Tender For supply of set of cable cleat and press plate for traction motor type 6fra6068 as per drawing no: - trs /hwh/el/884/24. one set consist of (i) press plate (sl no.3)= 01 no. (ii) compression plate (sl no.2) = 01 no. (iii) compression plate (sl no.1) = 01 no. (iv) rubber bush (sl. no. 4) = 06 nos. (material to be procure d from clw approved sources.) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of bearing bracket assembly for traction motor type hs15250a comprising of - (i) be aring bracket assembly (ce) to hitachi's drg. no.- 10q.750-246 (alt.-p)= 1 no. (ii) bearing bracket asse mbly (pe) to hitachi's drg. no.- 10q.750-245 (alt.-o) with amendment-1(ref.- ms.no.- rdso/2012/elrs /ms /0414 (rev.-0)= 1 no. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of copper terminal for traction motor lead cables size 50 sq. mm. to drg no .wr/mx/el-1998-4-ac-dc- tm-292-item no.1,2,3&4 (one set consists of 04 items having 04 nos.) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of outer labyrinth and outer bearing cap driving end (de) for wap7/wag9 traction motors type 6fra 6068 consisting of 2 items . set details as follows. 1) outer bearing cap de side as per clw drg no: 1twd.096.006 alt-8: or latest- 1 no/set. 2)outer labyrinth de side as per clw drg no: 4twd.096.029 alt-8 or latest:- 1 no/set. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of spare part for pinion mounting/dismounting for tm of 3 phase locos make - crimpwell, one set consisting of 04 items (1) traction rod model no. htmdr=06 nos. (2) elbow adopter model no. htmdea = 04 nos. (3) pinion adopter model no. htmdpa =26 nos. (4) hex nut along with washer for traction rod model no. htmdhn = 06 nos. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of edgewise scaled illuminated dial, moving coil, traction motor ammeter (external shunt type but supplied without shunt) dial 1-0-1.5 ka, conforming to clw spc n. clw/es/i-21 alt-b and clw drg.no.clw/es/sk-1 /i-21 alt-b and clw/es/sk-2/i-21 alt-b or set t & de drg.no.323 for dimension [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of items for brush holder of traction motor type hitachi consisting of 3 items as per attached document. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of dampers for wap-5 locos as per clw specification no. clw/ms/10/005 a lt.1 or latest consisting of 05 items as given below: 1. axle damper as per clw drg.no.1 210-01-215-014 ref. 1 alt-1, qty 8 nos. 2. vertical damper as per clw drg. no. 1210-01-215-0 14 ref.3 alt-1, qty 4 nos. 3. horizontal damper as per clw drg. no.1210 -01-215-014 ref.3 a lt-1, qty 4 nos. 4. yaw damper as per clw drg. no. 1210-01-215-014 ref.4 alt-1, qty 4 nos. 5. traction motor damper as per clw drg. no 1210-01-215-014 ref. 5 alt-1, qty 4 nos. [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of traction motor air filter set for one dpc (1600/1400)hp demu/dpc,medha price list part no. sp648v27119 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]