Tender For supply of planet pinion fitted with needle bearing , ring gear , sun pinion , telescopic switch , fan with spring washer and nut , stator , drill holding chuck , fan cover with bolt spring washer and nut , stator puller new model , planet pinion needle bearing
Tender For supply of hand drill machine chuck capacity: 1.5 to 16 mm (minimum) weight 4.6 kg (max) power su pply: 220 to 240 v & tools as per annexure a - 1 set [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deliv ery ]
Tender For tender for supply of job order for 11c 091313w bolerow - unsv clutch plate pressure plate by unscrewing nuts and bolt m and l for repair to clutch assembly by dismantling carefully , clutch paddle rubber pad , for clutch plate , pressure plate , release bearing clutch , fuel filter assy air filter assy oil filter fuel tank drain out oil sump cleaning m and l for dismantling carefully , oil filter , air filter , fuel filter , engine oil , to more to dcs material and l d and d blower , replacement of seat cover of velvet cloth with high density foam complete m and l , m and l for dismantling and taking down all the wheels 11c 091312y bolero camper , wheel service kit front wheel , for wheel service kit rear , kin pin shims , for kin pin bush , lock pins , crown pinion oil seal , chuck nut , centre bearing , wheel cylinder bushes , gasket fr and rear hub , bearing grease , for m and l for repair to steering box assembly by disconnecting steering box assy , m and l for replacement of steering rod with bushes complete , taking down carefully road spring assembly front and rear by unsrewing nut and bolt cleaning servicing , main strip rear side , for main strip front side , ii rubber bush , strip no 2 and 4 , nut and bolt leaving with nuts , repair of self statrer 12 volts dc dismantling carefully cleaning servicing m and l , bendix pinion , sole noid switch 12 volt dc , bearing as per requirement , body bracing bolt , vehicle more see to dcs d and d unsv main propeller from , m and l for dismantling and taking down unserviceable turbo charger assy from the veh
Tender For supply of job order for 11c 091312y bolero - 11c 091312y bolero camper m and l for dismantling and taking down all the wheels , i wheel service kit front wheel , ii wheel service kit rear , iii kin pin shims , iv kin pin bush , v lock pins , vi crown pinion oil seal , vii chuck nut , viii centre bearing , ix wheel cylinder bushes , x gasket fr and rear hub , xi bearing grease , m and l for repair to steering box assembly by disconnecting steering box assy from more see to dcs , i m and l for replacement of steering rod with bushes complete , i taking down carefully road spring assembly front and rear by unsrewing nut and bolt cleaning servicing , i main strip rear side , ii main strip front side , ii rubber bush , iii strip no 2 and 4 , v nut and bolt leaving with nuts , i m and l for repair of self statrer 12 volts dc dismantling carefully cleaning servicing more see to dcs , i bendix pinion , ii sole noid switch 12 volt dc , iii bearing as per requirement , iv body bracing bolt , d and d unsv main propeller from vehicle more see to dcs , i m and l for dismantling and taking down unserviceable turbo charger assy from the veh , m and l for dismantling carefully fuel filter assy air filter assy oil filter fuel tank drain out oil sump cleaning , i oil filter , ii air filter , iii fuel filter , iv engine oil , material and l d and d blower to more to dcs , m and l for repair to clutch assembly by dismantling carefully unsv clutch plate pressure plate by unscrewing nuts and bolt , i clutch paddle rubber pad , ii clutch plate , iii pressure plate , iv clutch release bearing , m and l of replacement of seat cover of velvet cloth with high density foam complete
Tender For corrigendum : supply of manual screw type jack , 12 pcs pin punches and chisel cold set pairing chisel set of stanley , 17 pcs files tools set with portable bag , heavy weighted cast iron base drill machine stand 43mm chuck size , combination secrw driver set of 06 pcs stanley
Tender For repair of 200mm sluice valve including making m.s spendle, g.m. chuck nut, new chimta, nut bolt, rubber jain, glain dori, grease sluice valve opening and fitting at site, carriage charges from site to work shop and work shop to site including labour charge complete as per specification of engineer- in-charge complete in all respect, /200 mm sluice valves repair / at water works kilrodh
Tender For supply of 4 jaw heavy duty master grip independent lathe chuck size -16 inch as per bonne t make product code-5092-16 or similar, materal as per is 10612-1983 ,make -bonnet/zither-ma cmen/seco/bonmac or similar to suit center lathe machine make -kirloskar ,model- enterprise 1810-c. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]