Tender For supply of flexible poly vinyl chloride (pvc) flooring to size 16000 x 1625 x 2 mm thick to rds o approved sample no. nacflg -02 for non ac coaches and compatible 2 mm dia. transparent pv c electrode of length 30 metres per roll to rdso spec. no.rdso/2006/cg-12 rev-2 of sep.2023 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of flexible poly vinyl chloride (pvc) flooring sheet in rolls of size:- 1850 mm width x 16.3 metre l ong of 2mm nominal thickness for ac emu coaches conforming to rdso spec.no. rdso/2006/cg12(rev. 1) with latest amendment . colour as per rdso approved sample code -nacflg-02. note: - firm should su pply suitable pvc welding electrode of length 60 metre per roll. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]
Tender For supply of "flexible poly vinyl chloride (pvc) flooring to size 16000 x 1625 x 2 mm thick to rdso approved sample no. nacflg -02 for non ac coaches and compatible 2 mm dia. tr ansparent pvc electrode of length 30 metres per roll to rdso spec. no.rdso/2006/ cg-1 2(rev -1 of aug.'08 with 5 amendments-last amd no.5 issued in july.2019 and corrigendum 1 of june 15)." [ warranty period: 84 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of flexible poly vinyl chloride (pvc) flooring, sheet of heterogeneous type in length of 14000 mm, width 1620 mm and thickness 2mm....
Tender For supply of flexible poly vinyl chloride (pvc) flooring sheet in rolls of size: 1850 mm width x 16.3 m eter long x 2 mm nominal thickness for lhb non-ac coaches. material and specification : rdso's spe c. no. rdso/2006/cg-12 (rev. 1 with 5 amendments, last amend.5 of july 2019 and corrigendum 1 of june 2015) ; colour: as per rdso approved sample code: nacflg-02. [ warranty period: 84 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For flexible poly vinyl chloride (pvc) flooring sheetin rolls of size; 1620 mm width x 14 meter long of 2 mm nominal thickness. conforming to rdso spec.no. rdso/2006/cg-12(rev.-2.of september-2023). colour as per rdso approved sample code -nacflg-02. firm should supply suitable pvc welding el ectrodes 45 metre per roll. [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]