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Storage Water Tank Tenders

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State Government

CTN :38557579 Due date: 26 Dec, 202426 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For building material - thanapsakpadah 2 inch pins iron bars tested iron/bars (pap danta j) 8 bars iron/bars (pap danta j) 10 bars iron/bars (pap danta jhd) 12 bds lappatma cement (chbp pap 1489/1991) 50 litres, 53 liters of sand per cubic meter. sand-clean as per standard, ballast 20 mm per cubic meter, ballast 40 mm. per cubic meter, stone dust (sajvadum knej) per cubic meter, murum hard per cubic meter, pottery size of baked brick 94 inch per thousand, brick (sal. i.t.b.) size (94) inch per thousand, sal/bija frame per square feet, palla door q1. 36'x70' feet 30 mm per piece board waterproof laminated, palla door q2. 29'x70' feet 30 mm per piece board waterproof laminated, pipe 1 inch c.p.v.c., l.p 20 feet per piece a pipe 1.5 inch c.p.v.c. 20 feet per piece a pipe two inch c.p.v.c. ? 20 feet per piece a pipe three inch c.p.v.c. 20 ft per piece a plastic water tank four layer 1000 litre per piece ppa plastic water tank four layer 500 litre per piece ppa plastic water tank 6 mm (2x2 ft) per sq. ft. double charge a granite per sq. ft. tata steel profile sheet 4x10 mm 25 gauge (0.5mm), tata steel profile sheet 4x12 mm 25 gauge (0.5mm), tata steel profile sheet 4x14 mm 25 gauge (0.5mm), tmt frame and counterfeiting parts, cement frame 36'x70' per piece, iron frame 36'x70' per piece paver block per piece

CTN :37986497 Due date: 24 Dec, 202424 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of tank mbt arjun spares - n1-arj-1015012817 cap mtrl no 10577633 , n1-arj v14801292007 tool for gland mtrl no 10447211 , n1- arj-1015012880 assy muzzle cover mtrl no 10450002 , n1-arj-5220014734 assy gauge plug bore lover limit mtrl no 10443026 , n1-arj-5320027460 rivet mtrl no 10444525 , n1-arj-5315031676 split pin 2 5 14 is 549- 2005 mtrl no 10446629 , n1-arj-1015012814 lever v54801292027 mtrl no 10449944 , n1-arj-5180001492 tool for cap rear mtrl no 10449947 , n1-arj- 5120423348 assy c spanner mtrl no 10450099 , n1-arj- 5310-251550 nut hole type mtrl no 10446638 , n1-arj- 5305-099138 socket head screw hole type mtrl no 10450860

CTN :38518540 Due date: 31 Dec, 202431 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of r1 spare for plant equipments - innersia break , txn filter , elbow on by pass filter , oil filter , fuel filter , hydraulic filter , air filter , steering filter , universal joint , head light with bulb , txn filter , front light , fuel filter , air cleaner filter , battery terminal , water pump , oil filter , hyd filter , fuel tank tilter , fuel filter cotton , working light with bulb , indicator back light , tie rod , front main light , bucket lock nut bolt , bush , grease nipple , accelerator cable , lifting pump , cabin mounting pad , jcb stud , jcb 3dx tube size 12 and 5 80 or 18 , jcb 3dx tube size 16 and 9 x 18 , ana bond , m-seal , emery , wire brush , third tape , adaptor , gear key , wheel bracket 27 x 30 , socket set small , cutting player , screw driver small , spray gun , stud , d shackle , vall die , pressure gauge , air line , head light , indigator with bulb , fan belt , mud filter cotton type , steering filter , hyd filter , solonide switch , universal joint , stopper cable , hrs mtr cable , head light with cable , baby filter , water temp gauge , oil temp gauge , amp mtr , recoil spring seal bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5683460 dated/* : 10-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 59

