Tender For providing and laying s.w. sewer line and constructing septic tank for toilet of office and studio at akashwani chh. sambhajinagar aurangabad
Tender For construction of senior secondary school at sari in distt. shimla himachal pradesh. sh construction of building portion, w.s. and s.i., septic tankand soak pit, rain harvesting tank, retaining wall and site development
Tender For construction of of govt high school buildign at sarkidhar sub tehsil rewalsar, distt. mandi (hp) (sh preparation of working estimate for construction of building portion with ws&si, septic tank, rwhs and development of site etc)
Tender For construction of samudayak bhawan, library-cum-museum centre at gemur, distt. lahaul and spiti (h.p.)(sh site development, basement i and ii, and septic tank)
Tender For tiruppur corporation_construction of septic tank and providing maintenance and special repair work at thiruvalluvar nagar community toilet in ward no 25
Tender For repair and replacement of sewage line, cleaning of septic tank, manhole, soakage well at various units under aor of age b/r-i and age b/r-ii under ge 873 ews.
Tender For repair, cleaning of sewage line, manhole, septic tank and allied works in ml, dsml, np, dsnp, officer np,and 9 area including otm accn under age br-i of ge (af) adm area at af stn, agra.