Tender For supply of poly rings for constant contact pu side bearer pad conforming to rdso sp ec. no. wd-38 misc-2004, rev-2 of nov-2022 (with marking details). to aal drg no : aal-02110 1, item-5, alt : 8. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of top housing for pu side bearer pad to drg. no. aal-021101 alt-8, item-1. confirming to rdso spec. no. wd-38-misc-2004, rev-2. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of constant contact polyurethane side bearer pad assembly design-b confirming to rdso's specn. no. wd-38- misc-2004(rev-2) of nov-2022 (with marking details) to drg.no. aal-021101/n, alt no-1. [ warranty period: 30 month s after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of top housing for contact side bearer pad for casnub hs bogies.(material to be procured from rdso approved sources only) to drg.no.aal-021101,alt 8,item.no.1 wit h pu lining of item .no.4. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of side bearer for wag7 locos to rdso's drg. no. - sk. vl-127(alt.-11) & rdso's spec. no.- vl-03 (rev.-02) of april- 2017. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For lwlrrm shell kit (a) lwlrrm - roof, sidewall and end wall one coach set of roof, 2 mm side wall and end wall for lwlrrm coaches with noise reduction feature 1) roof c omplete to drg. no. 53816018, alt 'c' - 1 no 2) final roof element to drg. no. 83416016, alt ' a'-1 no 3) roof end part complete to drg. no.83416017, alt 'a' -1 no 4) end roof assy to drg no. 58116066, alt 'g' - 1 no, 5) ss trough arrangement to drg no. 53816023 alt 'a'- 1 no 6) side wall right complete to drg. no. lp14110, alt a anx. 6 -1 no 7) side wall left complete to drg.n o. lp14111, alt a anx.6 -1 no 8) sidewall npp-end right complete to drg.no.1.10113.0.20.110. 004, alt b anx.3 -1 no 9) side wall coach end complete to drg.no. 1.10113., alt b anx.4 -1 no 10) side wall pp end left cpl to drg.no. 1.10113., alt nil anx.3 -1 n o 11) side wall pp end right cpl to drg .no. 1.11012., alt nil anx.3 -1 no 12) end wall complete for lhb power car to drg. no. 1.11012., alt a anx.9 - 1 no with l atest detail drgs 1.11012. b anx-4 and mi007721_a_anx-2 13)end wall compl ete for lhb power car to drg. no. lp15103, alt nil anx-2 -1no 14) door cut out to drawin g no. lr10295-1 no & lr10296, alt a-1 no, 72914089, alt c- 1 no, 729 14 091, alt c- 1 no, 15) car l ine nos 1.11012., alt r - 1 no and 1.11012., alt r - 1 no. the end wall sha ll be assembled with cover sheet and shutter complete to item no.1 & 2 of drg.no.3.1011, br and item 6,7,8,10,12 of drg.no.2.10113.0.76.300.002, alt c and tail lamp br acket to drg no.2.10113.0.10.300.001. the firm shall fulfill the requirement as per.icf/md/ specn.200, issue status-01, rev-04 with amendment no-01. for end wall the firm shall fulf il the requirement as per icf/md/spec-315,issue status-01, rev.00. firm has to supply roof and sidewall without applying etch primer and the firm has to apply etch primer on roof and sidewall in icf after shell assembly. (b) body shell items & partitions for lwlrrm shell kit supply and insta llation of body shell items and partition frames for lwlrrm coaches to drg. no. 1) aaa1 0488, alt. c- 2 nos (rain water gutter) 2) 2 11012., alt.nil-2 nos.(rain water gutter) 3) lp 10107, alt. nil - 2 nos,(sheeting) 4) lp10136, alt d anx-4 -1no. (welding parts car body) 5) lp10125 alt b anx-10, item-33 - 14 nos.(ledge) 6) lp10108, alt a anx-1- 8 nos.(duct assy) 7) aaa10278, alt . nil-4 nos.(hand hold arrangement) 8) 1.11012. alt a -1 no (w/p in u/f incl. 53810070 & 53810035) 9) lp10139, anx-5 - 1 no (partition frames) the above items to be supplied as set and install the same at the body shell assembly stage to assembly drg.no. lp10125, alt b anx -10 (c) under frame arrangement -613-lp11103 alt 'd' anx-7 the manufacturing facility as pe r icf/md/spec-147, issue status-01 rev.02 with amendment no.01 special condition : a) -packin g as per icf/j&t/misc-2201, alt 'e', safety instruction as per icf/j&t/sk-1867, alt. 'nil' -packin g as per icf/j&t/sk-1809, alt 'a'. b) - packing condition as per icf/j&t/sk-1865, alt "a". installa tion required as per assy.drg.& annexure-a, dtd 13-09-2023 to be followed. supply rates a nd installation rates to be quoted separately. c)packing condition as per drg.no.icf/j&t /misc-2487, alt 'b' the underframe should be supplied as normal side up and side bearer s ide down. [safety item ]