Tender For maintenance to ht and lt to upkeep electrical installations for preventive and emergency maintenance of electrical installations lt and ht and covers majorly the preventive maintenance aspects electrical sub stations including all ht equipment like vaccum circuit breakers sfus transformers controlpanels lt switchgear apfc panels amf panels db s, switch boards etc and routine maintenance and certain minor consumables accessories in the entire city civil court building, puranahaveli hyderabad for the period of one year 2025-2026
Tender For annual maintenance for preventive and emergency maintenance to ht electrical installations at electrical sub stations including all ht equipment s like transformers controlpanels lt switchgear, apfc panels, amf panels etc., and routine maintenance in the entire high court premises for the period of one year 2025-2026
Tender For repair and maintenance of dg sets ro plants controlpanel earthing system street light alongwith connected items for water supply installation under aor of age u water supply no 1 under ge u water supply delhi cantt 10
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - service contract for urea and ammonia plant static jobs during atr 2025 at hurl barauni exchanger opening tube cleaning columnvessel inspection control valve maintenance guillotine damper repair and hot work valve flange rep..
Tender For supply of 2t tower r32 general service , 1.5t split r32 general service , window 1.5t r32 general service , 1.5t split r22 general service , 2t split r22 general service , window 1.5t r22 general service , 1.5 split r410a general service , split removal , split installation with misc fastener , 2t tower pcb replace , 1.5t split pcb replace , 2t split pcb replace , window 1.5t pcb replace , 1.5t to 2t r32 supply and fill , 1.5t to 2t r22 supply and fill , 1.5t to 2t r410a supply and fill , 1.5t to 2t cu pipe condenser outlet , 1.5t to 2t cu pipe condenser inlet , 1.5t to 2t condenser fan motor replace , 1.5t to 2t drain pipe , 1.5t capacitor , 2t capacitor , 2t tower air filter replace , 1.5t split air filter replace , 2t split air filter replace , window 1.5 air filter replace , 1.5t to 2t blower fan motor replace , 1.5t to 2t swing motor replace , 1.5t to 2t insulation pipe with foam , 1.5t to 2t 16amp cable , 1.5t to 2t 16amp plug , 1.5t to 2t mcb 16amp , 1.5t to 2t mcb 32amp , 1.5t to 2t thermostat sensor , split mount bracket and fastner , window mounting bracket and fastner , 2t tower inside unit coil leakage repair , 1.5t split inside unit coil leakage repair , 2t split inside unit coil leakage repair , window 1.5t inside unit coil leakage repair , 2t tower outside unit coil leakage repair , 1.5t split outside unit coil leakage repair , 2t split outside unit coil leakage repair , window 1.5t outside unit coil leakage repair , 2t tower valve assembly replace , 1.5t split valve assembly replace , 2t split valve assembly replace , window 1.5 valve assembly replace , defective remote control replace , supply and install new stabilzer 1.5t , supply and intall new stabilizer 2t
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - repair and rectification of abro make defective mp 102 electronics control unit of abro dynamic balancing machines located at ksa bay of ed koraput