Tender For corrigendum : ;deposit estimate of one no. 33 kv bay(earlier allocated to 33 kv substation jc-iv vide r567 dated 01.05.2018 at s.no. 4) at 132 kv s/stn. kamalpur for feeding the 33 kv s/stn. m/s iocl ,through an independent feeder as deposit work of m/s iocl. ( for remaining work marked in gelo r-4 ) -[dnit no.-96241]
Tender For corrigendum : estimate for creation of one no. 33kv bay at 132kv substation bhadson to accommodate new 33kv substation bhadson(12.5mva) in fy 2023-24 by hvpnl. vide r-1885 dated 18.04.2022
Tender For capital work at 220 kv substation, punnapra - capacity addition by installing 1 no additional 110/33 kv, 16 mva transformer - erection of c r panel, laying of control cable and power cable and control wiring for new 110 kv and 33 kv transformer bay
Tender For work of construction of 01 no. proposed 33 kv onega solar bay and shifting of 33kv bus of capictor bank along with equipments (under deposit head) and other related misllaneous works at 132 kv substation panwari under etd hamirpur.
Tender For work of construction of 01 no. proposed 33 kv albano solar bay (under deposit head) and other related misllaneous works at 132 kv substation panwari under etd hamirpur
Tender For nit for complete erection for construction work of 1no. 33 kv bus coupler bay with auxiliary bus at 132 kv substation khilchipur, under testing division biaora.