Tender For supply of aviation lab equipment-copper strip corrosion test water bath as per astm d-130, ip-154 & is:1448(p15): four test bath made of s/steel both inner chamber & outer body, test temp.of the bath is 100c, +/- 1c and temp. is controlled by digital temp. controllerwith pt-100 sensor. bath is fitted with a metal condenser and a water level12 silver strip corrosion test water bath as per ip-227: six test bath made ofs/steel both inner chamber & outer body, test temp. of the bath is 50c, +/-1cand temp. controlled by digital temp. controller with pt-100 sensor. a motorisedstirrer will be provided for maintain the uniform temp. of bath liquid13 test bomb made of stainless steel for copper test as per astm d-130 method. 44 test tube & cold finger condenser made of heat-resistant borosilicate glass.the test tube will be of 350ml capacity with b-45 socket & amber colored. thecold finger condenser will have b-45 cone & hook to hang cradle at bottom45 water tank for silver strip corrosion test made of s/steel, fitted with six nos.water control valve16 silver strip size 17 to 19mm [l] x 12.5 to 12.7mm[w] x 2.5mm to 3mm [t] as perip-227, 99.95% pure with certificate of purity (nabl certified) along withtraceability certificate27 copper strip size 75mm [l] x 12.5mm[w] x 1.5 to 3mm[t] as per astm d-130method, 99.95% pure with test certificate of purity (nabl certified) along withtraceability certificate28 glass cradles for silver test made from borosilicate glass as per method 49 vice made of stainless steel for holding single copper strip 110 vice for holding silver strip made of stainless steel 111 silicon carbide powder, 150 mesh 112 rubber tubing for copper/silver bath outlet 813 astm copper strip corrosion standard chart as per the latest ip154 & is 1448 (p15) & astm d-130 test method114 astm silver strip corrosion standard chart( astm colour standard for jftot)as per the latest ip-227 & astm d-4636 test method.
Tender For corrigendum : supplying & installing nabl approved equipments for civil worktesting at piplaj hotmix plant for ahmedabad muncipal corporation.(amc) - electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 304)-(compact )-4 ltr/hour, compact cbr load frame-electrical-single speed, non nuclear density gauge (soil), rapid moisture meter-0 - 25 percentage with pressure gauge, standard penetration test apparatus with accessories - motorised, digital constant temp. waterbath for marshal test -6 moulds-100 mm, bitumen extractor - motorised with variable speed with digital rpm indicator with ac motor and drive, automatic compactor for marshal test - 4" dia specimen, unconfined compression tester-digital (marshal), ductility testing machine - digital temp control - refrigerated - is 1208, ring and ball apparatus-(programmable)-(digital)-(astm d36) with accessories, thinfilm oven - as per is 9382 as per is:9382., sand equivalent value test apparatus with accessories, sand equivalent mechanical shaker - motorized (astm d2419) with digital rpm indicator and digital timer, standard penetrometer for bitumen - automatic digital timer - dial gauge as per is 1203, is 1448. astm d5., saybolt viscometer - with digital controller and motorised stirrer - astm d88, pensky marten flash point apparatus-digital with motorised stirrer, asphalt content oven-(asphalt ignition oven)-(astm d6307), planetary mixer-for bituminous mix-digital- 20 ltrs, hardness tester for bitumen mastic asphalt with accessories, infrared thermometer - (-50c to 500 c), digital thermometer-(dtm 100)-300c-(cr/al (k))- with 12" long temp.probe, round hot plate-c.i. top-digital-20 cm, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-automatic pace rate controlled, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-digital - manual pacecontrol- auto calculation, cube mould-15 cm-isi marked u is:10086., concrete permeability tester - as per din 1048 - 3 cell - with air compressor, laboratory needle vibrato include 25mm needle with 6 meter long rubber shaft, laboratory concrete mixer-tilting drum type, vibrating table-100 x 100 cm, aggregate impact testing machine with blow counter, flow table (cement)-motorised - 25cm dia - m.s. top - is 5512, air entrainment meter - 0.005 cubic mtr - is: 1199 with accessories, los angeles abrasion testing machine - with presettable digital counter, riffle sample divider - g.i. 25mm - no. of slot : 16, electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 3
