Tender For corrigendum : lab equipment botany,chemistry,zoology,physics,geography - package1, distillation apparatus single distillation capacity 5lt, micro pipette (fixed) 1- 5 ml, water bath double wall (12 holes) stainless steel, colorimeter, heating mental with regulator cap 500 ml, autoclave portable, vortex shaker, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, ph meter, hot air oven stainless steel, autoclave vertical 55 ltr, digital colony counter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, binocular microscope, soxhlet extraction unit, chemical balance, digital ph meter with electrodes, heating mental (2 lt) 500 w, d o meter digital, oven universal, vaccum pump, potientio meter digital, electronic digital balance, magnetic strirrer with hot plate, spectrophotometer 340-900nm range, water and soil testing analysis kit, melting point appratus digital, bod incubator, digital thermo meter, ph meter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, water and soil testing analysis kit, digital haemoglobino meter, screw gauge, resistance box (various length), rheostate (various length), ammeter d.c/a.c. (requied ranage), voltmeter d.c./a.c. (requied ranage), galvanometer, digital multimeter, sealss apppearatus to determine the coefficient of thermal condutivityc, sodium vapour lamp, app to study charging and discharging of a capacitor, apparatus for measurement of capacitance abd inducance using impedenace at different frequency, apparatus for measurement of wavelength of i ruler with laser complete setup, impedance and power factor of lcr circuit, serier and parallelresonance circuit, diac and triac characterstics apparatus, vernier caliper, inernier table, photo diode charaterstics apparatus, dielectric constant apparats, interior of earth, geographical terms, model of restless earth., formation of rocks, glacial landscape, three stages of river ( water cycle ), conventional signs, oxygen & carbon cycle in nature, air & water pollution, rock cycle, geomorphological models, folds & faults, geomorphological models, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, outline black board maps on p.v.c., weather maps of india (latest editions), stencil sets in english text, stencil sets in hindi text, raised relief plastic topographical maps, minerals, metallic ores, rocks, rocks forming minerals, minerals & rocks, rocks & minerals, rocks (large size), minerals (large size), clinometer compass, goniometer, mirror stereoscope, pocket stereoscope, aerial photographs, stereo atlas, astronomy fact book, times atlas of the world, bg geographical globes, bg geographical illuminated 2 in1 globe, inflatable globes, political globe with physical shading by nova rico, geographers photographs, the solar system, french curve, planimeter, pentagraph, drawing instrument box, wind wane, rain guage, ranging rods, tripod stand for ranging rods, levelling staff aluminum, levelling staff aluminum, measuring tapes 15 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 30 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 50 meter fiber glass, survey umbrella 7 , prismatic compass, brunton compass, plane table complete set as per survey of india pattern, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nystrom, metronome with bell witter
Tender For lab instruments chemistry,botany,zoology,physics demand list - package1, digital conductivity meter, electronic balance (0.1 grm to 600 grm), digital photoelectric colorimeter, digiatl melting point apparatus, spectrophotometer 340-900nm range, water bath double wall (6 holes) stainless steel, desk top computer, electronic balance (0.1 grm to 600 grm), graman gps, maximum minimum thermometer, kjeldal digestion unit 6 test, water an soil testin analysis kit (digital), thin layer chromatography apparatus, wilmotts bubbler, flame photometer, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, blood cell calculator, chart & cds related to syllabus, digital heamoglobinometer, gel electophorosis unit with power supply (vertical), heamocytometer (complete box), micropipette 0.5-1ml, rotatory microtome with accessories, apparatus to study characteristics of tunnel diode, apparatus to study charging and discharging of a capacitor, apparatus to verify newtons law of cooling, bending of beam apparatus to determine youngas modulus, cantilever to determine youngacs modulus, choke of mercury lamp, complete apparatus to determine resolving power of telescope, complete apparatus to verify law of parallel and perpendicular axes for moment of inertia, compound pendulum / bar pendulum, jaegeraes apparatus to determine the surface tension, mercury lamp, newtons ring apparatus complete with travelling microscope, power supply and sodium lamp., sodium vapour lamp, solar cell characteristic apparatus, zener diode characteristics apparatus with built in power supply., zener regulated power supply
Tender For corrigendum : minor civil works in room no 508 cabin of gd cesg at 5th floor msb vrc minor civil works in room no: 210 and 211 of msb for telemetrycheckoutsystem lab for tcsd at vrc vssc
