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Syringe Pump Scrap Tenders

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State Government

CTN :39089212 Due date: 24 Feb, 202524 Feb, 2025 187
Tender For tender for supply and installation laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test basis to at bmcri super speciality hospital(cprt) - hivrapidcardtest, nmo nmog antibodies ( csf ), nmo nmog antibodies ( serum ), para neoplastic profile ( csf ), para neoplastic profile ( serum ), auto immune encephalytic profile, myiasthesnia gravis workup, wilsons disease workup, peripheral smear for acanthocytes, apla profile igm, apla profile igg, anti thrombin 3 leiden, gram stain test, pap smear, platelet count test, indirect coombs test, direct coombs test, aec ( absolute eosinophil count ), pcv, bile salt and bile pigments in urine, fnac, biopsy hpe 4, biopsy hpe 3, biopsy hpe 2, biopsy hpe 1, serun procalcitonin, serum cholinestrace, serum ldh, brucella antibody igm, brucella antibody igg and igm, brucella antibody igg, aspergillus antibody igm serum, aspergillus antibody igg serum, aspergillus antibodies panel igg and igm serum, chikkangunya igm, dengue profile ( igg , igm , nsi ), serum digoxin level, helicobacter pylori panel igg and igm, helicobacter pylori igm, helicobacter pylori igg, koh for fungus ( sputum , blood and others ), pneumocystis carinii stain -sputum, pneumocystis carinii stain -fluid, montoux test, perpheral smear for malaria, automated semon analysis, serum complement(c4), serum complement(c3), sputum for culture and sensitivity, sputum afb smear, sputum analysis for cytology and malignant cell, toxoplasma antibodies panel igm, toxoplasma antibodies panel-igg, toxoplasma antibodies panel-igg and igm, serum copper test, vdrl, vidal test ( solmonella typhe o , h paratype ah & bh ), urine urobilinogen test, urine microalbumin-creatinine ratio (mcr ), urine for fungal hyphe, urine ketone bodies test, upt(urine pregnacy test), stool occult blood , stool for hanging drop preparation, stool for culture sensitivity, stool for afb stain, bile duct stent for culture and sensitivity, catheter tip for culture and sensitivity, cvp tip for culture and sensitivity, endotracheal aspirate (et) for culture and sensitivity, csf analysis, pericardial fluid analysis, pleural fluid analysis, asctic fluid analysis, afb smear (zn stain), serum phenobarbitone, serum sodium valproic acid test, serum phenotoin, serum cbz ( carbamezapine ), urine culture sensitivity, automated blood & sterile body fluid culture & sensitivity, blood culture and sensitivity ( automated ), estradiol, serum testostirone test, progesterone, c-peptide, pth (serum - parathyroid hormone), cartisol, prolactin test, fsh test, lh test, cea ( carcino embrionic antigen ), cancer antigen 15.3, cancer antigen 19.9, cancer antigen 125, beta-hcg, alpha pheta protein, anti-parietal cell antibody, amh test test, anti ccp antibodies, achr binding antibody ( acytile colin receptor ), urine protein (micro protein) 24 hr, urinary 5 hiaa urinary vma 24 hr, urinary vma 24 hr, urine osmolality, serum osmolality, serum ace ( angiotensine converting enzyme ), urine bencesjohns protein, urine homocystine, serum homocystine, urine routine ( ph , specific gravity , sugar protein and microscope ), portein s functional, protein c functional, ama ( anti mitochondrial antibody ), anca ( panca , canca ), anti ds dna antibody, serum electrophoresis test, anti ds dna, aslo titre, ana, hcv core antibody, hepatitis e antigen, hepatitis e igb, hepatitis a igm, cd4/cd8 ratio, hiv 1 and 2 wetern blot, hcv rapid cord test, hcv elisa cpr, hbsag rapid card test, hbsag elisa cpr, hiv elisa cpr, ada profile, ana profile (anti neuclear anti body), ra factor, c - reactive protein (crp) quantitative, nt probnp, d dimer test, prostate specific antigen ( psa ) free, prostate specific antigen ( psa ) total, anti tpo antibodies, free t4, free t3, tsh test, total t3 and t4, tft ( t3 , t4 , tsh ), serum thyroid profile, serum procalcitonin, cpk mb / ckmp, serum troponin i ( quantitative ), serumtroponin t ( quantitative ), serum troponin i ( qualitative ), serum troponin t ( qualitative ), serum lact

