Tender For annual percentage rate contract on mes ssr 2020 for civil maintenance works, including masonry, joinery , false ceiling, roof repair (including valley gutter, rain water pipes etc.) concrete work, water supply, sanit
Tender For const of open sabhagruh at ward no.140, near kattalkhana gate no.4, govandi station road, govandi, providing and laying water supply line, const of gutter and passage at ward no.140, near mochi gully, tata nagar, govandi and other three works.
Tender For (1) providing and laying water supply line, const of gutter and passage at ward no.147, near blawadi, rahul nagar, vashi naka, (2) const of gutter, passage and ladikaran at ward no.147, near samaj mandir, shivaji nagar vashi naka and other two works.
Tender For (1) const of open sabhgruh, fixing grill and ladikaran at ward no.146, anjuman muslimi islampura, ashok nagar, vashi naka,(2) p/ l water supply line, const of gutter and passage at ward no.146, borba devi nagar, panjarpole and other three works.
Tender For (1) const of open sabhagruh, gutter and passage, swereage line, p/l water supply line, grill for water tank and const of gate at ward no.148, vishnu nagar and other two works.
Tender For (1)construction of open sabhagruh, gutter and passage, swerage line, p/l water line, safety grill for water tank and const of gate at ward no.148, bharat nagar and other two works.
Tender For const of open sabhagruh, gutter and passage, sewerage line, p/l water supply line, safety grill for water tank and const of gate at ward no.148, m.m.r.d.a. colony
Tender For const of open sabhagruh, gutter and passage, sewerage line, p/l water supply line, safety grill or water tank and gate at ward no.148, j point