 gram, calcium carbonate nanopowder, 80 nanomater, mm), 98 percene 500 gram, zinc oxide nars?????? (???? 11. 30 ???????? nm), 98.9 percent 100 gram, magnesium oxide nanopowder, 50 nanomitter (nm), 29.5 percent 25 gram, billicon dioxide nanopowder, 15 nanometer (nm), 99.5 percent 100 gram, fullerene c60, 99.5 percent 250 milligram, methyl red indicator 125ml, nutrient agar 5000, hydrogen peroxide 100ml, polyvinyl alcohol 500g, soyabean caesin digest medium 5000, nutrend broth 500g, glycine 500g, picnic acid 500g, paraffin yellow pure 500g, nesalers reagent 100ml, potassium lodide pure 90 percent 100g, mercuric chloride extrapure 98 percent 100g, starch soluble extrapure 500g, pikovskaya broth (medium) granulated 500g, soyabean caesin digest agar 500g, potato dextrose agar 500g, d-(+)-glucose anhydrous 500g, di-sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous 500g, calcium chloride dihydrate extrapure ar 5000, manganese (ii) sulpate monohydrate pure 500g, edta disodium salt dihydrate pure 500g, ammonium chloride extrapure ar 5000, sodium chloride extrapure ar 500g, agar powder bacteriological grade 500g, chitosan 500g, silver nitrate hi-ar acs 250, carrageenan 500g, chromeazurol 525g, caloum phosphate tribasic (tricalcium phosphate), ethanol 500ml, guaiacol extrapure 250 gram, borbitol 500 g, xylenol orange tetrasodium salt acs 5g, trypan blue 250, niro blue tetrazolium chloride extrapure 250 mg, molecular biology grade ammonium sulphate 5kg, acetic acid glacial 2.5 tter, molecular biology gradecelytramethylammankas brow, tris buffer 1, molecular biology grade phenol tris equilibrated with, molecular biology grade glycerol 10 kg, edta disodium salt 5 kg, molecular biology grade glycine 500 g, imidazole extrapure ar grade 2 ter, isopropanol molecular biology grade 1, polyvinylpyrolidone k30 100 ml, diethyl pyrocarbonate molecular biology grade 200 m, dithiothreltol molecular biology grade 100 g, mes monohydrate buffer molecular biology grade 1, potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate molecular bi, potassium phosphate dibasic anhydrous pure 1kg, luria bertani broth, miller 1 kg, buffer solution pf 4 500 mi, buffer solution ph 7.500 ml, dimethyl sulphoxide (dmso) extrapure 99 percent 10, hydrochloric acid 2 ags solution 1000ml, abts exdrapurte (22 azino-bis-3 ethylbenzothiazoline, methyl organge 25 g, congo red 25 g, mueller hinton agar 100 g, sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous acs 500 g, sodium phosphate monobasic anhydrous ar 500g, methyl red extrapure ar 25 g, boric acid extrapure ar 500g, potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate 500 g, calcium nitrate tetrahydrate acs 500 g, hydroxylamine hydrochloride 500, perchloric add 70 percent 500 ml, sodium hydroxide pellets acs 500g, gaffic acid pure 100 g, gibberellic acid for tissue culture 10 g, nutrient broth 500g, nutrient agar no 2500 g, acetone pure 2500 ml, bovine serum albumin bsa ph5250, buffer solution ph 9.2.500 ml, calcium carbonate 500 g, cinc acid anhydrous 500g, potato dextrose agar pda 500 g, sabouraud dextrose agar sda 500, titanium dioxide catalyst nanopowder 50 nm 25 g, anaembic agar 1100 g, lysozyme 1 g, zinc sulphate heptahydrate 500, ninhydrin extrapure 100, czapek dox agar 500 g, potassium chlorite acs 500 g, sodium chloride acs 500 g, potassium hydroxide pellets 500 g, sucrose for molecular biology 500g, calcium nitrate tetrahydrate acs 500 g, potassium bromide 1m solution 500 mi, silver nitrate 01 n 500 ml, titanium dioxide extrapure 500 g, potassium persulphate extrapure 500 g, quercetin dihydrate extrapure 25 g, acetone 5 her, gibberflic acid (gaj) bioreagent suitable for plant cefi culture 90percentage gibberellin a3 basis (of total gibberellins)10, mercuric chloride extrapure 96percentage 25 g, d glucose 25 g, sulphuric acid 500 mi, trichloroacetic acid 5 g, polyvinylpyrrolidone 100 g, potassium iodide 100 g, folin-clocaltou reagent (fcr) 200, sodium nibite har acs 250 g, aluminium chl

