Tender For sp.121 nctps ii es circle em i division sub division ii unit i and ii running maintenance contract for switchgear bus ducts gcb dry type transformers and oca panel for 360 days for the period up to 31st march 2026 from the date of taking over of
Tender For operation and routine maintenance of electrical equipments installed in various sub-stations at iit delhi. - operation and routine maintenance of sub-station equipments installed at following locations:, (a) sub-stations :(i) main sub-station --- 11kv ht supply 11 panel board(ii) bharti s/stn. --- 02 x 1000 kva trs. and 11kv ht 13 panel board & lt panels(iii) tifac s/stn. --- 01 x 630 kva tr. and 11kv ht 1 panel board & lt panels(iv) chemical engg. s/stn. --- 01 x 1000 kva & 01 x 1250 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(v) library sub-station --- 01x750 kva tr. and ht & lt panels(vi) computer sub-station --- 01 x 750 kva tr. and ht & lt panels(vii) m.s.b. sub-station --- 02 x 1000 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(viii) civil engg. sub-station --- 02 x 1000 kva trs. and ht & lt panels, (ix) nilgiri sub-station --- 02 x 500 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(x) hospital sub-station --- 02 x 1000 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(xi) synergy sub-station --- 01 x 1000 kva tr. and ht & lt panels(xii) zanskar sub-station --- 01 x 1000 kva tr. and ht & lt panels(xiii) himadri sub-station --- 01 x 1000 kva tr. and ht & lt panels(xiv) girnar sub-station --- 02 x 1000 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(xv) 6 rmu sub-station --- 11kv ht supply 7 panel board(xvi) block-vi nrf sub-station --- 01 x 1000 kva tr. and ht & lt panels, (xvii) lhc sub-station --- 02 x 2000 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(xviii) ri park s/station --- 01 x 2000 kva & 01 x 1000 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(xix) dronagiri sub-station --- 02 x 1600 kva trs. and ht & lt panels(xx) sahyadri sub-station --- 01 x 1250 kva tr. and ht & lt panels(xxi) block no. 99 b sub-station --- 01 x 2000 kva tr. and ht & lt panels(xxii) block no. 99 c sub-station --- 02 x 2000 kva trs. and ht & lt panels, (b) maintenance of sub-stations equipments includes the following: (a) cleaning of the premises and electrical equipment like transformer, switchgear, ht panel lt panels etc. with material. (b) oiling and greasing of the equipments as & when required. (c) defects of any kind / fault of routine nature shall be attended by the contractors staff and rectified immediately. however, material required for same shall be provided by the department(d) contractor shall depute qualified staff for operation and routine maintenance as under:(i) skilled/ mechanic - 12 nos.(ii) semiskilled/ fitter/ gittiman - 02 nos.(iii) unskilled/ helper - 13 nos. (iv) ht supply technician - 01 no.(v) ht supply foreman - 01 no.one job means to carrying out this work by deputing above specified staff for one month.
Tender For supply and installation of 1no 12 kv scada compatible shunt trip incomer, 1no bus coupler switchgearpanel with vcb compatible to 110 volt dc at nt-ia 33/11 kv s/stn for evacuation of 11kv power from 3rd ptr of capacity 6.3 mva under newtown division
Tender For corrigendum : works of preventive maintenance, shutdown & emergency maintenance of generator relay panel(grp), ht/lt switchgear, 400/220kv/gis switchyard /coal yard c/r relay panel compartment cleaning, tb tightness, electrical testing kit lifting/shifting work etc. unit-1 to 8 at gsecl-wtps.
Tender For repair/maint of external lt supply lt panel board lt switchgear overhead line and allied works at various sub stn of chcc bh sho soi pda cmdc echs and college of nursing under age e/m (hosp) under ge e/m lucknow
Tender For corrigendum : augmentation of 33/11 kv, 1x20 mva and 1x16 mva transformer with 2x25 mva transformer including replacement of outlived 01 no. 11 kv switchgearpanel board with new 11 kv panel board and complete civil works at 220 kv substation patparganj