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Tender For 1 in12 bg 60kg weldable cms crossing on psc sleepers in accordance with rdsos standa rd drawing no t-6412 including supply of 6mm thick grooved sole plate (drawing no rdso/t- 6204 to rd so/1-6211, rdso/t-6843 to rdso/t-6846, excluding standard fish plates, fish bolts and nuts, er clips, in sulating liner etc specification: irs t-29-2023 with latest alterations no.04. the term latest alterations [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacture and supply of 1 metre long fish plate for 60kg (uic)/60e1 rails confirming to rdso drg. no. t-5916 (alt-nil). each set of 1 metre long fish plates comprises of (i) 1 metre long fis h plates with 6 holes to drg. no. t-5916 - 02 nos., (ii) bolts and nuts to drg. no. t-1899 06 nos., (iii) si ngle coil spring washer to rdso drg. no. t-10773 - 06 nos. specification: irs t-1-2021 (first revision ) with latest alterations if any up to date of tender closing. [ warranty period: 30 months after the d ate of delivery ]
Tender For manufacturing and supply of overriding curved switches 60 kg 1 in 16 conforming to r dso drg. no. t-5692 with latest alterations, complete with all fittings as listed in the drawing excludin g grooved rubber sole plates, insulating liners, fish plates, fish bolts and nuts. elastic rail clips, plat e screws etc. specification: irs specification: irs/t-10-2023 with latest alterations. the term "latest al terations" wherever used will mean the alteration up to the actual date of opening of tender . [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For rate contract manufacture and supply of 10125 mm over-riding curved switch 60 kg 1 in 12 conforming to rdso drg. no. t-4219, alt-10 with all fittings as per parts listed in the drawing but excluding ncr grsp, insulating liners, erc, fish plates and fish bolts as per annexure-a. specificatio n: irs specification irs:t-10-2025 this is a safety item [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For rate contract manufacture and supply of 6400 mm over-riding curved switch 60 kg 1 i n 8.5 conforming to rdso drg. no. t-4966, alt-7 with all fittings as per parts listed in the drawing but excluding grsp, insulating liners, erc, fish plates and fish bolts as per annexure-a. specification: irs specification irs:t-10-2025 this is a safety item . [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of del ivery ]
Tender For supply of joggled fish plate 60 kg with bolts, nuts and washers to rdso drg no. rt-5849 alt 1 and co nforming to irs specification no. irs/t-1-2021 (with latest alteration ) (each set of joggled fish plate 60 kg with bolts, nuts and washer to rdso drg no. rt-5849 alt 1 comprises of 2 nos. of joggled fish plates, 2 nos . bolts and nuts to drg no.t-11513, 2 nos. of single coil spring washers to rdso drg no. t-10773 and as p er specification: irs: t-42-2020 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For manufacturing and supply of 6400 mm curved switch with zu-1-60 thick web grade 880 class a tongue rails and uic 60 kg/m, g rade-880, class a / class b prime quality stock rails with elastic fasteners and spring operated setting device (rdso drg. no. t-6216 read along with latest alteration) complete (with check rail) with all fittings for 1 in 8.5 bg 60 kg turnout for fan shaped layout on psc sleeper (i.e. all fittin gs for switch portion as per sub assembly drg. no. t-6280 alt. 06 and confirming to specification irs t-10 as amended up date in accordance wi th drawing no. t-6279 (read along with latest alteration) excluding standard fish plates, fish bolts and nuts erc, insulating liners. pre-curving of tws and lh / rh will be manufactured as per purchaser's requirements. (the alterations in drawing and specification issued by rdso up to the date of tender publication shall be applicable.) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of 10125 mm curved switches with zu-1-60 / 60e1a1 thick web grade 880 class a tongue r ails and uic 60 kg/m grade-880, class a/b stock rails with elastic fasteners and spring operated setting device (rdso-t/6216 read along with alterations), complete with all fittings for 1 in 12, bg 60 kg turno ut for fan shaped layout on psc sleepers i.e. all fittings for switch portion as per sub assembly drg. no. rdso/t-6155 (read along with latest alterations) in accordance with rdso standard drawing no.t-6154 (read along with latest alterations) excluding standard fish plates, fish bolts and nuts, er clips & insulat ing liners, conforming to spn: t-10-2023, with latest alteration/corrigendum if any as amended upto dat e of closing of tender. the list of fittings as per annexure-c. any additional or modification to the list of fittings issued by rdso in subsequent alteration up to the date of closing of tender is also to be supplie d by firm for which no additional payment would be made. note:- asymmetrical zu rails for tongue rails as well as rail for stock rails & check rails shall be arranged by vendor at his own cost. the quoted rate shall be all inclusive of above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]