Tender For corrigendum : supply of college chemistry lab item - abbe refractrometer, analytical balance 200 gram in teak wood case, analytical weight box 100 gm brass, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, digital bomb calorimeter, round centrifuge, double door refrigerator, digital balance 2kg, digital melting point apparatus, digitalph meter, single distillation assembly, fire extinguisher, heating mentle, rectangular hot plate 18 x12 ,18 x24 , roung hot plate, ion meter, kjheldhal distillation unit, magnetic stirrer, melting point apparatus, micro centrifuge machine, microwave oven, mixer small, muffle furnace, multi function printer laser, hot air oven, red wood visco meter no.1, copper water bath 6 , thin layer chromatography, water testing kit, water bath shaker incubator, vacuum pump, microprocessor based conductivity & tds meter, rotary vacuumeva porator, single crucible heater, sprayer, microprocessor based conductivity & tds meter
Tender For supply of portable x ray machine without cmc , portable x ray machine with cmc , portable ultrasound machine without cmc , portable ultrasound machine with cmc , hi speed sterilizer without cmc , hi speed sterilizer with cmc , shuttle ferry i suture passer mini set for meniscus injury , needle for shuttle ferry i suture passer mini for knee nitinol , shuttle ferry i suture passer set for rotator cuff repair , needle for shuttle ferry i suture passer nitinol , meniscus system set , latarjet procedure instrument set , shoulder instrument set for arthroscopic surgery , radiofrequency ablation machine set , ase 90 degree probe suct sn extented length , nitinol loop wire for reusable suture passer , first class semi automated clinical chemistry analyser
Tender For procurement of books - renewable energy policy and politics- a handbook for decision making , renewable energy sources and emerging technologies , artificial intelligence- concepts and applications , artificial intelligence beyond classical ai , artificial intelligence- a textbook , 6g- the road to the future wireless technologies 2030 , tank technology- cavaliers pride and technology enthusiasts dream , text book on optical fiber and its applications , 5g nr- the next generation wireless access tech , an introduction to 5g wireless nw tech concepts and user cases , 5g simplified , 5g mobile core nw- design deployment automation and testing strategies , armament engg a cmptr aided apach , principles of armt design , practical statistics for datascientist , optical networks hard cover , naked economics- undressing the dismal science , naked statistics- stripping the dread from the data , information warfare in the age of cyber conflict pb , statistics for business and economics 13th edn , optical wdm nws , system thinking for social change , kautilyas arthashastra strategic cultural roots of indias contemporary statecraft , chip war- the fight for the worlds most critical technology , thinking in system , the technology fallacy- how people are real key to digital transformation , digital logic and computer design , revolutionaries- the other story of how india won its freedom , land of seven rivers , india in the age of ideas , brave hearts of bharat , the hundred yr marathon , how china sees india and the world , principles for dealing with the changing world order , to infinity and beyond , strategic challenges- india in 2030 , the coming wave , david and goliath- underdog misfits and the art of battling giants , underground empire- how america weaponized the world economy , why bharat matters , the midnight feast , eruption- the blockbuster thriller of 2024 , the book of mormon- 365 day reader , essential of nuclear chemistry , foreign policy of india , artificial intelligence and national security , impact of social media on peace and security , india strategic culture- the making of national security policy , quantum computers for everyone , dancing with qubits- second edition- from qubits to algorithms embark on the quantum computing journey shaping our future , machine learning with quantum computers , quantum machine learning- an applied approach- the theory and application of quantum machine learning in science and industry , isc 2 cissp certified information systems security professional official study guide 9th edn , hands on artificial intelligence for cybersecurity , ai for cyber security , ssb interview- the complete guide second edition , being human in the age of ai , the four- hour work week , how not to die , great game east , tipping points , team of teams , dance of photons , the almanac of naval , turn the ship around , torpedo dynamics and homing , design of torpedoes and naval mines , foundations of analog and digital electronics circuits , with pride and honour- admiral r pereira , indias wars , samudra manthan- sino indian rivalry in the indo pacific , handbook of biomedical instrumentation , mines depth charges and underwater weapons , how to read a book , the goal , theory of constraints handbook , 2034- a noval of the next world war , transfer of defence technology understanding the naunces and making it work in india , shedding shibboleths- indias evolving strategic outlook , indias defence economy- planning budgeting industry and procurement , indigenization- key to self sufficiency and strategic capability , on war , maneuver warfare , the new rules of war , china an enigma , global air power , a history of warfare , against all odds- the pakistan air force in the 1971 indo pakistan war , army and nation- the military and indian democracy since independence , call sign chaos- learning to lead , eagles over bangladesh- the indian air force in the 1971 liberation war , full spectrum- indias wars 197