CTN :38556384 Due date: 02 Jan, 202502 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of earth moving equipment - disc , knob , key , edge cutting , pin , bit end rh , bit end lh , pin and chain , nut , bolt , washer spring , hook , terminal positive , terminal negative , cable assembly , bearing , carrier roller assy , bearing needle , bushing , seal , seal dust , lamp assy , cable tachohourmeter , tacho hour meter , lamp halogen , horn , switch temperature , battery relay , cable assy , bushing rubber , grommet , valve drain , strainer , guage level , cap assy vandalism , hose , seal oil , element filter , gauge oil level , sight gauge , ammeter , water temp gauge , fuse box 6 way , fuse box cover , charge lamp , wire harness , instrument panel , hose assy , dash lamp , eng oil pressure gauge , switch starting , lamp indicator , lamp indicator eop , lamp indicator ewt , switch light , booster assy , lock , plate , inertia brake assy , main clutch pump assy a , operator seat assy , bolt joint , radiator assy , cap , plug grease diccharg , seat grease filler , cylinder , seal ring assy , sprocket , breather , ring seal piston seal , track roller assy df , track roller assy sf , seal kit , spring , seal bearing , gasket , control valve assy , collar , gear driven forward , o ring , gear driven reverse , gear driven 4th , gear driven 3rd , gear driven 2nd , gear driven 1st , ring seal , fuel tank service kit , main cluth service kit , transmission service kit , final drive sevice kit , streering system service kit , brake service kit , brake lining service kit , streering control valve service kit , streering strainer service kit , streering filter service kit , streering piping service kit , main cluth piping service kit , track frame service kit , cylinder stay service kit , hydraulic tank service kit , hydraulic pump piping service kit , hydraulic piping service kit , blade lift cylinder service kit , quick drop valve service kit , gear coupling 5m , stud , rubber , steering pump assy , magnet , screen , pad rubber , pin master , seal dust master , universal joint assy , hose fuel , 4st relay , tube , jack cyl seal set , recoil spring piston seal kit , band brake , pin centre , engine stopper cable , collar gear , fork assy , fork sliding rod , seat spring bid details/ 2 / 135

CTN :38557713 Due date: 02 Jan, 202502 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of fan belt , air filter , gasket set complete , oil filter , fuel filter , push tube seal upper lower , fuel pump assy , oil pressure gauge , fuel pipe line tank to feed pump , fuel hose t type , fuel flexible pipe filter to pump , fuel filter element , temp pressure gauge , fuel gauge , bty amp meter , body lamp , amp meter , oil filter element , fuel filter assy , plunger pump , fuel flexible pipe , fuel pipe tank to filter , injector assy with nozzle

CTN :38557725 Due date: 02 Jan, 202502 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of fuel pump assy , injector nozzle , piston ring set , big end cell , main bearing cell end , main bearing cell , engine valve set , fuel filter carteradge , stud , benjo union , anabond tube gen set , bty charging circuit , sleeve cylinder , small end bush , clamp , oil filter assy , oh gasket set , push tube seal , head gasket , oil filter carteradge , thrust washer , nut bolt , piston assy , oil pressure gauge pipe , fuel pipe line , element oil filter , element fuel filter , benjo washer , benjo bolt , air filter element , fuel tank , avr assy , silencer assy , switch push buton bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5694905 dated/* : 11-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 28

CTN :37769169 Due date: 23 Dec, 202423 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of tank primary radar gauges at vijaywada tl - sup of primary radar ag tanks fr crvt , erec instal of primary radar ag tanks fr , commisioning testing of ag tank radar , supply of water ag tanks radar , insta erection water ag tank radar , comistng testing of water ag tank rada , tankside indicator w lcd display , insta erection tsi , comistng testing tsi , sup of ag tank pt with 2 valves , insta erection pt with 2 valves , comistng testing of pt , sup of mst cum wls ag tanks , insta erection mst cum wls ag tanks , comistng testing mst cum wls ag tanks , supply of radar level gauge for ug tanks , install erection of ug atg probe , commisioning testing of ug atg probe , sup of sst cum wls ug tanks , insta erection sst cum wls ug tanks , comistng testing mst cum wls ug tanks , sup of density probe for ug tanks , insta erection density probe for ug tank , comistng testing density probe for ug , sup of ciu with redundancy , insta erection ciu with redundancy , comistng testing ciu with redundancy , sup client pc with tfms s w , insta erection computer interface unt , comistng testing computer interface un , manditory spares as per list , camc for 8 years , oem service engineer 8 hrs , sup of density probe for ag tanks , comistng testing density probe for ag

CTN :38583143 Due date: 20 Dec, 202420 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply and installation of 2000 ltr stainless steel storage water tank.

CTN :38589016 Due date: 24 Dec, 202424 Dec, 2024 52.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of supply, installation, testing and commissioning of primary radar gauge,sitc of secondary radar gauge,sitc of multistage temperature sensor,sitc of pressure transmitter,sitc of vft level switch,sitc of tank side indicator,sitc of push button,sitc of emergency push button,camc of equipments,sitc of open path type hcd,sitc of point type hcd,oem engineer visit

CTN :38588622 Due date: 03 Jan, 202503 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of injector assy fuel,element air filter,gauge assy fuel level,generator assy,oil seal,assy auxilary water tank
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