Tender For structural strengthening of dilapidated rcc structure, waterproofing and repair works on third floor (south-west) of cedmap building at 16-a, arera hills, bhopal, m.p. nit-63
Tender For corrigendum : repair maintenance and addressing leakage seepage from water retaining rcc structure under age b r ii of ge nw navy nagar coloba mumbai
Tender For acesic-02/ bcd-04/2024-25 construction of r.c.c. trough wall and bed lining from rd 500m to 3500m of nahanga distributary including improvement to service bank and repair of structure.
Tender For acesic-02/ bcd-03/2024-25 construction of r.c.c. trough wall and bed lining from rd 100m to 3000m of panichhatra distributary with improvement to service bank and repair of structure