Tender For podanur- shoranur, shoranur-nilambur and mangalore-panambur section: through bridge sleeperrenewal on girder bridges with h beam sleepers (location and scope are enclosed as annexure.
Tender For haml-hyderabad metro rail project phase-ii-corridor-vi-road widening from darulshifa to chandrayangutta - dismantling of affected properties bearing sketch no.236, 245, 261, 265, 266, 281, 317, 338, 339 on lhs under road widening in old city corridor (invited under earmarked work exclusively to sc individuals/ proprietorship firms/partner ship firms are only eligible to participate).
Tender For haml-hyderabad metro rail project phase-ii-corridor-vi-road widening from darulshifa to chandrayangutta - dismantling of affected properties bearing sketch no.112, 119, 120, 173, 175, 176, 185, 187, 196, 204, 205, 211, 225, 226, 228, 230, 231, 236, 237, 238 on rhs under road widening in old city corridor (invited under earmarked work exclusively to waddera / sagara communities category are only eligible to participate)
Tender For haml-hyderabad metro rail project phase-ii-corridor-vi-road widening from darulshifa to chandrayangutta - dismantling of affected properties bearing sketch no.115, 121, 141, 179, 182, 208 on lhs under road widening in old city corridor
Tender For haml-hyderabad metro rail project phase-ii-corridor-vi-road widening from darulshifa to chandrayangutta - dismantling of affected properties bearing sketch no.104, 105, 109, 110, 112, 118, 119/a, 126, 135, 137, 139 on lhs under road widening in old city corridor (invited under earmarked work exclusively to st individuals/ proprietorship firms/partner ship firms are only eligible to participate) - 2nd call
Tender For miscellaneous track repair works including vegetation removal, shallow screening with cess cleaning, casual sleeperrenewal, erc greasing, hiring of tractor/jcb, etc, lifting and packing of plain track/turnouts, etc in the section of aden/rpj.
Tender For miscellaneous track repair inluding vegetation removal, shallow screening with cess cleaning, causal sleeperrenewal erc greasing, hiring of tractor / jcb etc, lifting and packing of plain track turnout etc. in the section of sse/pw/sir & nldm under aden/sir.
Tender For bangalore -jolarpettai section: sw-i: throughsleeperrenewal (p) of existing 60kg psc with 60g wider based slack gauge psc (class-1) for a length of 1.152kms at isolated locations from 351/930 - 353/864 on curve no. 9, 10, 11 and 12 on up line. sw-ii: through fitting renewal for a length of 1.379km in isolated locations from 352/305-354/566 up line in sse/p.way/sbc section. sw-iii: throughsleeperrenewal (p) of existing 60kg wider based slack gauge psc (class-1) for a length of 1.193kms from 352/753-966, 352/966-353/456, 353/704-864 and 354/578-908 (dn line) (curve no. 10, 11, 12 and 16). sw-iv: through fitting renewal for a length of 0.553kma from km 352/200-753 (dn line) (curve no.13) in sse/p.way/sbc section.
Tender For corrigendum : p1pd-41/2025_licensing of retail business spaces having area less than 100 sq mtr at select metro stations of corridor -1 and corridor -2 of pune metro rail project for a period of 09 years.
Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation, testing, commissioning and training of electrical, plumbing, fire protection , vac and bms works for 9 underground stations and 10 elevated stations from rk salai station to sholinganallur station including bored tunnel & viaduct between the stations, cut & cover tunnel, u section and elevated ramp (ch. 17250.000 to ch. 35437.030) for corridor-3 of chennai metro rail project phase ii. price centre b - electrical system - 9 underground station