Tender For supply of electronic rectifier- cum- regulating unit (erru) with voltage controller for 4.5 kw brus hless alternator for non-ac conventional self-generating coaches conforming to rdso's specification n o. rdso/pe/spec/ac/0013-2011 (rev-'3'). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 25 kw brushless alternator with other accessories (excluding electronic rectifier-cum-re gulator unit or rectifier-cum-regulator unit) conforming to rdso specification no. rdso / pe / spec / a c /0056-2014 (rev.1). the accessories shall be as per drawings listed below (a) alternator pulley shall be as per rdso drawing no. skel 3645 (rev.4) 2014. (b) axle pulley shall be as per rdso drawing no . skel 3652 alt.3 (c) rubber pad shall be as per rdso drawing no. skel 4021 alt.2 (d) safety chain sh all be as per rdso drawing no. skel 4022 alt.3 (e) suspension hanger pin with split cotter and washe r shall be as per rdso drawing no. skel 3943 (rev.2) 2016, alt. 1 (f) belt tension device with indicato r plate cut to 250 mm length shall be as per rdso drawing no. skel 3940 sheet 1 alt.5 and sheet 2 al t.5. (g) terminal board shall be as per rdso drawing no. rdso / pe / sk / ac /0047-2003 (rev.4) (h) m odified spring shall be as per drawing no. rdso / pe / sk / ac /0068-2004 (rev.0) (i) wear resistant nyl on bush shall be as per rdso drawing no. rdso / pe / sk / tl / 0086 - 2014 (rev.2) alt.1. make accept able: hmtd, ice, kel, kel-eml, pds, presstech & stesalit. oem or authorised dealers only to quote with documentary evidence. (warranty as per irs condition) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]