Tender For auction sale of computers and perpherals - lot 1,networking equipments and servers - lot 2,electrical and electronic items - lot 4a,electrical and electronic items - lot 4b,electrical and electronic items - lot 4c,electrical and electronic items - lot 4d,electrical and electronic items - lot 4e,cell phones and accessories - lot 5,machinery and spare parts - lot 6a,machinery and spare parts - lot 6b,machinery and spare parts - lot 6c,machinery and spare parts - lot 6d,machinery and spare parts - lot 6e,machinery and spare parts - lot 6f,machinery and spare parts - lot 6g,household and personal goods - lot 8b,clothing fabric and yarn - lot 9a,clothing fabric and yarn - lot 9b,clothing fabric and yarn - lot 9c,miscellaneous - lot 10b
Tender For supply of boq mechanical engineering lab equipments angle gauges , screw thread micrometer , feeler gauge ,comparator stand , mechanical comparator with stand ,clinometer , gear tooth vernier , electronic weighingmachine , digital tachometer , cnc milling machine , cncturning lathe , single plate clutch , multi plate clutch unit ,centrifugal cluth unit , cut section of synchromesh gear box, model of abs brake system , model of rack and pinionsteering gear , model of power steering gear or re-circulating type worm and wheel or other type of steeringgear , model of su pump , training vehicle , automobileelectric system , brake master cylinder , sliding mesh gearbox , cut section model of 4 cylinder 4 stroke petrol engine ,ac induction motor with vfd for motorizing already existingmodels in lab , open hearth furnace with blower electric ,wood working lathe , spot welding set , electric metal cutoff saw , hand lever shearing machine , single phase arcwelding machine with eye protecting goggels black andwelding gloves , pipe threading die set , mig welding set ,tig welding set , mould making hand tools set hand rammerlifter trowels shovels vent wire hand riddle sprue pin ,moulding flasks cope and drag , bench grinder , shapermachine with standard accessories , slotting machine withstandard accessories , horizontal milling machine arbor size23mm and 32mm with standard accessories , grinderattachment for lathe , portable hand drill machine bench grinding machine (grinding wheel dia 300 mm, width38mm,bore 1 , centre height 910 mm), digital pyrometer(optical sensor radiation pyrometer for tempareturemeasurement on small target to 0.0005" (0.0127mm)accuracy: 0.5% range selectable digital display: c, f, r, k standard temperature ranges: upto 1000 c,adjustable emissivity setting: 0.01 to 1.0), metallurgicalmicroscope (the microscope should have magnification 30xto 1500x with binocular head inclined at 45 . both sidecoaxial focusing knobs, quadruple revolving nosepiece withaccurate centering and positive click stop ,large coaxialmech. stage for x-y movement of specimen, bright field illuminator 6v-20w halogen lamp with field diaphragm, filter
Tender For supply, installation , commissioning and cmc for 2 years of veterinary equipments at zoo hospital inside nandankanan zoological park - supply , installation & commisioning charges, vet pulse oximeter, vet cardio holter ecgsystem, vet electronic stethoscope, vet bp machine withdoppler technology, vet de fibrillator, vet warm touch, vet icu advanced (modelchange), vet icu stainless steel( set), vet surgical vessel sealer 400w, vet volumetric infusion pump, vet fluid warmer, vet c arm table, vet ultrasound table, vet therapy laser(coldlaser) -270 watt, vet oxygen concentrator -5l, vet oxygen concentrator -10l, vet veterinary water treadmill, vet ultrasonic therapy, vet operation table electric hydraulic (up to 150 kgs ), large animal electric hydraulic table (up to 2,000 kgs), veterinary multi-parameter, comphensive maintance charges for 2 years, vet pulse oximeter, vet cardio holter ecgsystem, vet electronic stethoscope, vet bp machine withdoppler technology, vet de fibrillator, vet warm touch, vet icu advanced (modelchange), vet icu stainless steel( set), vet surgical vessel sealer 400w, vet volumetric infusion pump, vet fluid warmer, vet c arm table, vet ultrasound table, vet therapy laser(coldlaser) -270 watt, vet oxygen concentrator -5l, vet oxygen concentrator -10l, vet veterinary water treadmill, vet ultrasonic therapy, vet operation table electric hydraulic (up to 150 kgs ), large animal electric hydraulic table (up to 2,000 kgs), veterinary multi-parameter
Tender For purchase of equipments in school of physiotherapy - cupping therapy set, algometer, manual muscle tester, cylinder foam roller with spikes, bubble inclinometer, electrogoniometer, upper limb cpm, electronic balance trainer, ankle cpm, pediatric scooter board (prone crawling board), pediatric bp apparatus, pediatric stethoscope, rate for camc for three years after completion of two year warranty period for all items.
