Tender For painting of footpath/central verge/curb on main road and reilif road, moti bakary, haj house road, ghandhi road, in khadia ward of central zone and repairing and renewing as required. (arc)
Tender For painting of footpath/central verge/curb on main road inside and outside raipur darwaza in khadia ward of central zone and repairing and renewing as required. (arc)
Tender For providing and laying new shot blast footpath and repairing of exisitng footpath , nozing,central verge colour at tp 37,38,53a and other different places in thaltej ward of northwest zone.
Tender For providing and laying new shot blast footpath and repairing of exisitng footpath , nozing,central verge colour at tp 1,2 and other different places in thaltej ward of north westzone.
Tender For work of painting the central verge and footpaths &footpath related work from sg highway to 132 ft. ringroad & other different roads in bodakdev ward ofnorth west zone.(arc)
Tender For colour work and repairing work of central verge andfootpath and other related work at tp-50, ambli areaand other area of bodakdev ward of north west zone(arc).
Tender For colour work and repairing work of central verge andfootpath and other related work at area betweens.g.highway to s.p. ring road and other area ofbodakdev ward of north west zone (arc).
Tender For repairing and restoration o f bollards, nosing, footpathand construction of new central verge and otherrelated work at tp-50 area, ambli area other area ofbodakdev ward of north west zone (arc).
Tender For repairing and restoration o f bollards, nosing, footpathand construction of new central verge and otherrelated work at area between s.g.highway to s.p. ringroad and other area of bodakdev ward of north westzone (arc).