Tender For corrigendum : design, supply, installation, commissioning, training of various type of equipments for esdm (electronic system design and manufacturing) of msme training centers located at greater noida, bengaluru, puducherry and idemi mumbai on turnkey basis - decade resistance box , ct/pt calibration system , multifunction calibrator , decade capacitance box , ct analyzer , standard resistors , standard weights (el class) , pippete calibration system , low temperature bath (-80 to ambient degree temperature) , frequency counter , energy meter test system (3 position) , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (high) , decade inductor box , precision temperature stabilised resistance standard (low) , sound level calibrator , digital power analyser , decade resistance box (4 nos.) , process calibrator , hv divider , decade mega ohm box , standard weights (e2 class) , 6 and half dmm , temperature indicator , time interval meter , temperature indicator with compensation , standard weights (f1 class) , semi-micro balance (upto 200 gms) , tachometer calibrator , standard thermocouple (type s) without compensation , sound level analyzer , standard platinum resistance temperature (prt) detector , precision balance (upto 6.1 kg) , thermo-couple calibartion furnace (300 to 1100 degree temperature) , lcr bridge , humidity measurement probe , dry block calibrator (ambient to 600 degree temperature) , anechoic chamber with radiated susceptbility and radiated emission test system , alltitude test chamber , compact emc tester , environmental chamber , digital pressure controller (dead weight pressure tester) , line impedance stablizing network , harmonics/flicker measurement test system , impulse generator , rf shielded chamber , vibration plus environmental chamber , three phase regulated variable power source , humidity generator, relative humidity , bump/shock test system , heat deflection temperature test set , vibration test system , electronic load , conducted rf immunity simulator , rohs testing lab - inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (icp-oes) , thermal shock chamber , ac dc current source , ultra precision capacitance bridge , esd simulator , horizontaland verticlal flame chamber , rohs testing lab - energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (edxrf) , single phase regulated variable power source , precision energy standard , rohs testing lab - gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (gc-ms) , ingress of water test system - i set , rohs testing lab - ion- chromatograph (ic) , needle flametest chamber , salt spray chamber , dust chamber , digital storage oscilloscope , defibrillator proof test set , thermostat endurance test set , flexing test apparatus , electrical safety tester , winding resistance meter , temperature recorder , radiation meter , tracking test apparatus , gas detector , cord anchorage test set , digital multimeter (handheld/desktop) , glow wire test apparatus
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : qcc and survey eqpt - buoyancy balance , digital ph meter , standard sand for density test , ring and ball appartus , core cutting machine , cbr apparatus , bitumen penetration kit , universal testing machine , sand replacement method , cylindrical mould , density backet , los angels abrasion testing machine , standard tar viscometer , modified marshal apparatus , triaxial test apparatus , vibration table , bitumen ductility testing machine , extraction and sample preparation , upv , stop watch holder , deflectometer , sieve having dia 20 , sieve having diameter 30 cms , sieve having diameter 45 cms , sieves of various size as per morth specification , sieve analysis for dbm bc wbm wmm as per morth , rapid moisture meter , filter paper , stopwatch , le chatalier apparatus , bitumen thermometer digitial up to 200 degree celcius , vicat apparatus , slump test apparatus , aggregate impact test apparatus , oven , rebound hammer digital
Tender For supply of portable miscellaneous workshop equipment - stroboscope freq and rpm , conductivity meter , ph meter , clamp on ultrasonic flowmeter , vibration meter , stroboscope rpm , non contact digital tachometers
Tender For supply of digital vibration meter model vb-8203 of lutron make or fluke make or skf make or fujitech make or equivalent as per attached technical specification. ]
