Tender For corrigendum : special repair work of link road from near the tower to garbage generation road damaged due to construction of purvanchal expressway via pra.pa. kodri to anu. basti.
Tender For renovation of y-l and s-l with led fittings and e.i. in cover shed size 185x25feet with led fittings and repair of tower lighting system in p-center at takhtupura gajjiana maanu ke gill and pato hira singh mc nihal singh wala distt. moga. w-code24-38
Tender For 5th call for repair and maintenance of central/ package type ac plants, duct and cooling tower/ hot water generator etc at various places at af station bhisiana under ge (af) bhisiana
Tender For replacement of roofing sheets and repair works to shelter at 4273koppur and 4252kilambakkam sites and tightening of bolts nuts of tower and painting at 4309 kachurmedu sites in thiruvallur dist.
Tender For repair maintenance of of various electrical and mechanical services at gpo complex, ina, new delhi (sh: maintenance & operation of stac/wtac/tower ac/cassette ac of various capacity & supply, installation, testing and commissioning of split type ac at gpo complex.)