CTN :38904296 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of mcb , calcium hypo chlorite , scs 10 k chlorite dioxide , alum crystal , sodium hypo chlorite , poly aluminium chlorite , handle , tower bolt , sliding door bolt , sliding door bolt , cupboard handle , helical door spring , die cast body hydraulic door closer , floor door stopper , door lock , magnatic catcher , hw beeding , nail , screw , plain glass , figured glass , wall putty , curtain rod , curtain rod braket , curtain rod holder , nails of wdn beeding , looking mirror , mirror cabinate , ss coat hook , aluminium hasp and staple , stainless steel hasp , hook and eye , plywood bwr , tube , tank nipple , tank cover , elbow , socket , union , tee , nipple , adhiesive , butt hinges , thread roll , epoxy compound , stop cock , angular cock , piller cock , bip tap head washer , connection pipe , waste pipe , waste fitting , couppling , head for whb mixer , health faucet , flush tank , jet spray , ewc seat cover , over head shower rose , wall mixture , towel rail , soap dish , glass corner shelves , grating , float valve , bib cock , concealed stop cock , fancy tap , flot valve , syphone set for llfc , liquid chemical , flush strip , bib tap two way , wire cloth , wire mesh , hand shower , non returing valve , over head shower , two way angle cock , water pipe , coupler , hinges , flush cistern , brackets of ms , white putty , towel ring , bend , floor trap round , floor trap square , clamp , swr pipe , water tank , tube light fitting led , switch socket combine , led lamp , fan capacitor , door bell , fan regulator , bell push switch , switch bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5794090 dated/ + : 10-01-2025 bid document/ 2 2 1 / 113

Central Government / Public Sector

CTN :38811481 Due date: 27 Jan, 202527 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of sodium chlorite solution 25%

State Government

CTN :38907392 Due date: 28 Jan, 202528 Jan, 2025 37.45 Lacs
Tender For supply and delivery of sodium hypo chlorite solution to various ohts and pumping stations in public health sub division, iph division, pwd, karaikal for the year 2025

