Tender For procrement of jcb spares - 1340 0701z nut 3 oblique 4 3dx super oblique ch i coma ii oblique ch xxxi c d e f w , 826 00303 plough bolt 3 oblique 4 inch unfx70mm 3dx super oblique ch i ii oblique ch xxxi c d e f w , 816 60040 nipple screw 3dx super oblique ch xix b , 32 925994 element fuel sedimentor filter 30 microns diesel filter pc , 40 304179 wheel nut 3 oblique 4 16unf torque 680nm 3dx super oblique ch xix a , 40 300750 bush , 531 03209 side cutter lh , 332 y7526 mid clamp 3dx super oblique ch xxxi g , 32 920300 filter element 125micron 3dx super oblique ch iii e , 32 915801 element air safety 3dx super oblique ch xxvi c , 332 y5412 4h15410000 injector with vco 5x0 point 190x150x13deg , 40 301494 grease bucket pump 3dx super ch vii c , 1406 0018 washer bonded 1 by 2 inch bsp 3dx super ch xxi ch xxxi aa , 25 220998 solenoid valve p92 3dx super ch xv f chxxi b , 332 f4944 front windscreen 3dx super chiv r , 001 00235 grease bucket pump with hose 001 00226 and angle p , 229 00750 130 90028 pressure hose , 813 50012 brake seal 3dx super ch xix d , 40 303388 12v changeover relay 3dx super ch ix e , 4h61810000 water pump assembly , 333 y7353 inner cable 3dx super ch xi b , 336 y2211 130 90030 air filling adaptor 3dx super ch xx c , 701 y1372 ignition 3dx super ch ix a , 40 302254 radiator top hose , 4811701000 fuel filter element , 811 90478 811 50398 pivot pin , 450 10202 904 50033 seal , 40 301794 kit std 3dx super ch vii c , 808 00297 bush 3dx super ch v c e , 827 20176 upper glazing door , 40 300660 40 300661 kit spider , 730 90800 side lightrear , 130 99567 socket 3dx super ch vii d , 613 00100 hose , 714 20500 wiper arm , 646 05321 646 05321 adhesive 3dx super chiv n o p q r u , 123 04473 hand brake gaiter , 40 301610 bush 3dx super ch vi i u , 40 302376 filter assembly hydraulic return 3dx super chiii e ch xvii a , 40 302605 tail lamp rh , 40 303517 rubber mounting , 613 20700 hose , g65 0 bush spring , 730 04030 working light , 40 302937 l h six light glass side , 40 302938 r h six light glass side , 40 302940 r h six light glass rear , 811 80001 pivot pin 3dx super chi chv fgt chxxxi y , 907 04100 bearing spurpinion , 911 12400 wa pivot pin 3dx super ch xxxi ac , 40 302784 door stay , 811 80018 pivot pin , 333 y6808 top hose bend 3dx super ch xxviii b , 126 02253 335 y6895 track rod link 4wd3dx super ch xviii l , 40 302723 sender water temp , 611 01100 hose , 700 20500 interior lamp 12v , 550 42395 914 35502 flange yoke p12 p92 3dx super ch xx f , 123 02096 gaiter , 130 14030 repair kit , 130 14031 tool kit , 130 99506 handle 3dx super ch vii d , 30 600142 hose radiator top , 106 73709 40 301095 hyd oil filter plug , 40 302931 glass l h 1 4light clear , 40 302932 glass r h 1 4light clear , 637 31200 hose , 827 20170 lower glazing door clear , 907 20043 bearing tapper roller 3dx super ch xix c , 914 86202 spider assy 3dx super ch xviii fg , 40 302627 floor mat protector p92 , 332 y3443 2h30101000 starter , 335 f9166 hose rb 3dx super ch xxxi ac , 333 y2922 inner latch assy rh 3dx super chiv o , 40 302804 hose , 40 302806 hose , 40 302915 hose , 613 00700 hose , 629 80037 hose , 907 05700 bearing outer hub , 914 35200 prop shaft front , 914 35501 spider kit , 914 60223 propshaftp92 3dx super ch xx ef , 123 02457 gaiter , 123 02450 l h door latch , 701 60004 40 303239 switch panel 3dx super ch ix ab , 701 80317 switch engine water temperature , 40 