Tender For supply of electrical workshop items - dc insulation tester meggar , ac motorized insulation tester meggar , portable universal bridge , portable digital power measuring instrument for 3 phase , phase shifter , portable multi channel vibration meter , portable earth resistance measuring device , digital portable dual beam storage type cathode ray oscilloscope , micro ohm meter of the portable type , on line dc earth fault locator , transformer dc winding resistance measurement test kit , dew point meter , automatic capacitance and tan delta kit , automatic turns ratio tester three phase
Tender For supply of digital vibration meter as per specification (i) 3-1/2 digit lcd display (ii) displacement 0-2000 microns (iii) velocity 0-200 mm/sec (iv) frequen cy response 600 rpm to 60000 rpm (10hz-1khz) (v) acceleration 0-200m/second square (vi) measuring velocity, acceleration & displacement with function s of rms, peak, maximum & minimum value, data hold, freeze (vii) data output rs 232 serial output (viii) operating temperature 0-50 degree celsius. item t o be supplied with instruction manual, magnetic base, vibration sensor with cable of 2 meter long along with carrying case. valid calibration certificate of na bl/npl to be supplied with warranty certificate. make:-mextech / fluke / mcm instrument / htc only. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delive ry ]
Tender For supply of .4398ns digital vibration meter .specification as : frequency range : (a) acceleration : 10 h z to 1 khz in 1 mode , 10 hz to 10 khz in 10 mode. (b) velocity : 10 hz .... digital vibration meter .specifica tion as : frequency range : (a) acceleration : 10 hz to 1 khz in 1 mode , 10 hz to 10 khz in 10 mode. (b) v elocity : 10 hz to 1 khz (c) displacement : 10 hz to 1 khz . (2) frequency : 1-20 khz (3) display : lcd (4) r pm (revolution ) 60 - 99,990 r/min reading should be multiplied by 10 if the display show 10 (5) accessorie s : magnetic base ,vibration sensor with minimum 2 meters along with carrying case. (6) on site warranty ( year ) minimum 01 year make: metrix /htc/mextechaccepted- make /brand as per tender [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of b & d spares of gt/de irss for 7 shipsets of project-p17a - act-sdtork-2000, act-sdtork-2700, act-sdtork-2900, actuator-2000, actuator-2500, actuator, adjustment cam, allen bolt m10x32l 30l, allen bolt m12x30l, allen bolt m4, allen bolt m4x07p-12 lg, allen bolt m4x07p-7 lg, allen bolt m4x10, allen bolt m5 18l, allen bolt m6, allen bolt m8, allen bolt m8x28, analog input module, analog input module (16ai), anti static ball, anti static spring, anti vibration mount, back seat, back seat, back seat, back seat, back seat, ball, ball valve 32nb, base, bearing set, bellows, body, bonnet, bottom cover, bottom cover, bottom gasket, bottom gasket, bottom stem, bottom stem, bottom stem, bracket pressure gauge, bush, butterfly valve 100nb, butterfly valve 65nb, butterfly valve 80nb, cam, cap nut, check nut, collar, complete assembly of valve, compound gauge, connector straight, contactor - 4 no - 24vdc, conttrol panel 55 kw, conttrol panel spares, copper pipe, cover, digital input output module (16di/16dc), disc, disc arm, disc cover, disc nut, dowel pin 6 x 32, end piece, eye bolt, eye bolt m8 x 15l, eye bolt m8 x 15l, eye bolt m8 x 8l, fasteners, flange, flange, flow meter, gland, gland flange, gland nut, gland packing, gland packing, gland packing, gland washer, gland washer, globe valve 32nb, globe valve 50nb, globe valve 65nb, globe valve 80nb, globe valve angled sdnr 100 nb, hand wheel, handle, handwheel nut, hex bolt, o ring 3, o ring id 110.7xc/s 1.78, oil seal for motor, on/off switch -2 pole 16 amp, on/off switch -3 pole 25 amp, one set of special and general perpose t, o ring id 47.34x2.62c/s, o ring id 11.3x1.78cs, o ring id 36.17x2.62c/s, o ring id93.2x2.62c/s, o ringid11.3x1.78cs etc.
Tender For supply of portable digital auto ranging vibration meter with clear large lcd display with velocity sens or, cable assembly, magnetic portable base ,carrying case & battery set. acceleration 0.1 to 200 m/s peak accuracy :+/-2% +0.1 mm/sq.sec.make- ird mech analysis 306 di or mcm 710 or similar with test, calibra tion, warranty certificate. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]