CTN :38889062 Due date: 29 Jan, 202529 Jan, 2025 6.86 Crore
Tender For lab equipment for integrated science lab, physics lab chemistry lab and biology lab - electronic balance, dropper (glass), platinum wire, spatula, crucible tongs, petridish, rubber corks, cork borers,, forceps, blue litmus paper, tripod stand, filtering funnel, porcelain evaporating dish without lid., filter paper, measuring cylinders (glass), measuring cylinders, red litmus paper, test tube brush, test tubes holder, flasks erlenmeyer's (conical flask), flasks erlenmeyer's (conical flask), beakers, glass tube, glass rod, thermometer - mercury, watch glass, capillary tubes, dropping bottles, reagent bottles,, test tube stand, test tubes with rim, wash bottle, wire gauge, universal clamps, boss head, cast iron, black painted,, with c.p. screws, stand : rectangular cast iron painted, base with mild steel chrome plated or, powdered coated rod., water bath, universal ph paper, blow pipe (iron), burette, funnel stand or filter stand (wooden), burette clamp, gas jar, gas generator - kipp's, flask volumetric, pipettes, pair of gloves, safety spectacles, chemicals, acetophenone, acetone 99% extra pure, aniline, aluminium sulfate extra pure, ammonium hydroxide (ammonia, solution, 30%), ammonium bromide, ammonium carbonate, ammonium acetate extra pure, ammonium oxalate extra pure, ammonium thiocyanate 98% extra pure, ammonium sulfate 98% extra pure, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride 99% extra pure, borax na2b4o7.10h2o (di-sodium, tetraborate decahydrate, benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, benzil, barium nitrate, barium carbonate, barium chloride, bromine water, calcium carbonate, calcium chloride, calcium oxide powder (quick lime), calcium sulphate, calcium hydroxide, calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, carbon disulphide, cupric sulphate pentahydrate, charcoal block, chloroform, cobalt nitrate, copper metal turnings, 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazene, disodium hydrogen phosphate, fehling's solution a, fehling's solution b, ethanol, hydrogen peroxide solution, 6% (h2o2), iron(ii)sulfide fes, iron sulphate heptahydrate, lead acetate trihydrate, lead nitrate, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, manganese chloride tetrahydrate, manganese dioxide mno2, methyl orange, mohr's salt hexahydrate, nessler's reagent, oxalic acid, phenol, phenophthalein indicator solution, potassium chloride, potassium hydroxide, potassium ferricyanide, k3[fe(cn)6], potassium ferrocyanide, potassium iodide, potassium thiocyanate, porassium carbonate, potassium dichromate, potassium chromate, potassium permanganate, resorcinol, red lead, pb3o4, sodium acetate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium bismuthate, nabio3, sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, sodium cobaltinitrite, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrite, silver nitrate 0.05n volumetric, solution, sodium nitroprusside, sodium sulphate, starch powder, strontium carbonate 98% extra pure, strontium nitrate, acetic acid glacial, zinc carbonate, zinc sulphate heptahydrate, beaker, perforated beaker, measuringcylinder, conical flask, wash bottle, glass slide, cover glass(cover slip), pipette, burette, funnel, capillary tube, thermometer, mortar & pestal, balance, heater, petridishes, specimen tray, reagent bottle, test tubes, test tubes stand, test tubes holder, ph paper, blotting paper, whatman filter paper, cotton roll, foreceps, needle, brush, ph meter, ganong's potometer, ganong's respirometer, simple microscope, compound microscope, glacial acetic acid, ethanol, aceton, formaldehyde, glycerin, glucose, sucrose, fehlingsolution'sa, fehling's b solution, sudan iii solution, millon's reagent, iodine solution, human skeliton, charts on, models on, pedegree chart, t. s of testis, t.s of ovary, t.s. of blastula, bacteria, oscillatoria, rhizopus, spirogyra, amoeba, hydra, parenchyma tissue, collenchyma tissue, sclerenchyma tissue, xylem tissue, phloem tissue, vernier callipers, screw gauge, spherometer, beam balance+ wt box(gm+mg), stop watch with

CTN :38848934 Due date: 27 Jan, 202527 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of electrical terminals as per is 8309 (q3) , piano type modular domestic electrical sockets - is 1293 (q3) , piano type non modular domestic fan regulator as per is 11037 (q3) , bayonet lamp holders as per is - 1258 (q2) , piano type non modular electrical switch socket combination as per is 3854 and is 1293 (q3) , non - modular piano type domestic electrical switches as per is 3854 (q3) , elecric bells and accessories as per is 2268 (q3) , electrical plugs (v2) isi marked to is 1293 (q2) , fixed capacitors (fixed capacitor for single phase ac electric fan) as per is 1709:1984 (q3) , led street light driver 72 watt , led street light driver 90 watt , 11 kv heat shrink straight through joint 120 sqmm 3 core , 11 kv heat shrink straight through joint 70 to 95 sqmm 3 core , heat shrinkable straight through joint 1point1 kv for xlpe cables from 4x 16 sqmm to 4 x 25 sqmm , heat shrinkable straight through joint 1point1 kv for xlpe cables from 3point5 x 35 sqmm to 3point5 x 50 sqmm , lt straight through joint heat shrinkable 1point1 kv xlpe cable for 3point5 x 70 sqmm to 3point5 x 95 sqmm , lt straight through joint heat shrinkable 1point1 kv xlpe cable for 3.5 x 120 sqmm to 3point5 x 150 sqmm , change over switch 200 amp , heating element 2000watts , heating element 1500watts , distribution box 4 way spn double door ip 43 , distribution box 8 way spn double door ip 43 , thermostat geyser , pvc casing caping 25mm or 1 inch length 3m , pvc casing caping 20mm length 3m , insulation tape 25mm , modular ac starter , poly aluminium chloride , sodium hypo chlorite , calcium hypochlorite altoch gp make altoch , aluminium door stopper 100mm long with leg , aluminium door stopper 150mm long with leg , gasket rubber for door 2mm thick and 50 mm wide. , hydraulic door closer heavy duty upto 65 kg capacity , ss wire mesh 15 mtr roll 18 kg in 1 roll , ht cable 3 core 95 sqmm 33 kv
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