Tender For staff call bell indicator based device 230v ac with inbuilt 01nos buzzer, 01nos reset button & 01nos indicator. accepted make:- max, press fit, charms or similar. one sample should be approved by consignee before supply material.
Tender For corrigendum : supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb non ac chair car (108 seater)., as per drawing: lj64007 alt b item no. 1, 5, 6, 8, 9,13 to 15,17,19,20,22 & 25 with braille script to icf/md/spec-253,rev.00, packing instruction:pi136 ver 1.0, lettering inside: one complete s et of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. different subsets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subsets. letters packed in eac h subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : emergency flush button, p ress for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attendant, push, pull, n o smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser , no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush, fire preventio n and safety, marking of lavatories / body side door, notice for lavatories, drinking w ater, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. seat & berth:- sticker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, notice for unreserved coaches. air brake: - reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, closed, open, hand brake panel : furnish p late, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull window glass inside, indication plate & stic ker for emergency window, emergency openable window the cardboard box shall carr y a qr code having details as listed below : 1 name of the manufacturer 2 purchase order number 3 purchase order date 4 unique serial number ( or lot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or 5 date o f manufacture 6 delivery challan no. 7 delivery challan dat e the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be av ailable as xml using the tags detailed above. incase the above details are not available , or the qr codes are not readable, the supplied material is liable to be rejected. [ warr anty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For empanelment of the vendor for supplying institutional fashion designing tool and stationery item on rental basis at bipard - students notes, sewing machine tool kit, dexterity test kit, chalk &marker (chalks & markers of different colours), tech pack/ specification sheet, trims/accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch, file, measurement sheet/ size chart, buyer requirement/ comment sheet, fashion forecasting books/journals/magazines, pantone shade card, white /black board marker, blackboard/whiteboard, magnetic white board/black board eraser, punching machine, cello-tape (transparent and foam double sided tapes,, single sided tapes), fabric glue, glue stick/fevicol/adhesive, stapler (small and big size), paint brushes (different sizes), colour (poster colour, water colour, acrylics, pastels, fabric, printing dyes and colors and materials etc), carbon paper (a4, yellow, red and white carbon), tailors chalk, marking chalk (yellow/pink/ green/ blue coloured), pinking shears, scissors (plastic handled scissor for cutting paper, labels & stickers (qty may vary as per requirement), paper (various quality and sizes), pattern drafting paper, paper cutter, design transferring paper, carbon paper (various colours), sharpener, note books, eraser, pencil (hb, 2b, h, 2h, 4h,4b, 6b, 8b), highlighter (quantity may vary as per requirement), fabric pins, dress maker's pin (quantity may vary as per requirement), push pins (quantity may vary as per requirement), teacher's chair, teacher's table, student's chair (with table arm), stools for cutting, pattern table /cutting table, boxes and pouches for storing items, dustbin, pin cushion (quantity may vary as per requirement), trim/accessory buttons, surface embellishments, zippers, etc assorted, qnt may vary), fabric yardages, surplus fabric, good quality muslin madatory, other optional, qnt may vary), embroidery frame (various sizes and shapes qnt may vary), hanger (wooden and plastic material), bobbin case (qnt may vary), bobbins (qnt may vary), sewing threads (surplus thread is used. the quantity, thread, packaging, variety may vary as per requirement), embroidery thread as per req, hand notcher (pattern notcher), button hole scissor, attachments for sewing machine (as per req), machine needle and hand needles (various, gauges), embroidery needles, machine oil, machine tool kit (screw driver, screw etc.), sewing kit (includes thread clipper/hand trimmer, seam ripper, fabric cutting scissors, tracing wheel, measuring tape, etc), types of scales: normal straight big ruler, hip curve, leg, shaper, pattern master, frenchcurve etc, drawing board (any size wooden), garment, made ups and home furnishing samples ((qnt may, vary), machine tool kit, press/iron (any type) with table, embroidery machine with stool and table, cleaning cloth, over lock machine (5 thread over lock machine) with stool, stools for sewing depending on no. of machines, sewing machine with tables (domestic or industrial snls as, per requirement), mannequin (male or female , size m), printer, design softwares (coral, photoshop etc), first aid box & fire extinguisher, computer & computer peripherals, students notes, sewing machine tool kit, dexterity test kit, chalk &marker (chalks & markers of different colours), tech pack/ specification sheet, trims/accessory /fabric and embroideries samples/swatch, file, measurement sheet/ size chart, buyer requirement/ comment sheet, fashion forecasting books/journals/magazines, pantone shade card, white /blackboard marker, blackboard/whiteboard, magnetic white board/black board eraser, punching machine, cello-tape (transparent and foam double sided tapes,, single sided tapes), fabric glue, glue stick/fevicol/adhesive, stapler (small and big size), paint brushes (different sizes), colour (poster colour, water colour, acrylics, pastels, fabric, printing dyes and colors and materials etc), carbon paper (a4, yellow, red and white carbon), tailors chalk, marking
Tender For udhyog raw material supply at district jail rajgarh - teak wood all sizes, satkatha wood all sizes, ply 4x8 (8mm), ply 4x8 (12mm), ply 4x8 (19mm), batten board 4x8 (19mm), sunmica 1.1mm all corners, biranchi nail all sizes, screws all sizes, saagi beading half round, new plastic, white pencil, thinner, chandr juice, chalk clay, sand paper 100,60 no., turkish amber, touchwood, sandpaper, cloth roll, stapler by raw material, sweet yellow colour, oil paint 01 litre, a pack of four faced, flat, hand needle 6,7,8 no., main plate small, big, tailoring chalk, khaki chain, bobbin case full round. bobbin case half round mean, mean needle round head, mean needle flat head, pawdi rod small/big mean, pawdi small/big mean, press button, mean oil, white thread, khaki thread, coloured thread, khaki button nylon, white button nylon, interlock thread, inch tape 1.5 meter, khaki lining 36 in length, paste buckram 60 in length, high hook, khaki chain, bobbin full round mean, bobbin half round mean, material strip, thread set small/big mean, tailor scissors brass handle 12 number