Tender For dnit for the work supply of various types of chemicals and glassware like colilert 18, beaker, mask and glassware etc. in all respect for divisional laboratory phed no. 1, faridabad - mask, test tubes stand (24 holes), -_ brown volumetric flask 500 ml class a, -_ pipet controler, -_ brown volumetric flask 1000 ml class a, -_ colilert-18 for 100 ml sample (100/pack), -_ sterile 97-well quanti-tray 2000 (100/pack), reagent bottle (500ml) glass amber/brown glass, -beaker 50ml class a, -dropper, beaker 1000 ml class a, brown burette 25ml calibrated by nabl class a, burette 25 ml calibrated by nabl class a, cimarec stiming hot plate thermo fischer, colour standard 400 hazen 500 ml, cotton........, di-hi8c humidity chamber 18x18x18 ms powder coated inner stainless steel (with 2 adjustable and helves), durham tubes (1x100) ., glass rod, ion meter fluoride (thermo), ion meter nitrate electrode (thermo), micro pipette stand acrylic to hold 3 pipette, micro pipette starter kit set of three micro pipettes msk - nro - 03 kit (1ml, 5ml, 10ml), microlit easy fill pipette filling device grey collect and plunger ne - gg - 220v, microlit scitus bottle top dispenser with spring less valve technology (sci-100(10-100ml)).., ph electrode thermofischer orion, pipette stand for normal graduated pipette, plastic beaker 100 ml, sample cell 10 mm square quarta (hack), sample cell 50 mm rectangular quartz, glass (hack), silica gel beads, desicant 2.5mm 1kg, spectula, turbidity 1000 ntu calibration standard 500 ml ...., volumetric flask 100 ml class a, volumetric flask 500ml class a, wash bottle, watch glass, whatman filter papers........, -_ beaker 100ml class a, -_ conical flask 250ml class a, pipette 10ml class a, test tubes 30 ml
Tender For annual tender (empanelment basis) for supply of material for various location of bhopal city zone 01 to 21 - annual tender (empanelment basis) for supply of material for various location of bhopal city zone 01 to 21, providing & laying of p.v.c. pipe for roof top harvesting from roof slabto ground floor (each building higt up to 6.00 metar) including allfittings, jointing material with bypassarrangement.( tee,bend,socket nad clamp )with all lead and lift orhight.etc complet.as par disgin. size of pipe 110 mm dia mack of pipekasta, kisan and plasto .working pressir of pipe 4.00 kg / sqmt, pvc gate valve (size of valve 110 mm dia ) up to 1000 sq.fit, water harvasting filter "water harvasting filter consists of a polyvinylchloride (pvc)pipe 140 mm indiameter and 1.2 metr.long .there are threechambers .the first purification chamber has pebbles varying between2.6 mm ,the second chamber has slightly larger pebbles,between 6 and 12mm and the third chamber has the lagest 12-20 mm pebbles.there is a meshat the outflow side throught which clean water flows out after passingthrought the three chambers. up to 1000 sq.fit", artistic painting work as per design of mandana folk painting art of madhaya pradesh. acrylic colours ofapproved quality two and more coats, preapretion of surface base coatetc. complete job as per directed by engg in charge(with repairing of wall), c.i. bench, r.c.c bench, providing & fixing rcc post, acupressure tiles 50 mm, acp sheet designing fabriating testing installing and fixing in postion curtainwall with amuminium coposite panel cladding with open groovers forlinear as well as curvilinear portions of the builiding for all heightsand all levels etc. including.a). structural analysis and design and preparation of shop drawwings forpressure equalisation or ain screen princilae as required properdrainage of water to mae it watertight including heeking of all thestrutural and functional design.b). providing fabriating and supplying and fixing panels of aluminiumcomposite panel clading in pan shape in metalic colour of approvedshades. the aluminium composite panel clading sheet shall be coilcoated,with kynar 500 based pvdf/lumiflon based fluoropolymer resincoating of approved colour and shade on face #1 and polymer (service)coating on face # 2 as specified using stainless steel screws nutsbolts, washer,cleats weather silicone sealant,backet rods etc.c). the fastening brakests of alumininuim allly 6005 t58ms with hot dipgalvanised with serrations and serrated washers to arrest the wind loasmovement fasteners ss 316 pins and anhor bolts of appraved make inrequired.1. 