301761 r h latch boom lock 3dx super ch vi h , 40 301773 hose 1 by 4 bore 620mm 3dx super ch xiii q , 40 301952 hose , 40 302190 hose , 40 302555 hose , 40 302681 hose , 40 302803 hose , 40 302808 hose , 40 302811 hose , 40 302939 l h six light glass rear , 40 303394 liner bearing 3dx super ch vi h , 612 80079 hose 3dx super ch xiii f , 320 08680 alternator 12v 95a 3dx super eng xxxix e , 811 70049 pivot pin , 320 a7086 320 07280 fuel filter assy30 mic 3dx super ch xxx c , 333 y6805 bottom hose bend 3dx super ch xxviii b , 332 y9876 air filter 3dx super ch xxvi ac , 334 y0840 rea
Tender For corrigendum : supply of various spares for ushp-i, sumbal-carbon brushes for slip ring (as per sample)11 kv cable jointing kit 120-185 mm211 kv cable jointing kit 400-500 mmm2hrc fuses 32 amphrc fuses 36 amphrc fuses 63 amphrc fuses 100 ampturbine guide bearings chamber ss studs of sizes (as per sample)s s stud for top cover, 24 mm ( as per sample)s s stud for top cover, 22 mm ( as per sample)lock pin for gv (as per sample)accentric/ concentric pins (as per sample)cup seal (as per sample)o-ring of sizes (as per sample)gland seal (as per sample)ferrobustus bush for guide vane top/ bottom ( as per sample)cherwran packing (7 pc/ set) (as per sample)rubber hose pipe 1.5 inches110v contactor (as per sample)brushes for olg motor (as per sample)gop coupling (as per sample)mechanical seal for gop motor (as per sample)gaskit for gop (as per sample)steel wire of governor panel with pully (complete as per sample)hose pipe for servo motor of miv (as per sample)high pressure water rugulating valve 4" (sluice type with flange )mccb 100 a,3, 415 v (as per sample)mccb 63 a,3, 415 v (as per sample)mcb 25a /32a (as per sample)hrc fuse 100 a (as per sample)11 kv drop out/ fuse set (heavy duty)11kv lightening arrestor, line type(heavy duty)"11kv go, ab switch 3-phase, 3-pole, 200 amp, vertical type"isolator for 33kv with earthing bladela set for 33 kv33 kv 10kn polymer post insulator 36kv,170kv impulse, creepage distance, 1224m11 kv link set plumber block (as per sample)air brake contactor of 32 a (as per sample)air brake contactor of 63 a (as per sample)air brake contactor of 100 a (as per sample)steel rope 13mmalmunium step ladder extendable 40 ft
Tender For rate contract for supply of spares,minor stores items,equipments,hardware items and tandp,equipments required - al. thimble 95 mm heavy duty (conforming isi standards), al. thimble 120 mm heavy duty (conforming isi standards), al. thimble 185 mm heavy duty (conforming isi standards), al. thimble 300 mm heavy duty (conforming isi standards), al. thimble 400 mm heavy duty (conforming isi standards), al. thimble 630 mm heavy duty (conforming isi standards), al. bus bar of sizes, bus bar insulator (conforming isi standards), 11 kv disc insulator porcelain b&s 45 kn (conforming isi standards), 11kv disc insulator (polymer) 45kn, t&c/b&s (conforming isi standards), 11 kv disc fittings g.i heavy duty b&s conforming isi standards), 11 kv disc fittings g.i heavy duty t&c(conforming isi standards), 11 kv hg set (heavy duty)/do set (conforming isi standards), 11 kv la set porcelain (station type) (heavy duty) 9 ka (conforming isi standards), 11 kv la set porcelain (line type) (heavy duty) (conforming isi standards), go set with pipes complete/ galvanized (heavy duty) post insulator 9 nos. (conforming isi standards), guy insulator lt/ht (conforming