Tender For supply of lp of cshe items - jugs water non breakable , jugs milk small non breakable , basin sugar non breakable , blanket hospital brtck red , blanket hospital brown , flaps fly , jar thermos one to one point five pint , bulbs two point five volts , cells dry unit torch , scissors hair cutting , openers can and bottle , saucer breakfast non breakable , cork screw , pots tea one pt non breakable , measure milk , razor safety holder mk iii , bucket three hundred thirty mm , torches handed two cells tg mk , sheets hospital , cases pillow hospital , pillows hospital kapok , mast door , duster dastooie , counterpanes hospital , soap yellow , soap toilet white , methylate spirit , pails enameled , brushes nail fiber , brushes bedpan , cup breakfast , tray tea fiber glass , towels bath bleached one g , towels hand hospital bleached , sheets hospital draws , blades mk ii , basin enameled 150 mm , jacket sleeping cotton , trouser sleeping cotton , gown operating , apron operating wp , towels operating , slipper rubber black