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38463252 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 138
Tender For corrigendum : e tender for supply and installation of medical laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test cprt basis to biochemistry pathology and microbiology central laboratory at hims hassan - hims automated blood and body fluid culture system, hims urine pregnancy test by card method, hims thromboplastin time, hims stool occult blood, hims urine routine ph specific gravity sugar, protein and microscopy, hims erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr), hims hiv combo, hims hbsag, hims vit d 25 oh, hims phosphorus, hims folate, hims uibc tibc, hims ckmb, hims cholinesterase, hims amylase, hims lipase, hims serum iron, hims ferritin, hims vit b12, hims uric acid, hims ldh, hims hs troponin, hims hdl, hims direct ldl, hims total cholesterol, hims triglycerides, hims calcium, hims hba1c, hims hscrp, hims ft4, hims ft3, hims tsh, hims ast, hims albumin, hims alt, hims alp, automated drug sensitivity test for cerebrospinal fluid (csf) / all body fluids (blood/urine/ascites/pleural fluids/pus /sputum, etc), prothrombin time (pt)/ international normalized ratio (inr), activated partial thromboplastin time (aptt), anti-hcv, hims total protien, hims bild, hims bilit, hims na , hims k, hims cl, hims creatinine, hims urea, hims glucose

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38678001 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 140
Tender For corrigendum : supply and installation of medical laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test (cprt) basis to biochemistry, pathology and microbiology at central laboratory at kodagu institute of medical sciences karnataka for the period of 05 years - hcv rapidkoimsmdk, hbsag rapidkoimsmdk, hiv rapidkoimsmdk, ddimerkoimsmdk, serum testosteronekoimsmdk, estradiol e2koimsmdk, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate dheaskoimsmdk, progesteronekoimsmdk, insulinkoimsmdk, cpeptide c peptide connecting peptidekoimsmdk, pthparathormonekoimsmdk, cortisolkoimsmdk, prolactinkoimsmdk, follicle stimulating hormone fshkoimsmdk, luteinizing hormone lhkoimsmdk, adrenocorticotropic hormone acthkoimsmdk, carcinoembryonic antigen ceakoimsmdk, calcitoninkoimsmdk, cancer antigen 153 ca 153koimsmdk, cancer antigen 199 ca 199koimsmdk, cancer antigen 125 ca 125koimsmdk, human chorionic gonadotropin hcg beta hcgkoimsmdk, alpha fetoprotein afpkoimsmdk, prostatespecific antigen psa freekoimsmdk, prostate specific antigen psa totalkoimsmdk, beta 2 microglobulin b2m b2 microglobulinkoimsmdk, drug sensitivity test for cerebrospinal fluid csf all body fluids bloodurineascitespleural fluidspus sputum etckoimsmdk, automated blood culture and sensitivitykoimsmdk, culture and sensitivitykoimsmdk, thyroglobulinkoimsmdk, thyroid stimulating hormone tshkoimsmdk, tetraiodothyronine t4koimsmdk, triiodothyronine t3koimsmdk, t3 t4 tsh thyroid function test tftkoimsmdk, calcitriol 25 hydroxycholecalciferol vitamin d3 assay vit d3koimsmdk, magnesiumkoimsmdk, chloridekoimsmdk, vitamin b12 assaykoimsmdk, serum ferritinkoimsmdk, serum ironkoimsmdk, lipid profile total cholesterol ldl hdltriglycerideskoimsmdk, rheumatoid factor rh factor testkoimsmdk, adakoimsmdk, liver function test lftkoimsmdk, kidney function test kftkoimsmdk, glycosylated haemoglobin hba1ckoimsmdk, blood gas analysis arterial blood gas abgkoimsmdk, troponin tkoimsmdk, troponin ikoimsmdk, cpk mb ck mb masskoimsmdk, acid phosphatasekoimsmdk, alkaline phosphatasekoimsmdk, lactate dehydrogenase ldhkoimsmdk, prothrombin time pt international normalized ratio inrkoimsmdk, creatine phosphokinase cpkcreatine kinase ckkoimsmdk, glucose tolerance test gttkoimsmdk, triglycerideskoimsmdk, anemia profilekoimsmdk, serum ammoniakoimsmdk, serum electrolyteskoimsmdk, serum potassiumkoimsmdk, serum sodiumkoimsmdk, serum magnesiumkoimsmdk, serum lactatekoimsmdk, serum lipasekoimsmdk, serum amylasekoimsmdk, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase sgot aspartate aminotransferase astkoimsmdk, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase sgpt alanine