isi standards), guy wire 7/14 swg 11kv pin insulator with pin (polymeric) (conforming isi standards), shackle insulator (conforming isi standards), nuts & bolts of sizes, old cotton saries, lt spacers 3 wire heavy duty(conforming isi standards), lt spacers 4 wire heavy duty(conforming isi standards), lt spacers 5 wire heavy duty, red oxide paint /narolac/asian, aluminium paint /narolac/asian, change over switch (63 amp) (heavy duty) (conforming isi standards), change over switch (100 amp) (heavy duty) (conforming isi standards) change over switch (200 amp) (heavy duty) (conforming isi standards),, change over switch (400 amp) (heavy duty) (conforming isi standards), change over switch (600 amp) (heavy duty) (conforming isi standards), 11 kv link set 16 size 50x6mmx420mm(conforming isi standards), 11 kv drop out set heavy duty(conforming isi standards), 11kv la set line type polymeric 9 ka (conforming isi standards), 11kv la set station type polymeric ka (conforming isi standards), 11 kv ct/pt units of various ratios including 3-phase, 4 wire trivector meter with compatible meter box and pvc copper control cable 10 core having 10 mtr. length.(conforming isi standards), 11 kv ct/pt units of various ratios including 3-phase, 4 wire trivector meter with compatible meter box and pvc copper control cable 10 core having 10 mtr. length.dry type with box complete (conforming isi standards), g.i. wire (8 swg), 3-phase, 4 wire trivector meter (secure make), meter box compatible for housing trivector meter, g.i flat strip 25x3 mm , earthing spikes 6ft., guy road complete 6ft.(16mm) with turnbuckle , anchor bolts, guy insulators along with nuts & bolts, prodigy meter (secure make), mccb 3 pole 63 amp (25 ka) (conforming isi standards), mccb 3 pole 100 amp (25 ka) (conforming isi standards), mccb 4 pole 100 amp (25 ka) ( conforming isi standards), mccb 3 pole 200 amp (25 ka) ( conforming isi standards), mccb 4 pole 200 amp (25 ka) ( conforming isi standards) mccb 3 pole 250 amp (25 ka) ( conforming isi standards), mccb 4 pole 250 amp (25 ka) ( conforming isi standards),, mccb 3 pole 250 amp (35 ka) ( conforming isi standards) mccb 4 pole 250 amp (35 ka) ( conforming isi standards), mccb 3 pole 400 amp (36 ka) ( conforming isi standards), mccb 4 pole 400 amp (36 ka) ( conforming isi standards), mccb 4 pole 630 amp. (36ka) ( conforming isi stadards), lt distribution board, pole mounting type, suitable for use with lt ab cable (5+1)(conforming isi standards), lt distribution board, pole mounting type, suitable for use with lt ab cable (7+1)(conforming isi standards), lt distribution board, pole mounting type, suitable for use with lt ab cable (9+1)(conforming isi standards), 33/11 kv hand gloves rubber (crystal make), safety belts safety helmets, safety jackets, search lights heavy d
Tender For procurement of ac compressor ref plant bock - a c compressor ref plant bock spares , a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , j , k , l , m , n , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y ,z , aa , ab , ac , ad , ae , af , ag , ah , aj , ak gasket set, cooling thermostat, valve plate complete, oilpump, oil sump heating kit, set connecting rod, setbearing flange front, connecting rod assy, gasket set,rear bearing for bock hg 5-945-4s, valve plate, set fixing,piston and connecting rod assembly, drier core, driercore, piston con rod assly, pressure switch, v-belt fo