Tender For supply of lab chemicals - kit for estimation of cholesterol , kit for estimation of glucose , kit for estimation of triglyceride estimation , kit for estimation of urea , kit for estimation of ldh , kit for estimation of amylase , kit for estimation of cpkmb , urine test strips albumin , kits for estimation of creatinine , kit for estimation of bilirubin , hbsag rapid test kit , kit for estimation of widal , stain leishman pkt of 500 ml , micro tips for 10 , micro tips for 500 , malaria paracheck rapid kit , uric acid , ra factor , dengue kit of ten test , drabkin , crp kit 50test , keto strip 100 test , light liquid paraffin , edta vaccutainer , sterile vaccutainer , bottle top dispenser , urine container
Tender For supply of hospital lab reagent - cholesterol kit 5x20 ml , triglyarides kit 4x6 ml , hdl kit 5x20 ml , uric acid 5x10 ml , creatinine 2x60 ml , urea 5x20 ml , bilirubin 2x60 ml , sgpt alt 5x20 ml , sgot ast 5x20 ml , glucose kit 2x200 ml , urine reagent strips , widal test beacon 4x5ml , maleria test card , trop-i test , pregnancy test kit , clot activator tube , edta test tube , sodium citrate 3.8 persent tube , disposable syringe 3 ml , disposable syringe 5 ml , disposable syringe 10 ml , dispo van 2 ml , typhidot test , glucose test strip model no.bg- 03
Tender For supply of drug and lab chemicals purchase - kit urea 20 intu 5 ml , kit bilirubin total direct 2 intu 60 ml , kit creatinine 4 intu 50 ml , kit total protein 5 intu 20 ml , kit albumin 5 intu 20 ml , kit sgot 5 intu 20 ml , kit sgpt 5 intu 20 ml , kit alkaline phosphate 2 intu 2.2 ml , kit cholesterol 5 intu 20 ml , kit hdl cholesterol 2 intu 50 ml , kit triglycerides 5 intu20 ml , kit widal test 4 intu 5 ml , kit hiv i and ii 1 intu 50 card , tissue paper roll , micro pipette tips 50 200 micro lit pkt of 1000 tips , micro pipette tips 100 1000microlit pkt of 1000 tips , kit hbsag pkt of 01 30 test , test tube washing brush , borocil glass test tube 5 ml box of 100 , kit calcium 2 intu 50 ml , malaria paracheck card pkt of 100 test , kit ra factor 1 intu 2 ml , kit anti hcv ab pkt of 01 30 test , uri di sticks 1 100 test , kit c reactive protein 1 intu 2.5 ml , kit anti sera a b d 1 intu 2 ml , vacationer sterile tube pkt of 100 tube , urine container sterile bott , microscopic slides pkt of 100 slides , accucheck glucometer strip pkt of 100 strips , vacationer edta pkt of 100 tube , disposal esr tube pkt of 100 tubes , vacutioner sodium fluoride pkt of 100 , vacationer sodium citrate , glass cover slip 18mm pkt of 10gm , kit uric acid 5 20 ml , kit glucose 10 200 ml , sodium hypochloride solution bid number/ ( ( ) ) : gem/2024/b/5751006 dated/ * : 25-12-2024 bid document/ 2 2 1 / 29