Tender For corrigendum : management and maintenance of chhatrapati shivaji maharaj swimmingpool in survey 705 on akashvani kendra gangapur road in nashik west division for a period of 10 years as per the terms and conditions of live and license tender
Tender For repair maintenance of of various electrical and mechanical services at icisa sector 62 noida up sh operation and routine maintenance of hot and cool swimmingpool water with suction sweeper
Tender For operation and routine maintenance of filtration plant, dozing of chemical for filtration of water and cleaning of swimmingpool water with suction swipper at air force station near cpwd enquiry sub station no 3 hindan ghaziabad
Tender For supplying and mixing of chemical for disinfection/filtration of water at swimmingpool sport complex sector 27, chandigarh for the period 01.04.2025 to 31.10.2025 7 months ch to annual maintenance of swimmingpool at sport complex sector 27, chandigarh
Tender For maintenance of various e&m services at dr. spm, swimmingpool complex, talkatora, new delhi during 2024-25 (sh- supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vrv system in various locations).subwork/packages:sitc of vrv system in various locations
Tender For repair and maintenance of filter media at filtration plant no-i and ii, swimmingpool and other allied works under garrison engineer (army) jamnagar at inf line jamnagar
Tender For construction renovation and running operation maintenance and management of swimmingpool after converting the swimmingpool into all weather swimmingpool indoor swimmingpool gymkhana club sector29 gurugram
Tender For repair and maintenance contract for all civil infrastructure of hostel blocks, cafeteria, guest houses, cottage, swimmingpool, radar building, navigation building and all other allied facilities at catc prayagraj during the year 2025-27
Tender For engaging of man mazdoor on outsoursing basis for maintanence of borewell mechanics, swimmingpool, skating ground, central median maintenance and office attenders in mangalagiri urban and merged villages for the period from april 2025 to september -2025 (six months) in mangalagiri tadepalli municipal corporation on outsourcing basis under municipal general funds