Tender For supply of handheld infrared thermalimaging system (thermovision camera) having touch scree n, temperature range from 0 to 500 degree celsius or higher, with rechargeable battery bank, scann ed image can be downloaded from usb port. camera software should be license free so that it can b e installed on multiple pcs. material shall conform to rdso specification no. ti/spc/ohe/tips/1031 (1 2/20213) with all accessories conforming to the specification.material shall be procured from oem or his authorized dealers only. authorized dealership certificate to be submitted with the offer. ]
Tender For supply of infrared thermalimaging system (thermovision camera) having touch screen, temperature r ange from 0 to 500 degree celsius or higher, with rechargeable battery bank, scanned image can be downl oaded from usb port. cameras software should be license free so that it can be installed at multiple pc. ma terial shall conforming rdso specification no. ti/spc/ohe/ytips/1031 (12/2013) with all accessories. materi al shall procure from oem or his authorized dealers only. make: tipl , model no.ti7 or similar , make: test o, model no.875-1, or similar & make:, darvi model no. dtl003 latest or similar [ warranty period: 30 m onths after the date of delivery ]