Tender For 1) construction of field road ts no921 2) construction of cc road ts no926 3) construction of undergrounddrainage ts no924 4) construction of water tank for animal ts no923 5) construction of cc road ts no922 6) construction of undergrounddrainage ts no 927 7) construction of cc drain ts no623 8) r/o samaj mandir in tanda ts no925
Tender For 1. repairs to samaj mandir at pangarasati 2 repairs to samaj mandir at pangarasati 3. constructionunderground drain in village at pangrasati repairs gp office at village pangara sati 5. construction of underground drain at backword area at pangarasati
Tender For work.1.constructing underground drain at hapsapur tq basmath dist hingoli work.2.making waste collection and segregation at village hapsapur tq basmath dist hingoli
Tender For work.1.construction of cement concrete road at aral tq basmath dist hingoli work.2.construction of underground rcc drain at village aral tq basmath dist hingoli