Tender For corrigendum : supply of selection of lso vendor for construction of 60t bp tug at hindustan shipyard limited - main engines and its auxillaries , srp shafting and its auxillaries , clutch and its auxillaries , external fire fighting system and its auxillaries , hull outfit group , accommodation , engineering , piping , onboard spares , installation and commissioning spares if an , standard special tools and test equipment instruments if any for maintenance and defect rectification of equipment , project management cost , production fabrication installation fitment connectorization services , electrical , conduct of equipment sys commissioning and trials hats , services at sats , training , documentation including delivery docs 4 sets each
Tender For corrigendum : supply of absorber mist eliminator, supervision for e & c, performance testing and mandatory spares of ntpc korba project - ntpc korba (package-1)- refer annexure b, absorber mist eliminatorthree stage mist eliminator and accessories ( absorber size = 10.9 m l x 26.9m w) includes manufacturing/fabrication, shop floor testing, stage inspections, final inspections, painting & packing., absorber mist eliminator washing nozzlesabsorber mist eliminator washing nozzles (10% of each type and size for the entire supply/population), absorber mist eliminatorabsorber mist eliminator (5% of each type and size/configuaration for the entire supply/population), absorber mist eliminatorthree stage mist eliminator and accessories ( absorber size = 9.9 m l x 20.4 m w)includes manufacturing/fabrication, shop floor testing, stage inspections, final inspections, painting & packing., absorber mist eliminatorthree stage mist eliminator and accessories ( absorber size = 9.9 m l x 20.4 m w)includes manufacturing/fabrication, shop floor testing, stage inspections, final inspections, painting & packing., absorber mist eliminatorthree stage mist eliminator and accessories ( absorber size = 9.9 m l x 20.4 m w)includes manufacturing/fabrication, shop floor testing, stage inspections, final inspections, painting & packing., absorber mist eliminatorthree stage mist eliminator and accessories ( absorber size = 9.9 m l x 20.4 m w)includes manufacturing/fabrication, shop floor testing, stage inspections, final inspections, painting & packing., absorber mist eliminator washing nozzlesabsorber mist eliminator washing nozzles (10% of each type and size for the entire supply/population)- to be quoted considering all the four absorbers(customer no : 8203,8204,8205,8206)., absorber mist eliminatorabsorber mist eliminator (5% of each type and size/configuaration for the entire supply/population)- to be quoted considering all the four absorbers (customer no : 8203,8204,8205,8206)., charges for performance (dropletmeasurement) test at site - absorbermist eliminator( absorber size = 10.9 m l x 26.9m w)as per clause no-12 of technicalpurchase specification for mist eliminator,ref no: fgd:me:001, rev.00, charges for performance (dropletmeasurement) test at site - absorbermist eliminator( absorber size = 9.9 m l x 20.4 m w) asper clause no-12 of technical purchasespecification for mist eliminator, ref no:fgd:me:001, rev.00, lumpsum charges for supervision oferection and commissioning perabsorber mist eliminator as perclause 7 (c) of annexure-a.( five absorbers-8200, 8203, 8204, 8205 and 8206) 1 absorber - 20 days
Tender For corrigendum : invitation to tender for design, manufacture / fabrication, assembly, testing, shop inspection, painting and supply & delivery of high pressure hydro jet coke oven door cleaners in a fixed station including all commissioning spares, supervision of erection, testing, trial run, commissioning and demonstration of performance guarantee parameters in presence of oem of the system and two years operational & maintenance spares (optional) (pkg. no. ss-410), required for rebuilding of coke oven battery no. 6 at sail, bokaro steel limited, bokaro, jharkhand..
Tender For transporting of 9mtr psc pole , loading & unloading of 9mtr psc pole , exca. of 9mtr psc pole in rocky ground , erection of 9mtr psc pole in rocky ground , transporting of 8mtr psc pole , loading & unloading of 8mtr psc pole , exca & erac of 8mtr psc pole in rocky ground , stringing & sagging of 7/3.15 acsr with lc , stringing & sagging of 7/3.15 acsr without lc , stringing & sagging of 7/2.50 acsr without lc , stringing & sagging of 7/2.50 acsr with lc , fixing of tapping cross arm , fixing of three phase x arm , fixing of single phase x arm , fixing of 3.5" v cross arm , fixing of disc , fixing of ht ti fitting , fixing of ht/lt pin insulators , fixing of lt shackle , fixing of stay set complete in rocky ground , fixing of stay set complete , providing jumpering at cut point , holes and drilling , alternation of clamp , pole concreting , coping of pole , fixing of pole earthing , erection of 25kva dt , erection of 100kva dt , loading & unloading of. dt , transporting of. dt (below 100 kva) , erection of single pole transformerstructure , erection of dp structure , dismantling of 8mtr psc pole , dismantling of 9mtr psc pole , dismantling of three phase x arm , dismantling of tapping xarm , dismantling of ht ti fitting , dismantling of disc , dismantling of single phase x arm , dismantling of ht/lt pin , dismantling of stay set in rocky ground, dismantling of v x arm , dismantling of 7/2.50 acsr without lc , dismantling of 7/3.15 acsr with lc , dismantling of dp structure material , transporting of line materials from store to site using private vehicle , tree clearance , erection of centre support