aminotransferase altkoimsmdk, total protein albuminglobulin ratio ag ratiokoimsmdk, serum phosphoruskoimsmdk, serum calcium totalkoimsmdk, glucose fasting and ppkoimsmdk, total iron binding capacitykoimsmdk, serum cholesterolkoimsmdk, albuminkoimsmdk, body fluid csfascitic fluid etcsugar protein etckoimsmdk, c reactive protein crp quantitativekoimsmdk, c reactive protein crpkoimsmdk, serum bilirubin total and directkoimsmdk, serum uric acidkoimsmdk, urine total proteinskoimsmdk, urine occult bloodkoimsmdk, urine ketoneskoimsmdk, serum creatininekoimsmdk, blood urea nitrogen bun ureakoimsmdk, urine pregency testkoimsmdk, twenty four hrs urine for proteinssodium creatinine 50 58koimsmdk, il6koimsmdk, cortisolkoimsmdkk, pro bnpkoimsmdk, anti ccp cyclic citrullinated peptidekoimsmdk, cholinesterasekoimsmdk, osmotic fragility testkoimsmdk, peripheral smear examinationkoimsmdk, differential leucocytic count dlckoimsmdk, total leucocytic countkoimsmdk , sickling testkoimsmdk, blood glucose random blood glucose fasting blood glucose ppkoimsmdk, bt and ctkoimsmdk, platelet countkoimsmdk, retic countkoimsmdk, coombs dctkoimsmdk, coombs ictkoimsmdk , blood grouping and rh typingkoimsmdk, mantouxkoimsmdkk, water analysiskoimsmdkk, torch igmkoimsmdkk, leptopsira ictkoimsmdk , activated partial thromboplastintime apttkoimsmdk, ot envoirmental swab culture swabkoimsmdk , mantouxkoimsmdk, water analysiskoims

CTN :39067678 Due date: 13 Feb, 202513 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of mt job order - yodha accelerator cable inner and outer complete set , repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha engine oil c 14 plus 15w40 , repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha brake fluid dot 4 , repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha tmgo ra oil 80w140 long life , repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha gear oil , repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha power steering fluid , repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha misc labour , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 counter gear shaft , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 gear shifter , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 roller bearing , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 third gear shaft , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 gear box packaging kit , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 oil seal , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 star pinion set , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 gear box main bearing , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 clutch plate and pressure plate , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 wheel balancing and alignment , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 supply fixing and replacement , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 seat cover , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 foot mat , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 transparent mat , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 carpet , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 side mirror , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 back light , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 front indicator l and r , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 water body set , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 engine oil api sn sae ow 16 , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 engine coolant , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 gear oil 75w , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 brake fluid clutch fluid , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 oil filter , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 fuel filter , repair and replacement to ba no 13c 096635m tata 207 di turbo 4x4 air filter repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha brake pad, repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha fuel filter element, repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha air filter element, repair ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha assy oil filter reduced length, repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha cotton piece, repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha wheel cylinder assy, repair and replacement to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha master cylinder, repair to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha kit lined shoe bs 1/2/3/4, repair to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha spring cylinder end, repair to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha spring auto aduster lever (l), repair to ba no 22c 110811m tata yodha spring abutment end, repair to ba no 22c 110811m tata bid details/ 2 / 46

CTN :39052242 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of stationary articles- agarbati (bharat darshan) , battery ( eveready) (a) , battery (eveready) (aaa) , bucket plastic ankur (18) , calculator (12 digit) (casio) , calling bell (remote) (cona) , calling bell ( plain) (cona) , cello tape (1") (miracle) , chair cushion (kurl-on) , clip board file (solo) , coloured flag slip (oddy) , correction fluid / pen (kores) , cup and saucer, bone china (oasis) - good quality , dak pad (ordinary) , dak pad (superior) , desk calendar stand (omega) , dettol hand wash (250 ml) , dinner plate set bone china (oasis) , dot pen (both side) (link, steel body) , dustbin, plastic(big) , envelope (6" * 4") (good quality) , envelope (9" " 4") (good quality) , face mask (3 ply ear loop medical mask) , file board , glass cover(diamond) , glass tumbler (superior) (era) , lbattery leveready) (nn) , lcar air freshener gel , lcelto tape (2") (miracle) , lduster cloth(1 mtr ) , lenvelope (1 1" " 5") (good quality) , leraser (plain) (non-dust) , lface mask (n-9s) , lotass eao (6mm) sq/ft. , lguard file(plastic) , gum bottle (750 ml.) (kores) , gum bottle (100 ml.) (kores) , hand sanitizer (100 ml) , hand sanitizer (steritouch) (500 ml) , hand sanitizer gel (dettol) (500 ml) , highlighter pen (fabercastella) , james clip (plastic coated) (bell) , jute --hread (per kg.) , knives, paper cutting (flai| , lock (godrej -t levers) , lock (godrej -6levers) , marker pen permanent ( fabercastella) , mosq:ito repellent (good knight) , move.nent register , paper weight, big size make - crocodile(egg type) , paper tray (plastic) , pen for pen stand , pen (tjse & throw) , pen ((lel) , pen stand with pen, paper roll (4 pen holdeo (make - kebica , no. 1493) , pen stand with pen ( 2 pen holder) (make - kebica no. 202) , pen stand (round box) , pencil (natraj ) , pencil (doms) , pencil sharpener (natraj) , phodani , plastic folder l type , plastic folder with pocket (no.503) , punching machine (single) (kangaro) , red cloth (with sample)/mtr , marker pen (cd marker) ( fabercastella) , measuring tape (big) , ug plastic medium (cello) , note llook , spiral super quality(page - 100) , onil , rolling register (no 36) (sweta / bharat) , room freshener (200 ml.) (riya) (sandal / , raianigandha/lemon/sonneujasmine/ lilly) , room freshener (citrus lemon) , scissors make - crystal, medium , short hand note book (ashwani) , sketch pen , spoon(good quality) , stamp pad (medium) faber castella (110 mm. x 69mm) , stamp pad lnk (kores) , stapler pin (small) (kangaroo) , stapler pin remover (kangaroo) , stapler (kangaro) heavy duty hd-1217 , tag (white) (per 500 nos.xcood quality) , tea tray (plastic, cello)(medium) , tea maker (size-'l ltr.) milton , thermo flask (size - % ll r ) milton (imagination) (plastic) , thermo flask (size - % ll r.) milton (imagination) (steel) , thermo flask (size - 1lt r.) milton (imagination) (steel) , trolley bag (medium) , trolley bag (small) , wall clock , waste paper basket (big) , water bottle (1 ltr) (plastic) , lnotting register (no. 20) (sweta / bharat) , lnotting register (no. 16) (sweta / bharat) , lnoom freshener (rian ) , lscale (plastic) (executive) , sealing wax (per box) , lsoap (small size) dettol , lstapter big (kangaroo hp-45) , lstapler small (kangaroo hd - 10d) , lstapter pin (big) (kangaroo) , [n"rro flask (size - 1lt r.) milton (imagination) (plastic) , ltracing paper , ltrolley bag (big) , lumoretta ( big, k.c. paul) , lurgent sticky pad , wate' bottle (1 ltr) (steel) , wate' bottle (1 ltr) (steel) (milton) , wate- bottle (550 ml) (glass made) (borocil) , water bottle (1 ltr) (glass made) (eorocil) , xeror paper, jk copier (a4) good quality with red cover , xerox paper, jk copier (a4) good quality with green cover , legal paper, jk copier (full scape) good quality with red cover

