Tender For supply of signal group 3 aspect siemens make ,type a-rt-rg-a067 suitable for led signal o r equivalent without base plate along with guide rail confirming to specification irs:s-23,s-34,s-46 as appli cable & firms .rdso item id:-3100437,relays (metal to metal).sub item id:-3100437003, relays -dc n eutral line relay, non aci, 60 v dc (metal to metal contact) spec: irs:s-46 with amdt.1 ; firm's specn , irs s 23-88 ; irs s 34-68, str: siq 0420 ver.1 (item reserved for rdso approved source with item id: 310043 7, sub item id: 3100437003) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of fuel oil control trip valves accessories - critical spare qq , position feedback limit switch rr , actuator diaphragm for fo control valves a , gland packing for fo control valves b , ldo flow control valve nb80 e , ldo flow control valve nb80 f , actuator diaphragm for fo trip valves a , gland packing for fo trip valves b , actuator diaphragm for burner trip valve c , gland packing for burner trip valves d , actuator diaphragm for fo trip valves e , gland packing for fo trip valves f , actuator diaphragm for burner trip valve g , gland packing for burner trip valves h , solenoid valves i , position feedback limit switch j , air filter regulators k , diaphragm l , gland packing m , plug seat cage stem etc n , retainer ring seal ring etc o , gasket p , solenoid coil for pneu type onoff vlv q , air lock relay r , signal air booster unit s , ldo main trip valve nb100 t , light oil 3 way return trip valve nb80 u , burner trip valves atomising air nb25 v , burner trip valves lfo nb25 w , burner trip valves air scavenging nb25 x , lfo return bypass valve nb80 y , ldo main trip valve nb100 z , light oil 3 way return trip valve nb80 aa , burner trip valves atomising air nb25 bb , burner trip valves lfo nb25 cc , burner trip valves air scavenging nb25 dd , lfo return bypass valve nb80 ee , actuator diaphragm for fo trip valves m , gland packing for fo trip valves n , actuator diaphragm for burner trip valve o , gland packing for burner trip valves p , actuator diaphragm for fo trip valves q , gland packing for fo trip valves r , actuator diaphragm for burner trip valve s , gland packing for burner trip valves t , actuator diaphragm for fo control valves cc , gland packing for fo control valves dd , actuator diaphragm for fo control valves ee , gland packing for fo control valves ff , gasket u , solenoid coil for pneu type onoff vlv v , air lock relay w , signal air booster unit x , solenoid valves y , position feedback limit switch z , air filter regulators aa , diaphragm bb , gland packing cc , plug seat cage stem etc dd , retainer ring seal ring etc ee , burner trip valves air scavenging nb25 a , lfo return bypass valve nb80 b , ldo main trip valve nb100 c , light oil 3 way return trip valve nb80 d , burner trip valves atomising air nb25 e , burner trip valves lfo nb25 f , position feedback limit switch rr u , solenoid valves x , position feedback limit switch y , air filter regulators z , diaphragm aa , gland packing bb , plug seat cage stem etc cc , retainer ring seal ring etc dd , gasket ee , solenoid coil for pneu type onoff vlv ff
Tender For supply of relay, miniature, plug in type, tractive armature, style qecx, ac led all aspe ct, universal ac lamp proving relay, slow to release neutral line relay 4f-4b contacts, front and back contacts metal to carbon, shall be suitable for working in series with 110v ac led signal lamp rated a t 15w confirming to rdso spec. no. brs:941a,sts/e/relays/ac lit led signal/09-2002 amdt1, irs s-23 & 34. the interlocking code for this unit shall be abdhk. [ warranty period: 30 months after th e date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of universal led lamp proving relay qecx61 relay, 4f-4b,ac conforming to brs:941a sts/e/relays/ac lit led signal/09-2002, amdt.-1 (for all aspect ecr for ac led signal) [ warrant y period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of relay plug-in type, style ac- led all aspects, ac lamp proving relay unit with in- bu ilt current transformer type, slow-release neutral line relay, 4f/4b contacts, front and back contacts metal t o carbon, shall be suitable for working in series with the 110v ac, led signal lamp rated at 15w confirming to rdso spec. sts/e/reelys/ac lit led signal/ 09- 2002, brs:941a, irs: s- 34 & irs: s- 23 as applicable. th e interlocking code for this unit shall be abdhk. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]