Tender For corrigendum : urgent mechanical repair works to be carried out for submersiblepumping unit having discharge 4000gph at wss mc2 medical college srinagar.
Tender For annual rate contract for replacement of repair of hc pumps, submersiblepumps, monosubmersiblepumps and motors, extraction and lowering old submersiblepumpsets installed at various pumping stations in jal shakti (phe) division samba
Tender For comprehensive operation maintenance and repair of electro mechanical works of submersiblepump, polder type sub pump and mono sub pump of pumping machinery with associated mechanical and electrical equipments instruments & accessories etc for 3 years for different head works of radhanpur santalpur rwss.
Tender For supply and erection of submersiblepumping machinery and centrifugal pumping machinery with its allied accessories and laying jointing and testing of rising main 65mm dia gi medium class duly ms flanged every 100 mtrs ic intermediate butt weldi
Tender For a/mtc. of ephs (w/s) in sector-18, u/e panipat. providing, testing, erection of clear water submersiblepumping set, 80mm gi pipes and electric control panel board and joining of 3 core 6sqmm flat cable at existing t/well no. 6 in sector-18 complete in all respect and all other works contingent thereto.