CTN :38919964 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of ortho implant and disposable - fixed bearing unicondylar knee system with 1_ co_cr femoral component 2_ fixed bearing polyinsert 3_titanium co_cr tibial tray_different compatible sizes , moblile bearing unicondylar knee system with 1_ co_cr femoral component 2_ mbbile bearing congurent polyinsert 3_tibial tray co_cr_titanium_different compatible sizes , high performance posterior stabilized total knee prosthesis cemented consisting of 1_ps femoral component 2_ps articular insert 3_tibial base plate_ different compatible sizes , cruciate retaining fixed bearing modular knee replacement prostheis cemented consisting of 1_cobalt cromium cr femoral component with distal femoral pegs or lugs 2_titanium or cobalt cromium tibial component 3_option of cr or ultra con , unilateral total knee replacement drape set impermeable control plus fabric with triple layer consisting of 1_two large waterproof trolly covers of size 152cm x 228cm approx 2_one water proof trolly cover of size 112cm x 229cm approx 3_ impervious reinforced fabric u drapes with adhesive tape size 193cm x 308cm approx 4_one knee o drape with reinforced zone , bilateral total knee replacement drape set made of impermeable control plus fabric with triple layer 1_two large waterproof trolly covers of size 160cm x 240cm approx 2_one water proof trolly cover of size 150cm x 200cm 3_two impervious reinforced fabric u drapes with adhesive tape size 180cmx315cm approx 4_one knee double o drape with reinforced zone , impervious stocknitte sterile , four layer water resistant fluid shield mask with eye shield , disposable surgical hood with three layer sms fabric with neck tie and attachable sterile gown to be used with ventilation and battery operated hoot fans , orthopaedic tear resistant gloves different sizes 7 or 7_5 or 8 ultra thick 0_33 mm 40 percent thicker than regular gloves with textured surface and dard colour to decrease reflective glare , orthosuction with dual filter and dual curved tip _ short and long with tubing 2_5m x 6 to 8 mm , polydioxanone barbed bidirectional suture with taper point half circle needles_ different sizes _ size 2 size 3 to 0 _box of 12 , postoperative presterile sliver hydrofibre waterproof orthopaedic flexible dressing 9cm x 25cm , skin stapler with 35 stainless staples , pulse lavage hand piece , vaccusuck suction nozzle with filter sterile tubing , vicryl size 1_ round body _ pack of 36 , bone cement antibiotic loaded 40gm , sterile disposable hip drapes pack_ pack should have one u drape and 4 sterile sheets of water proof material , antegrade femoral nail system complete construct_right or left with 04 locking bolts and 01 end cap_titanium , short proximal femoral nail _ antirotation _ left or right_complete construct with 01 spiral blade _02 locking bolts_01 hand cap titanium , tibial nail with multiple proximal interlocking options and tip locking with 06 x locking bolts _ and 01 end cap titanium , uncemented total hip replacement prosthesis with dual mobility liner consisting of 01 uncemented acetabular shell_2 dual moblity liner and head_3 uncemented femoral stem_4 optional two acetabular bone screws , uncemented femoral stem _ proximally porous coated _tapered with compatible head , primary cemented polished taper hip system , varus valgus constrain knee system with stem , posterior stabilized modular knee replacement prostheis _ cemented medial pivot consisting of 1_cobalt cromium ps femoral component 2_titanium or cobalt chrome tibial component 3_polyethylene medial pivot articular insert 4_polyethylene