Tender For supply of zoology lab equipment - procurement of zoology lab equipment, automatic microtome, tissue embedding moulds, multimedia projector (dlp), basic molecular biology teaching kits, dna fingerprinting teaching kits, dna extraction teaching kit., rna extraction & rtpcr teaching kits, blotting teaching kits, chromatography teaching kits, electrophoresis teaching kits, immunology teaching kits, bacterial genetics & sensitivity teaching kit (microbiology), meiosis lab-work shop kit, mitosis lab-work shop kit, electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), haemocytometer with counting chamber, rbc/wbc pipettes with latex tubing, stethoscope standard with all accessories, micro pipette (college grade) variable volume any range, microlit electronic micropipette, eectronic waterandsoil analysis kits, soil testing equipment, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, soil and water testing and under water study equipments, electronic pocket testersimported, electrical apparatus, entomological equipment, insect trapsand insect cabinets, craft s entomology pins, insect killing bottle insecticides and insect cages, collection equipments (insect, planktons), general laboratory accessories, stainless steel laboratry tray with cover (surgical), blue seal concavity slides(per packet of 12 slides), dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, skeletons (articulated on base) -human body,fowl in showcase,labeo fish, wallago or any bony fish, pcr, binocular research inclined microscope with imported binocular head, tromascope projection micro-scope (dual purpose), areater (dubble pump) delux quality heavy duty, water filter extra powerful, aquarium net rectangular with handle, aquarium heater submergiable 100 watts, dissection boxes (best quality) with stainless steel, water testing kit model b , gel electrophoresis apparatus, digital haemoglobinometer (hbmeter), automatic hematology analyzer, electronic water & soil testing analysis equipment, research centrifuge machine
Tender For corrigendum : design, supply, installation, commissioning, training of various type of equipments for esdm (electronic system design and manufacturing) of msme training centers located at greater noida, bengaluru, puducherry and idemi mumbai on turnkey basis - decade resistance box , ct/pt calibration system , multifunction calibrator , decade capacitance box , ct analyzer , standard resistors , standard weights (el class) , pippete calibration system , low temperature bath (-80 to ambient degree temperature) , frequency counter , energy meter test system (3 position) , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (high) , decade inductor box , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (low) , sound level calibrator , digital power analyser , decade resistance box (4 nos.) , process calibrator , hv divider , decade mega ohm box , standard weights (e2 class) , 6 and half dmm , temperature indicator , time interval meter , temperature indicator with compensation , standard weights (f1 class) , semi-micro balance (upto 200 gms) , tachometer calibrator , standard thermocouple (type s) without compensation , sound level analyzer , standard platinum resistance temperature (prt) detector , precision balance (upto 6.1 kg) , thermo-couple calibartion furnace (300 to 1100 degree temperature) , lcr bridge , humidity measurement probe , dry block calibrator (ambient to 600 degree temperature) , anechoic chamber with radiated susceptbility and radiated emission test system , alltitude test chamber , compact emc tester , environmental chamber , digital pressure controller (dead weight pressure tester) , line impedance stablizing network , harmonics/flicker measurement test system , impulse generator , rf shielded chamber , vibration plus environmental chamber , three phase regulated variable power source , humidity generator, relative humidity , bump/shock test system , heat deflection temperature test set , vibration test system , electronic load , conducted rf immunity simulator , rohs testing lab - inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (icp-oes) , thermal shock chamber , ac dc current source , ultra precision capacitance bridge , esd simulator , horizontaland verticlal flame chamber , rohs testing lab - energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (edxrf) , single phase regulated variable power source , precision energy standard , rohs testing lab - gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (gc-ms) , ingress of water test system - i set , rohs testing lab - ion- chromatograph (ic) , needle flametest chamber , salt spray chamber , dust chamber , digital storage oscilloscope , defibrillator proof test set , thermostat endurance test set , flexing test apparatus , electrical safety tester , winding resistance meter , temperature recorder , radiation meter , tracking test apparatus , gas detector , cord anchorage test set , digital multimeter (handheld/desktop) , glow wire test apparatus
Tender For corrigendum : re-tender for supply and installation of blood storage equipments for four blood storage centre under karnataka state aids prevention society for the year 2024-25 - laminar air flow., reagent refrigerator 2 to 6 degree, microscope, binocular microscope with inbuilt light, dry bath, blood collection monitor, plasma expresser manual (4 each), hemogloin analyzer, hand sealer cutter-portable (2 each), dielectric tube sealer (bench model) (2 each), cryo bath, sterile blood connecting device, refrigerated centrifuge (heavy duty handle 12/16 bags), platelet agitator and incubator, plasma thawing bath, gel card centrifuge and incubator, fully automated elisa reader and washer, deep freezer (-80), deep freezer(-40), automated hemotology analyser 5 parts, automated blood group and cross match system, apheresis for sdp and plasma apheresis, weighing balance (electronic) to weigh blood bags, walk in cooler 6x8 size capacity of storing 500 to 1000 blood bags, test tube centrifuge, temperature regulator ice box (4 each), temperature data logger
Tender For corrigendum : camc of qty twenty four machineries and ndt equipments at component repair shop - upstroke hydraulic press with hyd tank and motor pt no indimech hydraulic press sl no 7193 , extruder with machine pt no indimech extruder sl no nayg crs ewm 01 , rubber mixing machine pt no indexpell rubber mixer sl no nayg crs rmm 02 , stand for test acceptance of air system unit pt no c 3757 ue 82 sl no 01 , stand for test gen purpose hydraulic rig pt no c 3390ue 82 sl no 02 , stand for test fuel rig pt no c 3869mue 82 sl no 03 , hydraulic callibration set pt no 63b 0001na sl no 512 , pneumatic calibration set pt no 63b 0001na sl no 513 , climatic chamber minus 40 degree to 20 degree pt no climatic chember minus 40 deg sl no nayg crs cc 03 , charging unit of fire extinguisher system pt no zssp sl no 1 , sonic bond master 1000 multimode with accessories pt no 9020342 reve sl no 1000c12465079107 , ultrasonic plant pt no uzu 2 kor u sl no 169 , ultrasonic filter cleaning rig pt no uc 500w sl no 10541 , magnetic particle flaw detector pt no ferro test gwh 15 sl no 1548752 , bond testing flaw detector pt no bond master 600 sl no 60002161046 , ultrasonic flaw detector pt no epoch 650 sl no 160164102 , eddy current flaw detector pt no nortech 600 sl no 60002161072 , ultrasonic thickness meter pt no 38 dl plus sl no 161265703 , high pressure compressor pt no revell tc3 1 by 2 mk 7 compressor sl no nayg crs hpc 04 , electronic weighing machine capacity 300 kgs pt no ds 415 sl no g415028098 , oven rane 0 degree celceius to minus 300 degree celceius pt no oven 330 deg sl no nayg crs oven 05 , tu hydraulic trolley tu0014 sl no 001 , installation set for checking and pressing hp vessels pt no upos 1 sl no 28 1018107 1 , halon gas filling system pt no jj 2023 point 02 sl no lf 57