4mm thick alummininium compsite pannel material consisting of 3.5 mmthick fr grade mineral core sandwiched between two alummininium sheets(each 0.25mm thich), stone dust zero metal, hard copra, rcc post 4"x4" in size 2 meter in hight, fibre glass (frp) ornamental articlefibre glass frp ornamental article as perdesign, frp casted article tobe fixed on c.c. padestal with holdfast, primer and duco painting applyon it.size 6 x3 , inagural stone(graynite stone p&l), writing work on stone, s.s. bench, wooden chair, cement bag, narmada sand, b.s. metal 6 to 10mm
Tender For corrigendum : design, support, supply, installation and commissioning, training, warranty and annual maintenance contract of medical cyclotron with turnkey (complete scope as per the attached document in specification) - [equipment -medical cyclotron system] medical cyclotron- bunker type, unshielded with 4 numbers niobium liquid target for 18f production (self shielded), 2 numbers niobium liquid target for 68ga production (unshielded or self shielded), 1 number solid target ( for production of 64cu,89zr, 68ga) (unshielded or self shielded) along with necessary operator and personnel safety interlock system, [equipment -medical cyclotron system] 18f based synthesis modulefully automated cassette-based synthesis module with suitable dual vertical hotcell or equvivalent to handle 20 ci of f18 radioactivity (each working chamber) for routine production of 18f based radiopharmaceuticals., [equipment -medical cyclotron system] synthesis research modulegeneral purpose 18f radiofluorination module with suitable dual vertical or equvivalent hot cell, [equipment -medical cyclotron system] solid target irradiation, processing and synthesis systemsolid target processing system with electroplating+recovery of enriched target+purification) automated module for synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals of zr89,64cu, with suitable hot cell (100 mm lead thickness) [separate prices to be provided for hotcell with camera and hotcell with pb glass window for the working chambers of the hotcells], [equipment -medical cyclotron system] fully automatic dispenser (18f)fully automatic dispenser for vial dispensing with suitable hot cell to handle 20 ci of f18 radioactivity, [equipment -medical cyclotron system] dispenser for solid target-based rpone dispenser for solid target-based radio-pharmaceuticals with suitable hot cell to handle minimum of 5 ci of activity., [equipment -medical cyclotron system] 68ga based synthesis module fully automated synthesis module for radio labelling of 68ga produced from cyclotron with suitable dual vertical hot cell or equvivalent [separate prices to be provided with camera and with pb glass window for the working chambers of the hotcells], [quality control system ] hplchplc with autosampler, [quality control system] gas chromatographygas chromatography with fid and autosampler, [quality control system]tlc scanner, [quality control system] ph reader, [quality control system] mca solid state based mca, [quality control system] dose calibratordose calibrator for qc, lead shielding, [quality control system] bet systemendotoxin test system for quality control, [quality control system]bod incubator, [quality control system] l-bench l-bench for target maintainance, [quality control system] l-bench (qc)l-bench for qc of pet radioharmaceutical, [quality control system]laminar flow benches, [radiation monitoring equipment] central radiation monitoring systemsystem includes software for online data acquisition and backup for six months., [radiation monitoring equipment] gamma area monitor gamma area monitor (0-100mr/h), [radiation monitoring equipment] remote probehigh range gamma monitor with remote probe, [radiation monitoring equipment] stack monitoring systemnai detector for on line stack monitoring systemlead castle for stack monitoring probeintegrated radiation monitoring computer system with complete cabling up to the top floor of building.stack monitoring channel local alarm unitssoftware system for stack monitoringmonitor channel connection kitspare parts kit for stack monitor, stacking monitor channels, area monitors, [radiation monitoring equipment]hand & foot monitor, [radiation monitoring equipment] personal pocket dosimeters (digital), [radiation monitoring equipment] portable gamma dose rateportable gamma dose rate meter + contamination probe, [radiation monitoring equipment] portable survey monitor for neutron, [radiation monitoring equipment] remote probe survey neutron monitor (high range), [radiation monitoring