CTN :39010842 Due date: 10 Feb, 202510 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For tender for supply of atem sdi extreme iso , smartscope duo 4k , thunderbolt audio interface , hyperdeck studio 4k pro , softbox light fixture (45 x 45 cms) , godox sn-01 snoot , godox sa5045 14.7ft heavy-duty steel roller stand , godox 380f , heavy-duty light stand , compatible with the amaran pt4c/t4c , compatible with the amaran pt2c/t2c , portable rgb led lights tube (4ft) , led lights (1200 watts) , led lights (600 watts) , flash lights (200 watts) , solidcom c1 pro , professional cine camera dolly system , motorized dolly to mobilize your camera and any tripod , baseplate for canon c500 mk ii/c300 mk iii (es-t19-qrbp) , handheld kit for canon r5 mark ii , dedicated handheld kit for canon eos c70 for stable and comfortable shooting. , compatible with dji rs 2 / rsc 2 / rs 3 / rs 3 pro gimbal. , compativle with edelkrone dollyplus pro , compatible with headplus pro , action invisible selfie stick , 2 usb 3.0 , 1 type-c , 1 hdmi , 1 sd/tf card-slot , 1 lan port , backdrop white black green screen blue maroon (8ft by 20ft) , hdmi to sdi converter , sdi to hdmi convertor , 100 ltrs or above , 256gb storage capacity uhs-ii / v60 / u3 / class 10 , memory card holder , aa battery fast charger , 4 lithium ion batteries , nylon cable ties (50pcs) , 6-socket spike guard , 8-socket spike guard , 3x usb-c ports mounting type wall mount , extra large mouse pad , for headplus & headplus pro , black sand bag photography studio video stage film saddlebag for light stands boom arms tripods , accessories organizer bag , wind muff microphone cover , circular polarizer filter 1. 82mm filter size , circular polarizer filter 2. 95mm filter size , mist diffusion filters 95mm , chroma vnd/pl (6-9 stop gold mist - 82mm threaded) , 18 pieces filter ring adapter set , the cooling fan cf-r20ep , compatible with lp-e6nh battery , light dome 150 , nova p600c barndoors , nova p600c softbox , usb-c to usb-c braided 6.6 feet (2 meter) fast charging type c cable , cn-e35mm t1.5 l f , eos r5 mark ii body , magmod professional flash kit 2 , foldable v-flat light reflector , nitrotech fluid video head with continuous cbs , wireless follow focus , rechargeable v mount batteries , v mount battery charger , v lock mount battery plate with 15mm rod clamp & adjustable arm , lithium-ion cells with no memory effect , lp-e6nh lithium-ion battery (7.2v , 2130mah) , mac pro , mac monitor 32 inch , creative cloud all apps -20 apps , blackmagic design davinci resolve studio 19 , blackmagic design davinci fusion studio 19 , originpro 2024b , apple motion 5 , apple compressor 4.4 , apple logic pro x , autodesk inventor 2023 , adobe substance 3d painter , apple final cut pro 10.8 , dji mavic 3 pro , dji mini 3 , dji google 3 , nd filter compatible with mini drone

CTN :38932494 Due date: 03 Feb, 202503 Feb, 2025 1.46 Lacs
Tender For supply of headlight bulb 12v , headlight bulb 24v , fuses 05 amps 10apms 15 amps 20 amps 25 amps and 30 amps , break light double filament bulb 12 v , break light double filament bulb 24 v , tail light single filament bulb 12 v , tail light single filament bulb 24 v , indicator light assembly for tata water bowser 02 bus and tipper 24v , indicator bulb for sumo 12 v , indicator bulb 3 toner 12 v , bullet headlamp 12 v , bullet tail lamp indicator lamp 12 v , tata safari halogen headlamp 12 v , eicher bus roof light led 24v , tata bus roof light 24 v , body light 24 v , side light 24 v for 2 bus , siren bulb for ambulance 12 v , upper tail light for 3 toner and ambulance 12 v , grease gun big size , filter clamp steel all in one , rachet set , nose piler , trolly tool box universal , star head screw driver big small , screw driver small , screw driver big , adjustable spanner small 8 inch , adjustable spanner medium 12 inch , adjustable spanner large 15 inch , pipe wrench , mechanic roller board , anabond , m seal , teflon tap , metallic putty 500 grms , fabric putty 500 grms , magnetic wire for nut bolt catcher , mini soldering machine with material , ring spanner 41 46 , ring spanner 34 37 , open spanner , ring and open spanner set , def diesel exhaust fluid adblue , dot 4 oil steering oil , dot 3 oil steering oil , swift dezire engine oil 5w30 , quick seal insert for tubeless puncture , fevicol sr 998 500mi , screw drive set

