Tender For supply of electrical goods in the year 2025-2026 in panagudi town panchayat - 1x40 w tube light, 1x40 w copper chocke, 1x40 w tube light starter, tube light side holder, 4ft.alu.street light fittings and chock ,starter without lamp, fittings side tagged, bulb upto 100 w, bulb holder, fittings top clamp, insulation pvc taproll (10 mtr), 250 w sodium vapour lamp, 250 w sodium vapour choke, 250 w sodium condenser (33mfd), 250 w sodium vapour ignator, 250 w s.v. lamp holder, 250 w s.v.fittings complete set (without lamp), 150 w sodium vapour lamp, 150 w s.v.chocke, 150 w s.v.condencer, 150 w s.v.ignator, 150 w s.v.fittings, 150 w s.v.holder, 70w s.v.lamp, 70w s.v.chocke, 70w s.v.condencer, 70w s.v.ignator, 70w s.v.fittings, 70w s.v.holder, 125 w m.v.chocke, 125 w m.v.condencer, 125 w m.v.holder, 125 w m.v.lamp, 1x40 watts heavy duty electronics chocke, 400 w m.h.lamp, 400 w m.h.chocke, 400 w m.h ignator, 400 w m.h.condencer, 400 w m.h flood light fittings, 400 w m.h control gear box, 250 w m.h. lamp, 250 w m.h.chocke, 250 w m.h ignator, 250 w m.h.condencer, 250 w m.h.fittings, 150 w m.h.lamp, 150 w m.h.chocke, 150 w m.h.ignator, 150 w m.h condencer, 150 w m.h.fittings, 70w m.h.lamp, 70w m.h.chocke, 70w m.h.fittings, 1/18 pvc copper wire (90 mtr), 3/20 pvc copper wire (90 mtr), 7/20 pvc copper wire (90 mtr), 7/18 vir copper wire (90 mtr), 7/16 pvc copper wire (90 mtr), hookup wire (90 mtr), 1.5 sqr mm alu. wire (90 mtr), 3/20 pvc aluminium wire (90 mtr), 7/20 pvc aluminium wire (90 mtr), 18 pvc aluminium wire (90 mtr), 7/16 alu.pvc wire (90 mtr), silk wire 2core copper, s.v.clampset with bend pipe, t5 fitting clampset, bend pipe with wire, cfl fittings clampset with bend pipe, st.light clampset bend pipe, sodium vapour acurlic cover, st.light fittings acurlic cover, cfl acurlic cover, st. light automatic on/off digital timer control panel board with 40amps contactor.., st. light automatic on/off mechanical timer control panel board with 40amps contactor., 7 days mechanical clock, electronics 7 days digital clock, electronics 7 days clock battary, 40amps contactor control switch, contactor coil 220v-250v, st.light switch box, main,clampset with service pipe, t5 2x24 watts power saver chock., t5 power saver lamp 24 watts, 2x24 watts t5 flourescent power saver street light alu. die cast fittings(ip 65) with lamps., 2x14 watts t5 flourescenr power saver street light alu die cast fittings(ip 65) with lamps., 4x24w t5 flourescent power saver alu fitting, chock with lamps., t5 power saver patt fittings with lamp 28watts, 36w compact flourescent lamp(cfl)., 36watts cfl chocke, 1x36 watts compact flourescent lamp (cfl) fittings, industrial electronics type chock withlamp, 2x36 watts alu st. light compact flourecent lamp(cfl) fittings, industrial electronics type chock withlamp ., fan (crompton), gi wire 7/20., gi wire 20 no., hand clous set, solar light post 11watts cfl with all accessories complete set, d.p switch 32a/240v, solar light post 15watts led with all accessories complete set, solar light post 20 watts led with all accessories complete set, solar light post 10watts led with all accessories complete set, cfl 20 watts direct, cfl 15 watts direct, fuse unit 16/240 volt, fuse unit 16/415 volt, fuse unit 32/415 volt, fuse unit 63/415volt, fuse unit 100/415 volt, fuse unit 200/415 volt, fuse unit 400/415 volt, main switch 16/240 volt, main switch 32/240 volt, main switch 32/415 volt, main switch 63/415 volt, main switch 100/415 volt, main switch 200/415 volt, single pole mcb, 4pole mcb, mcb box, 20 w led street light luminaire comprising of epoxy power coated hsg. enclosed with glass cover in frame., 24 w led street light luminaire comprising of epoxy power coated hsg. enclosed with glass cover in frame., 30 w led street light luminaire comprising of epoxy power coated hsg. enclosed with glass cover in frame., 48w led street light luminaire comprising of epoxy powder coated hsg. enclosed with glass cover in frame., 50w led street light
Tender For corrigendum : e tender for lab items - drabkin solution for hb estimation, tlc dilueting fluid, tlc pipette, dlc diluting fluid, dlc pipette, platelate count fluid, esr pipette disposable, anti a sera, anti b sera, anti d sera ( igg & igm), anti human globulin ( coombs reagent), normal saline, test tube glass 12 x75, test tube glass 12x100, droper plastic, slide pkt iso mark, cover slips 18x18, giemsa stain, leishman stain, paraffin oil, slide tray aluminum, distilled water, methanol, reticulocyte count fluid, methylene blue soln, brilliant cresyl blue soln, eosinophill count fluid, hemocytometer ( counting chamber ), bt ct capillary, filter paper, stop watch/timer, alcohol swabs, sickling test for sickle cell anemia, sickling rapid test for sickle cell anemia, nestroft test for screening of thalessemia, dcip for screening for hbe hemoglobinopathy, quantitative test g6pd deficiency, malaria rapid card test, pt reagent, sodium citrate tube for pt test, aptt reagent, calcium chloride soln, hcg ( pregnancy card), urine strips for ph,sg,tlc,glu,bil,uro,ketone,protein,nitrate, urine container plastic 30ml, test tube disposable plastic 12x100 ( 4 " ), urine strips for microalbumin, urine strips for acr, test kit for stool for ova and cyst, test kit for occult blood, semen diluting fluid, dengue rapid card test (igg,igm & ns1 ag combo), typhoid card test antibody, rpr /vdrl test for syphilis ( rapid card tests), rapid test card for the simultaneous detection of malara pv/pf antigen, s.thphi ( igm antibodies) and dengue ns1 antigen from a single card ( combo), hiv rapid card test with single step procedure ( serum and plasma), hbsag rapid card test 0.1 iu/ml senstivity, anti hcv rapid card test, rapid test card for the simultaneous detection of hiv 1& 2,hcv,hbsag ,syphilis from a single card ( combo), afb stain kit, widal test kit, blood sugar kit, gtt test kit, bilirubin total & direct kit, creatinine kit, urea test kit, uric acid test kit, sgpt test kit, sgot test kit, alkanine phosphate test kit, total protein test kit, albumin test kit, globulin test kit, total cholesterol test kit, triglycerides test kit, vldl direct test kit, hdl direct test kit, ggt test kit, amylase test kit, iron test kit, tibc test kit, hba1c test kit, s.calcium kit, s.magnesium test kit, acid phosphatest test kit, grams stain soln, thorat swap for diphitheria, visual inspection acetic acid, rk 39 for kala azar by rapid card test, smear for filaria, montex test 5tu, montex test 10tu, tuberculin syring for montex test, troponin i rapid card test, trop t rapid card test, ra quantitative test kit, crp quantitative test kit, aso quantitative test kit, blue tips, clot activator non vaccum tube double cap, edta nonvaccum tube double cap, jsb stain 1, jsb stain 2, keto stix, lugol iodine, methanol 5ltr, microscope bulb, printer paper roll 57mmx10mtr, printer paper roll 57mmx20mtr, sodium citrate soln, sodium hypochlorite soln, tissue paper roll, urine strips 04 parameter, yellow tips, electrolyte analyzer as per enclsoed technical specifications, 5 part hematology analyzer as per enclosed technical specifications, fully automated immunoassay analyzer ( clia) as per enclosed technical specifications, semi automated bioschemistry analyzer as per enclosed technical specifications
Tender For supply of dglp re 20 - 2 point 3 percent sodium hyaluronate 0 point 60 ml average molecular weight 3200999 daltons classification viscoadaptive , airway long transparent oropharyngeal set consisting of size size length 000 3 point 5 00 5 point 0 05 point 0 1 7 point 0 2 9 point 03 10 point 0 4 1 point 0 , apparatus oxygen portable light weight tubing 122 cm white mask adapter and bayonet connection for , bag rebreathing antistaic rubber 2 ltr , laryngoscope adult bulb for , tube endo tracheal armoured styllet for , tube endo tracheal catherer mount for , tube endo tracheal oral with inflatable cuff tube and pilot bag 5 point 0 mm internal diameter
Tender For supply of electric item at electrical store npp amla financial year 2025-26. - supply of electric item at electric store npp amla financial year 2025-26., tape roll (anchor or equivalent make), wire 6 sqr mm aluminium (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, wire 8 sqr mm aluminium (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, wire 10 sqr mm aluminium (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, wire 12 sqr mm aluminium (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, wire 1.5 sqr mm copper (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, wire 2.5 sqr mm copper (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, flexibe wire 2.5 sqr mm (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, capacitor (33 f ) isi marked, capacitor (50 f) isi marked, delta connected bank capacitor (4kvar, delta connected for 15 h.p. 3 phase motor), 36 w u-type energy efficient rods (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, ignitor for sodium vapour or metal hallide lamp (bajaj or equivalent make) 70/150/250/400 w, 24 w t-5 energy efficient rods (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, 2x24w choke (bajaj or equivalent make), 36 w choke (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, 150 w hpsv bulb (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, 250 w hpsv bulb (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, 150 w hpsv copper ballast (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, 250 w hpsv copper ballast (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, 2*36 w fixtures with choke but without rods (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, 4*24 w fixtures with choke but without rods (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, ceiling fan (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, g.i. clamp for street light ( 3 kg weight, 0.5 kg nut-bolt, 1.5 feet total, 0.5 feet straight and 1 feet bent at 45 degrees angle ), 2 core, 230 v, 50hz, 8 sqr mm service line cable (r.r.cables or havells or equivalent make) isi marked, kit-kat fuse (32 a), kit-kat fuse (65 a), wooden board (1.5 feet*1 feet), iron nails, 24 w t-5 rod holder isi marked, 36 w u-type energy efficient rod holder isi marked, electric shock proof rubber gloves (tested upto 11 kv, with test report), electric shock proof shoes (bata or karam or equivalent make,tested upto 11 kv, with test report), mccb (25-100 a , 70-100 % variable setting, siemens or havells or equivalent make), cable wire (service line) 2 core, 2x24w rixture with choke but without rod (bajaj or equivalent make) isi marked, led driver 50/100/150 watt, electronic, wireless, remote oprated bell, led driver 50 watt, led driver 100 watt, led driver 150 watt, led driver 200 watt, led light 50 watt, led light 70 watt, led light 100 watt, led light 150 watt, table fan