Tender For dental items - lower molar extraction forceps no 22 with pointed buccal and lingual beaks is used for extraction of mandibular molars - both right and left , lower anterior forceps (root foeps.) , gic restorative material , temporary filling material , phosphate cement , round bur air rotar (diamond bur) , straight fissure bur air rotar (diamond bur) , inverted cone at rotar (diamond bur) , dumble bur airotar (diamond bur) , wire cutter for use in oral and maxillofacial surgery , straight wire cutter tungsten , carbide tip (tc tip) , b.p. handle , light cured composite restorative materials , bonding agent , champy's mini bone plates for oral and maxillofacial fractures. four hole , champy's mini bone plates for oral and maxillofacial fractures. two hole plates with gap , champy's mini bone plates for oral and maxillofacial fractures. six hole plates , champy's mini bone plates for oral and maxillofacial fractures. , ten hole plate , champy's mini bone plates for oral and maxillofacial fractures , four hole plate with gap , champy's mini bone piates for oral and maxillofacial fractures six hole plate with gap , champy's mini bone plates for oral and maxillofacial fractures four hole plate with gap , champys monocortical screws for maxillofacial trauma , champys monocortical screws for maxillofacial trauma , champys monocortical screws for maxillofacial trauma , champys monocortical screws for maxillofacial trauma , champys monocortical screws for maxillofacial trauma , formacsole , zinc oxide powder , eugenol liquid 100ml , applicator tips , zinc oxide coe- pak , gracey's currette , metapex plus calcium hydroxide paste , d-pulp , nuro 5% , mta , kid file , calcigel co(04)2 paste , ca(oh)2 powder , mosquito forceps , dislocation , mouth mirror, probe, twizzer , kidney trays
Tender For supply of chemicals and glasswares - sulphonic acid , boric acid powder 99.5% extra pure , cobalt (ii) sulphate heptahydrate 97% extra pure , nickel sulphate hexahydrate 98% extra pure , tri-sodium citrate dihydrate 98% extra pure , sulphanilic acid 99% extra pure , l(+) tartaric acid 99.5% extra pure , l(+) tartaric acid 99.5% extra pure , citric acid monohydrate 99% extra pure , ammonium chloride 99% extra pure , potassium hydroxide pellets 85% extra pure , sodium chloride 99.5% extrapure , zinc sulphate heptahydrate 99% extra pure , zinc chloride dry 97% extrapure , l-ascorbic acid 99% extra pure , cobalt (ii) chloride hexahydrate 97% extra pure , ferrous chloride hydrated 98% extra pure , nickel chloride hexahydrate 98% ar , ferrous sulphate heptahydrate 98.9% extra pure , ferric chloride anhydrous 98% extrapure , thiaminehydrochloride 98.5% for biochemistry , glycine 98.5% extra pure , calcium chloride (fused) 95% extra pure , sodium tungstate dihydrate 98% extra pure , sodium gluconate 98% for synthesi , iron sulphate heptahydrate reagentplus , iron sulphate heptahydrate emplura , varadyl sulphate hydrate , buffer tablets ph 4.00 , buffer tablets ph 7.00 , buffer tablets ph 9.20 , beaker low form with spout double graduated 250ml , glass rod (for stirring) kx200 , combined electrode , platinum electrode , saturated calomel electrode , pee roll , cotton roll absorbent
Tender For proposal for procurement of different type general tools for machine shop of mtps dvc - webbing sling cap 3t sz 3 inc wx10ft l eye loop both end , polyester web lifting belt sz w 50.8mm 2mt lifting cpct 2t , m2 hss par shank twist drill 4 mm , tips carbide lhs 3 by4 inc x 3 by4 in , hss q tool bit 10 pct co 0.5 inc q x 6 inc l grd s400byt42 , hss tool bit 3by8 x 3 by8 x4 inc , m2 hss taper shank twi drill 14.0 mm , m2 hss taper shank twi drill 8.0 mm , m2 hss hand tap non serial gt mfp 26x2 , m2 hss hand taps mcp m 24 , hss hand tap mcp m20x2.50 set , m2 hss gt hand tap mcp m 16 set , hand tap size 11 by 4 in 1.25 in bspp thread , hss hand tap with die and handle m4 handle for tap , m2 hss gt hand tap mcp m 8 x1.25 mm , m2 hss gt hand tap mcp m 6 sets , m2 hss par shank twi drill 8.5 mm , m2 hss par shank twi drill 6.5 mm , m2 hss par shank twi drill 7.5mm , tips carbide rhs 3 by 4 inc x 3by4 in , hss tool 3 by 8 sq inx6 inc miscl hand tool , hss sq tool bit 10 pct cobalt s0.75 inc sq x 4 inc , brazed tungsten carb tip rh prof s0.5 inc sq , brazed tungsten carb tip rh prof s0.75 inc sq , brazed tungsten carb tip lh prof s0.5 inc sq , brazed tungsten carb tip lh prof s0.75 inc sq , cutting tool 1x8 , right hand side cutng tool s 20 x 20 x 150 , left hand side cutng tool s 20 x 20 x 150 , v cutng tool s 20 x 20 x 150 , cutng tool 3by4x6 , carb tipped v tool 3by4 x 3by4 inc , hss pannal shank end mill cutter 30mm , hss pannal shank end mill cutter 28mm , hss pannal shank end mill cutter 22mm , hss pannal shank end mill cutter 16mm , hss pannal shank end mill cutter 10mm , drill bit 8mm , drill bit 6mm , hss drill bit 12mm , drill bit 10mm , cutter end mill ps 16 mm , cutter end mill ps 12 mm , cutter end mill ps 5 mm , tap hand 10 mm hss ground thread , tap hand 12 mm, hss ground thread , tap hand 8 mm hss ground thread , tap hand 6 mm hss ground thread , tap hand hss bsw 1by4 inc , tap hand hss bsw 3by8 inc , drill bit ss 9.5 mm , hss parral shank end mill cutter 6mm , turning tools iso 6l 3232k20 carb tip , borg tool iso 8r 1212p30 , borg tool iso 8r 2525 p30 iso 8r 2525p30 carb tip , vernier ht gag manual mk mitutoyo 18 in 460 mm , gw for tungsten carb grit 120 by140 sz 150x20x12.5mm b 31.75 pdstl grnind mc rpm 2250 to 2800 hp1 p 3 , grinding wheel sz 150x25x12.7 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s9.5 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s8.5 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s8 mm , turning tool iso 6l 2020k20 carb tip , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s7.5 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s7 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s6.5 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co t s6 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s5.5 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s12 mm , turning tool iso 6r 3232k20 carb tip , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s11.5 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s11 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s 10.5 mm , hss par shank twi drill bit 10 pct co s10 mm , turning tool iso 6r 2525k20 carb tip , turning tool iso 6r 2525p30 carb tip , iso 9r boring tool style 130 3232 , iso 9r boring tool style 130 2525 , canbide brozed tool iso 9r 2020 p30 , hss taper shank twist drill bit s28 mm , hss par shank twist drill bit 10 pct co s9 mm bid details/ 2 / 71