Tender For corrigendum : tn-5367 hiring the services of oilfiltration machine, air dryer generator and transformer testing equipments for power transformers of unit 1 to 7 at kstps, kota
Tender For corrigendum : procurement, installation and commissioning of portable oilfiltration machine for hardcastle petrofer envolubric he46 oil used in hplp bypass system installed at tmd area of 2x660 mw, stage ii,sstpp,mppgcl dongalia
Tender For filtration of transformeroil of 220/132 kv, 160 mva power transformer unit-ii at 220 kv gss, rvpnm, ig nagar by providing high vaccum filtration machine and oil testing having 100 kv capacity.
Tender For corrigendum : hiring the services of oilfiltration machine, air dryer generator unit and transformer testing equipments for power transformers of unit1 to 7 at kstps, kota.