Tender For supply of complete conduit seal ring for jumper plug assembly for high capacity ivc unit 500a 750v rating for eog type ac coaches / power cars confirming as per rdso specification no. pe/spec/ac/0177 (rev.0) -2013 or latest. make: rdso approved sources only. [ warranty peri od: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of relay ac immune, plug-in-type, style "qba1" dc biased line, 24v, 8f/8b contacts, f ront and back contacts metal to carbon complete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors conformin g to brs:932a, rdso specn. irs-s-60, irs- 34 & irs-23 (amdt. up to date if any up to the date of opening) . the interlocking code for this unit shall be acdeh, make/brand-wsf or cg power or digital control or simi lar [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of relay ql1 plug in type, style magnetically latched, neutral line, 2 4v dc, 11f- 4b contacts, front & back contacts m to c, complete with plug board, retain ing clip and connectors conforming to brs:935a and rdso specn. no. irs:s-34 & irs:s-23, (a mdt. up to date if any up to the date of opening). the interlocking code : abdeg, make/br and-wsf or cg power or digital control or electrostar or similar [ warranty period: 30 months after t he date of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of supply of electrical spares at kishangarh airpor - 12v, 180ah, 25 plate lead acid battery with buyback of oid batteries, suitable for g. sat, supply of 12v 100ah lead and battery with dustack of old batteries, suitable for solar panel, supply of 12v, 25ah svf battery with buyback of old batteries suitable for ups, supply of 12v, 70ah smf battery boyback of old batteries stable for fire alarm panel and ups, supply of digital programable tiene switch (24 hours) 240v ac supply, suitable for corting outborghing sustam make/model selen t52m1, make model havells 12755 equart, supply of steel panel lock knch hine, suitable for existing electrical panel complete as requined, supply of 5 pin, 6/15a, modular socket oudlet 151 marked suitable for existing fittings maka anchor penta sares), supply of 6a, these pin, modutar socket cutiut, is1 marked suitable for existing tings make anchor penta series), supply of 03 module pvc box suitable to work on 230v 50hz, ac supply 15 marked, colour white, supply of 06 module pvc box sutable to work on 230v 10% 50hz, ac supply: 15 marad colour-whit, supply of 08 module pvc bos sutable to work on 230v 10% 50hz, ac bupply 18 marked colour-white, supply of 00 madde type pvc cover plates with base frame suitable to work on 230v10%, 50hz, ac supply. mahad colour-white, make anchor panta sadas, supply of o module type pvc cover plates with base frame suitable to work on 230v 10%, 50hz. ac supply. 18) marikod, colour white. maka anchor pre, supply of 150w, ba, halogen withholder sultater ama make devatad type runway edge aghting make osram model no. 64361 huuzic 150-15 pk30 100/cs sku or equivalent), supply of 2 core 4 sqmm 600 v grade copper condudor, epr insulated pcp sheathed underground secondary cable for airport liphing circuits completed and conforming to technical specification, supply of secondary connector kit (male & female) stable for connection zka sq mem muti stranded annealed conductor, unshielded secondary airfield lighting cables as per specification etc. as required, supply of 3 pin sisa, plug top 15 marked, supply of 3 pin 15/16a, heavy duty plug top, 18 marked, supply of 25 s mm sizas reg type aluminium augs for 11 kv grade cable, supply of 240 sq. mm sizes ing type aluminum lugs for 11 kv grade cable, supply of 20 watt led bathen type sube light 14 ft.) ulta san with extruded polycarbonate, sutable for 230v, 50hz, ac supply efficacy: 100 lm/w, 6000k, with a accessories complete as required, supply of 03 phase 415v, air break power contactor with auxiliary supply of 230v, 50 hz complote as required make/model-siemens/3tf33 00-0a
Tender For supply of s and f carburator veh ba no 22a 075785k , s and f fuel pipes , s and f of hose pipes with clips , s and f of power realy , s and f starter relay , s and f of rocker arm , s and f of tappet , s and f of timing chain , proper setting the timing of the veh as ideal , s and f the magnetic coil , head light bulb , speedo meter cable , break shoe front and rear , sparking plug , side view mirror , front side indicators , chain and sporket assembly , engine oil , labour charges
Tender For supply of s and f carburator veh ba no 23a 076678y , s and f fuel pipes , s and f of hose pipes with clips , s and f of power realy , s and f starter relay , s and f of rocker arm veh ba no 23 a 076679w bajaj platina , s and f of tappet , s and f of timing chain , proper setting the timing of the veh as ideal , s and f the magnetic coil , head light bulb , break shoe front and rear , sparking plug , side view mirror , rear side indicators , engine oil , greasing , seat cover , fuel tank cleaning , labour charges