CTN :39383830
11 Mar, 2025
Tender For supply of title 1 to 12 - providing, installing, testing and commissioning of silent type diesel generating setcomplying with cpcb iv+ alongwith having prime power rating of 250 kva, 415 volts at 1500rpm, 0.8 lagging power factor at 415v suitable for 50 hz, 3 phase system & for 0.85 loadfactor including credit for dismantle material of old unserviceble dg set and consisting of thefollowings , fabricating, installing, testing & commissioning of automatic mains failure control suitable for250 kva silent type dg set with credit for dismantle material of amf complete with relays,pan class="text-red-selected">timerspan>, set of cts for metering &am
protection and energy analyser to indicate currents,
phase andline voltages, frequency,
power factor, kwh, kvarh &am
provision for overload, short circuit,earth fault, under frequency, control cabling from amf
panel to diesel engine and elsewhere ifrequired, all com
plete and interlocking including the followin , su
pplying and fixing exhaust gas
ping of suitable dia. welded black ms, b class
peconforming to is:3589 cut to required lengths and installed with necessary bends, su
pports andclam
ps, anti-vibration mountings, insulation of exhaust system with mineral wool/rockwool, 50mm thick wiremesh &am
p; aluminum cladding etc., as required as
per s
pecification , su
pply and laying of of 3.5 x 185 sq mm sizes of xl
pe insulated
pvc sheathed aluminiumconductor armoured
power cable of 1.1 kv grade confirming to is:7098 (
part 1) includingmaking connection with suitable size of aluminum lugs, laying on wall/surface, testing etc. asrequired. , su
pply, installation, commissioning &am
p; testing of com
plete set of maintenance free chemicalearthing with co
pper bonded electrode suitable dia &am
p; length 50 x 6 mm
pure co
pper internalstri
p with suitable terminal, ground enhancement material / back fill com
pound / groundingcom
pound of
permanent &am
p; maintenance free nature. (50 kg. for each earth
pit) ,
providing and fixing 25 mm x 5 mm co
pper stri
p on surface or in recess for connections etc. asrequired. , sitc of clean agent based tube fire su
ppression system 2 kg 10 mtr. heat sensing ul listedtube with ul listed fk5-1-12 clean agent gas , su
pply &am
p; laying of 10 core x 2.5 sq mm co
pper conductor control cable of insulation:-xl
pe(cross linked
polyethylene /
pvc), inner sheath:-
pvc (
polyvinyl chloride) st-2 / frls,armouring:- galvanized steel flat stri
p or round wire, outer sheath:-
pvc (
polyvinyl chloride)st-2 / frls i/c making connection, testing, laying on wall/surface &am
p; commisioning etc com
pleteas required , su
pply &am
p; laying of 3 core x 2.5 sq mm co
pper conductor control cable of insulation:-xl
pe(cross linked
polyethylene /
pvc), inner sheath:-
pvc (
polyvinyl chloride) st-2 / frls,armouring:- galvanized steel flat stri
p or round wire, outer sheath:-
pvc (
polyvinyl chloride)st-2 / frls i/c making connection, testing, laying on wall/surface &am
p; commisioning etc com
pleteas required , su
pplying and making end termination of size 3 x 185 sq. mm (57mm) with brass com
pressiongland and aluminium lugs for following size of
pvc insulated and
pvc sheathed / xl
pealuminium conductor cable of 1.1 kv grade as required. , 1 su
pply installation testing and commissioning of avm
pads ecs 25x400 suitable for dg set. 1 , su
pply of high s
peed diesel for o
peration of dg set i/c cartage filling etc. com
plete as require