Tender For providing of custom bid for services - non comprehensive annual maintenance contract and calibration for universal testing machine capacity 10 ton
Tender For corrigendum : camc of qty twenty four machineries and ndt equipments at component repair shop - upstroke hydraulic press with hyd tank and motor pt no indimech hydraulic press sl no 7193 , extruder with machine pt no indimech extruder sl no nayg crs ewm 01 , rubber mixing machine pt no indexpell rubber mixer sl no nayg crs rmm 02 , stand for test acceptance of air system unit pt no c 3757 ue 82 sl no 01 , stand for test gen purpose hydraulic rig pt no c 3390ue 82 sl no 02 , stand for test fuel rig pt no c 3869mue 82 sl no 03 , hydraulic callibration set pt no 63b 0001na sl no 512 , pneumatic calibration set pt no 63b 0001na sl no 513 , climatic chamber minus 40 degree to 20 degree pt no climatic chember minus 40 deg sl no nayg crs cc 03 , charging unit of fire extinguisher system pt no zssp sl no 1 , sonic bond master 1000 multimode with accessories pt no 9020342 reve sl no 1000c12465079107 , ultrasonic plant pt no uzu 2 kor u sl no 169 , ultrasonic filter cleaning rig pt no uc 500w sl no 10541 , magnetic particle flaw detector pt no ferro test gwh 15 sl no 1548752 , bond testing flaw detector pt no bond master 600 sl no 60002161046 , ultrasonic flaw detector pt no epoch 650 sl no 160164102 , eddy current flaw detector pt no nortech 600 sl no 60002161072 , ultrasonic thickness meter pt no 38 dl plus sl no 161265703 , high pressure compressor pt no revell tc3 1 by 2 mk 7 compressor sl no nayg crs hpc 04 , electronic weighing machine capacity 300 kgs pt no ds 415 sl no g415028098 , oven rane 0 degree celceius to minus 300 degree celceius pt no oven 330 deg sl no nayg crs oven 05 , tu hydraulic trolley tu0014 sl no 001 , installation set for checking and pressing hp vessels pt no upos 1 sl no 28 1018107 1 , halon gas filling system pt no jj 2023 point 02 sl no lf 57
Tender For quotation for calibration of low cost biomedical equipments- 10 ml pipette pump , 02 ml pipette pump , adult weight machine , aneroid , sphygmomanometer , baby weight machine , cbg , machine/gulocometer , digital bp machine , digital photo colorimeter , digital thermometer , digital weighing balance , haemoglobinometer , single channel , micropipette 02-20 l , single channel , micropipette20-200 l , single channel , micropipette 5-50 l , single channel , micropipette 100-1000 , nebuliser with humidifier , sterilize , suction machine
Tender For corrigendum : supplying & installing nabl approved equipments for civil worktesting at piplaj hotmix plant for ahmedabad muncipal corporation.(amc) - electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 304)-(compact )-4 ltr/hour, compact cbr load frame-electrical-single speed, non nuclear density gauge (soil), rapid moisture meter-0 - 25 percentage with pressure gauge, standard penetration test apparatus with accessories - motorised, digital constant temp. waterbath for marshal test -6 moulds-100 mm, bitumen extractor - motorised with variable speed with digital rpm indicator with ac motor and drive, automatic compactor for marshal test - 4" dia specimen, unconfined compression tester-digital (marshal), ductility testing machine - digital temp control - refrigerated - is 1208, ring and ball apparatus-(programmable)-(digital)-(astm d36) with accessories, thin film oven - as per is 9382 as per is:9382., sand equivalent value test apparatus with accessories, sand equivalent mechanical shaker - motorized (astm d2419) with digital rpm indicator and digital timer, standard penetrometer for bitumen - automatic digital timer - dial gauge as per is 1203, is 1448. astm d5., saybolt viscometer - with digital controller and motorised stirrer - astm d88, pensky marten flash point apparatus-digital with motorised stirrer, asphalt content oven-(asphalt ignition oven)-(astm d6307), planetary mixer-for bituminous mix-digital- 20 ltrs, hardness tester for bitumen mastic asphalt with accessories, infrared thermometer - (-50c to 500 c), digital thermometer-(dtm 100)-300c-(cr/al (k))- with 12" long temp.probe, round hot plate-c.i. top-digital-20 cm, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-automatic pace rate controlled, compression testing machine - 2000 kn-digital - manual pacecontrol- auto calculation, cube mould-15 cm-isi marked u is:10086., concrete permeability tester - as per din 1048 - 3 cell - with air compressor, laboratory needle vibrato include 25mm needle with 6 meter long rubber shaft, laboratory concrete mixer-tilting drum type, vibrating table-100 x 100 cm, aggregate impact testing machine with blow counter, flow table (cement)-motorised - 25cm dia - m.s. top - is 5512, air entrainment meter - 0.005 cubic mtr - is: 1199 with accessories, los angeles abrasion testing machine - with presettable digital counter, riffle sample divider - g.i. 25mm - no. of slot : 16, electronic weighing balance -30 kg-1 gm, precision electronic balance-500 gm-0.01 gm (10 mg)-auto calibration, electronic weighing balance -5 kg-0.5 gm (500 mg), electronic platform balance-300 kg-50 gm-platform size 600 x 600 mm, high precision electronic balance -100 gm-0.001 gm (1 mg)- external calibration, water testing kit - hardness, water testing kit- sulphates, water testing kit chlorides, coarse sieves - 45 cm dia-g.i.-100.00 mm, fine sieve - 20cm dia-brass-10 mm, sieve shaker-gyratory-for 20/30 & 45cm dia sieves with digitaltimer, hot air oven-digital-45x45x45 cm-250c-inner s.s. chamber, liquid limit device - motorisedas per is : 2720 (partv) with revolution counter and grooving tools., pipette borosilicate glass - 1 ml, measuring cylinder - borosilicate glass - "0" bottom - 100 ml., water still-(ss 3
Tender For repairing and renovation of pt pump test and calibration machine lighting and test platform of pt pump shop under regional repair shop dakra (nk) area
Tender For supply of set of portable hardness testing machine, hardness calibration block, and d type probe with indenter for online testing at visual station. technical specification as per annexure-"a" & set list as per annexure-"b". [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For providing of calibration services - calibration of digital hardness testing machine and measuring instruments as per sow; calibration of digital hardness testing machine and measuring instruments as per sow; as per sow; buyer premises (onsite)