Tender For repair maint of sewage pump sewage treatment plants dg sets of various capacities servicing and maint eot crane and connected miscellaneousellaneous em work repair maint of cooling appliances with connected miscellaneousellaneous items and repairs maint fire fighting pipe lines hydran
Tender For corrigendum : repair and replacement of fire alarm system fire hose reel drum hydrants sprinkler system fire pump journey pump and periodical testing of fire fighting system at coaba mil stn under ge (west) mumbai
Tender For corrigendum : manual rescue and operation rescue of ac plant, pump house, elect supply installation including repairs at maintenance of (mb) ghatkopar and repair/replacement of summer appliances and fire fighting system at nchc powai and maintenance of (mb) ghatkopar under ge (nw) bhandu
Tender For maintenance of electrical installation and fans including street light compound light and repair maintenance of 200 kva diesel generator set mp set fire fighting and fire alarm system and annual comprehensive maintenance of lift at income tax residential campus hengrabari guwahati during 2024-25 sh-supply of different types pump for standbysubwork/packages:supply of different types pump for standby
Tender For maintenance of electrical installation and fans i/c repair maintenance of of water supply pump set, sub station, dg set, wet riser, fire fighting system, automatic fire alarm system, ac units, street lights etc at office building and qel lab building, spices board, kochi during 2024-25. sh. maintenance of iei and fans, operation of pump set, dg set, wet riser system, annual maintenance contract of dg set, split ac units, servicing od sub station eqpt, transformer oil filteration etc.
Tender For moei, replacement of lamps and tubes, fire alarm, epabx and repair maintenance of pump set and diesel generator set at grand hotel shimla. (sh:- minor / major complaints pending in grand hotel and gpra qtrs).subwork/packages:sh:- minor / major complaints pending in grand hotel and gpra qtrs.
Tender For armo of ei, sub station, dg set, water supply pump, stp lift , acs plant, wtac stac unit and fire fighting system at nfsu complex sec-3 and 5 rohini delhi during 2024-25 (sh- repair of main gate )subwork/packages:repair of main gate
Tender For repair maintenance of e and m services installed at delhi high court, new delhi (sh comprehensive maintenance of diesel engine at fire fighting pump rooms)
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c428; l90 domestic sea water pump fitted in pump area not getting started on investigation by ships staff suspected that impeller of the same jammed and fault may b..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c428; l91 01 in no loop of ships fire detection system is showing open loop and mains fault in fds display defect to be investigated rectified and proved for satisf..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c428; l92 01 in no microwave and 02 in nos refrigerators securing arrangement broken view rough sea and general wear and tear same to be secured with proper securin..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - icgs c428; l93 02 in nos flood light at qdeck and 02 in nos ay flag deck not working on investigation found that cable from main deck distribution box point of light sho..,repair, main
Tender For corrigendum : repair and maintenance of gi and ci pipe lines, pump motors and connected works and fire fighting system at cgra and dhq-7 at paradip under ge (i) (cg) bhubaneswar