Tender For supply and installation of laboratory equipments for government and government aided colleges of manipur. - physics, digital function generator, dual channel variable dc regulated power supplies, op-amp (ic741), coupling coefficient of piezoelectric crystal expt. set, dielectric constant apparatus (with tunable frequency), 20 mhz dual channel oscilloscope (cro), four probe apparatus, malus law apparatus., dipole antenna, wolaston air film (asico), brewster s law expt setup, plancks constant using led , determination of wavelength of laser source using diffraction of single and double slit, magnetic susceptibility gouys balance method expt set, bh curve apparatus with solenoid, ultrasonic diffraction grating expt set, microwave optics system trainer kit, stefan boltzmann constant apparatus, fibre optic trainer kit for numerical aperture, plancks constant expt. , geology, rocksmins geological hammer, polarizing microscope , brunton compass, garmin gps etrex 10x, botany, portable autoclave, burette, 50ml, centrifuge machine (mini), digital microscope with inbuilt camera, digital balance, digital spectrophotometer (single beam), medical microscope, horizontal gel electrophoresis with power supply, garmin gps etrex 10x, hot air oven (digital), magnetic stirrer, micro centrifuge tubes 1.5ml, 500/box, rotary microtome, auto digital ph meter, volumetric pipette, class a, 5ml, soil and water testing kit, soxhlet extraction apparatus, silica thin-layer chromatography (tlc) plates, mini vertical unit, water bath, 6l, chromatographic chamber, column chromatography, with integral sintered disc (grade-1), colorimeter cuvettes glass, dessicator, with cover, neutral glass with porcelain plate, ganongs potometer, ganongs respiroscope, kjeldahl digestion unit with glass part, max and min thermometer, ninhydrin sprayer, pipette pump 10ml, porcelain crucibles, separating funnel with i/c polypropylene stopper, squibb shape, ptfe needle valve,(500 ml), thermometer mercury 360 deg c, digital anemometer cup type with counter, conductivity meter , dissolved oxygen meter, distillation unit , 4l/hr make:- supertek features:-, flask, conical (erlenmeyer) graduated, (100 ml), digital flame photometer (single channel), hygrometer (digital), laminar air flow (horizontal), muffle furnace, rain gauge, shaking incubator, 12l, soil thermometer, stopwatch, tissue grinder, bod incubator, hydrometer, vernier/slide calliper (digital), soil moisture meter, uv transilluminator, winkler bottles (bod), 300ml (2/pkt), zoology, rotary microtome (erma type), sahlis haemometer, haemocytometer, sphygmomanometer (dial type), stethoscope, centrifuge machine (fixed rpm), museum specimen balanoglossus, museum specimen- herdmania, museum specimen-branchiostoma, museum specimen-petromyzon, museum specimen-myxine, museum specimen-sphryna, museum specimen-pristis, museum specimen-torpedo, museum specimen-chimaera, museum specimen-exocoetus, museum specimen-heteropneustes, museum specimen-echeneis, museum specimen-anquilla, museum specimen-hippocampus, museum specimen-tetrodon, museum specimen-flat fish, museum specimen-ichthyophis, museum specimen-necturus, museum specimen-alytes, museum specimen-salamandra, museum specimen-chelone, museum specimen-trionyx, museum specimen-varanus, museum specimen-uromastix, museum specimen-chameleon, museum specimen-draco, paper chromatography, digital precision balance (600g, 0.01g), distillation unit, 4l/hr, calorimeter, museum specimen- limulus, museum specimen- peripatus, museum specimen-nautilus, model of ornithorhynchus, dissolved oxygen meter, hygrometer (digital), hydrometer, ph meter digital, soil moisture meter, thermometer 360 deg c, hot air oven (digital), centrifuge machine (mini), medical microscope, bod incubator, slide- sections of amphioxus through pharyngeal region, slide- sections of amphioxus through intestinal and caudal region, slide- sections of balanoglossus through proboscis, slide- sections of balanoglossus through branch