CTN :38988375 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of repair of the veh ba no 19c 108110e taking out unserviceable worn out spare parts and replace with new spare and servicing of engine replacement small nut and bolts , a replacement of engine oil sae 15w 40 make castrol , b replacement of coolant make castrol , c replacement of gear oil make castrol , d replacement of differential oil make castrol , e replacement of brake fluid make castrol , f replacement of oil filter , g replacement of fuel filter , h replacement of air filter , j replacement of wind shield incl rubber mould , k replacement of tail lamp assembly left side and right side , l replacement of head lamp assembly left side and right side , m replacement of fog lamp left side and right side , n replacement of rear door glass left side , o replacement of wiper blade , p replacement of rear cover bumpper left side and right side , q replacement of front door handle with lock , material and labour for lifting of vehicle on jack taking all 4 wheel carefully cleaning and greasing of bearing hubs and reassemble in original position , a replacement of break shoe rear and front side , b replacement of diesel turbo charger assembely , c replacement of rubber bushes for suspension system front and rear door rubber set , material and labour for complete denting and painting of outer body of tata xenon applied two coat of spray paint with existing colour complete

CTN :38988413 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of a supply and fix for following accessories for maruti dzire lxi vehicle seat cover exec beige finish lining pu , b pvc plastic foot mat beige , c carpet mat for dickey , d steering cover steering grip pu premium , e abc dry powder type based fire extinguisher with stand complete , f car freshner godrej , g liquid wax body polish waxpol 100 ml , h dashboard polish waxpol 100 ml , a servicing the ac system of vehicle swift dzire ba no 23b 138633n recharging of gas cleaning the ac system of vehicle taking out u s parts , b supply and fix only for ac cutout switch complete , c supply and fix only for renewal of oil pipe , d supply and fix only for renewal of water pump assembly , e supply and fix only for renewal of discharge pipe , f supply and fix only for renewal of suction pipe , g supply and fix only for renewal of liquid pipe , h supply and fix only for renewal of blower pipe with all connected items as directed by eic , m and l for dismantling carefully the defective spare parts from the veh and refixing the same spares items , i oil filter , ii air filter , iii fuel filter , iv uj cross , v disc pad , vi rear brake cylinder , vii wheel aliangment balancing , viii rear brake shoe , xi indicator assy , xii kamamni main leaf , xiii kamamni main3 rd leaf , xiv kamamni bush , xv centre bolt , xvi break shoe lock assy , xvii break fluid , m and l for repair replacing the unserviceable spares of fuel injection pump assembly dismantling cleaning servicing overhauling including calibration of injection nozzles , a injector nozzle , b fip kit , c plunger with spring , d injector pipe , m and l for repair to clutch assembly by dismantling carefully u oblique s clutch plate pressure plate by unscrewing nuts and bolt welding cleaning servicing to clutch assembly components , i clutch paddle rubber pad , ii clutch plate , iii pressure plate , iv clutch release bearing , m and l for repair to gear box assembly by disconnecting gear box its mounting by unscrewing nuts and bolts dismantling carefully gears draining out , i spider bearing , ii 2nd gear pinion gears , iii gear shaft bearing , iv gear oil , m and l for making center locking arrange ment to the veh as the veh is mannually operated including the connectde items complete all as specified and as directed by engr in charge , painting of front bumper after dent removal of swift dzire ba no 23b 138633n with one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of paint as match with existing colour of body complete , material and labour for lifting of vehicle on jack taking all 4 wheel carefully cleaning and greasing of bearing hubs and reassemble in original position
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