Tender For bid to ras supply of sitc for vrindavan dch - bowl and splash guard , one thousand two hundred w x twothousand one hundred h for main storage , surgeonsdouble arm pendant ce marked with electrical socketoutlets etc and provision with gas outlet , anesthesia singlearm pendant ce marked with electrical socket outlets etcand provision with gas , dual dome led ot light as perminutes specifications and annexures referred above forregular ot , camera as par requirement , monitor as parrequirement , white ceramic writing list board as perminutes specifications and annexures referred above forregular otsize six hundred and fifty x twelve hundred mm ,medical grade isolation transformer as per minutesspecifications and annexures referred above for regular ot, hatch box for dirty disposal material and finish same aswall panels with two mechanically interlocked doors size sixhundred x six hundred x six hundred mm , operationtheater antistatic conductive two mm thick imported pvctile flooring complete with application of self levelingcompound laying of copper grounding strips , medical gaspipe line inside of ot , pressure relief damper pressurerelief damper made up of three hundred and four gradedstainless steel blades with all accessories , tower ac withstabilizer , radiation protection pannel for one room barcapproved four wall and one roof total equal to five partrequired for one room radiation , non invasive five functiontest machine hemoglobin bilirubin sugar oxygen levencreatinine in thirty seconds without blood sample , noninvasive bilirubin monitor , anti static anti bacterial wallprotector price per mtr , three seater bench with foamcousin ss high quality , nurse call system twenty bedded |
Tender For supply of sitc of pressure monitoring system , pressure relief dampers , medical gas pipeline , laminar air flow , ahu and other accessories. , copper pipe for ahu , vrf outdoor unit , ahu vfd with control panel , ducting , insulation , volume control damper , fire control damper fusible link , ra grill , clean room luminaries , recessed round down light , mirror light , electric switch and socket complete set six module , electric switch and socket complete set three module , electric switch and socket complete set four module , electric switch and socket complete set two module , four square mm copper wire with conduit , twenty five mm ms conduit along with accessories , aluminium armoured cableone hundred twenty sq mm along with cable tray , two and half copper flexible cable three core , ten sq mm copper armoured cable four core along with cable tray , copper armoured cable six sq mm along with cable tray , mccb panel , electrical panel with all accessories , electrical db with all accessories , wall panel system puff , ceiling panel system puff , ups , pvc flooring with self levelling antistatic , dismantling aluminium partion door glazing etc , h type stainless steel handle , tower bolt , brick work , cement plaster , cement based putty , wall painting , hermetically seald siliding door , aluminium work for fixed partition , aluminium work for window and door , glazing in aluminium door window ventilator etc , door closer , reinforced cement concrete work , centering and shuttering including strutting propping etc , steel reinforcement for rcc , mortice latch and lock , vitrified tiles in different sizes , dgu fixing in window , demolishing brick work , painting with synthetic enamel paint , removing dry or oil bound distemper water proofing cement paint , removal and refixing mineral fibre false ceiling tiles , steel work in built up tubular , pre painted galvatume aluminum zinc coating gi based corrugated steel sheet , hermetically seald swing door , sitc of hermetically seald swing door , corner coving
Tender For upgradation of surgical ot no 5 at gmch jammu with room size at gmch jammu - up-gradation of surgical ot no-5 with room size size 25 8 x21 3 x9 5 (say 26 x21 .5 x9.5 ) at gmch jammu pp gi wall panelpre-fabricated ppgi onbothsidespuffpanelwith50mmthicknesswall panels. ppgi sheet of 0.8mm thick panel filled with hard puff inside to became soundproof & with anti bacterial & antifungal properties low heat transmission with gi profile for joining two panels with filling of all joints and cavities with medical grade silicon epoxy filler, ppgi false ceilingpre-fabricatedppgionbothsidespuffpanelwith50mmthickness false ceiling panels. ppgi sheet of 0.8mm thick panel filled with hard puff inside to became soundproof & with anti bacterial & antifungal properties low heat transmission with gi profile for joining two panels with filling of all joints and cavities with medical grade silicon epoxy filler, wallandceilingpanelaccessories (ppgi)supply and fixing of the accessories for the panel installation supply of ancillaries like l angle, c flashing, screw, t-section support with supporting like thread rod etc. upto half meter., wallandceilingpanelinstallationlabour, material installation on site etc, anti-static vinylflooringwithconducting.1) antistatic vinyl flooring provides high protection against static charges making it the ideal choice for control rooms, laboratories, information technology centers, semi conductor and electronics industries. conductive performance is permanent and does not depend on air humidity or temperature conditions. 2) seamless antistatic conductive flooring with the thickness=1mm, with perfectly curved flashing covings, all joints are welded as per the colours & patterns. 3) the tiles are laid on the smooth sub-floor, done with a suitable self-leveling compound. 4) these material is conductive enough to dissipate the static electricity; without endangering personnel from the static electric shocks. 5) shades of the antistatic vinyl flooring will always according with the client choice & as well as to see with the ground purpose., antistaticvinylflooringinstallationantistatic flooring/labour/route etc. antistatic vinyl flooring provides high protection against static charges making it the ideal choice for control rooms, laboratories, information technology centers, and semiconductor and electronics industries. conductive performance is permanent and does not depend on air humidity or temperature conditions., aluminiumcoving1) aluminum or pvc dimensions 65 mm radius x 4000 mm materialsaluminium6063backingangle.pvcfacingfixingbackinganglefixedwith screws and coving clips into place sealing coving can be sealedat either edge with proprietary sealant. 2) coving provides a way toeliminate90degreeangleswithintheclean roomenvironment.suppliedin2parts, thecovingprovidesarounded,flushandeasytoclean corner. welded aluminium internal and external cornersavailable., vinylcoving1) vinyl coving dimensions 65 mm radius x 4000 mm materials steel6063 backing angle facing fixing backing angle fixed with screws and coving clips into place sealing coving can be sealed at either edge with proprietary sealant. 2) coving provides a way to eliminate 90degree angles within the clean room environment. supplied in 2 parts, the coving provides arounded, flush and easy to clean corner. welded aluminium internal and external corners available., ceiling suspended ahu cum laminar ductless airflow system (ceilingahu):pcs- 8tr.aluminum composite panel double skin acoustic panel body with aluminium profile and thermal break aluminum body of air handling unit to maintain the sound level to 60db which as per to nabh guideline. the ductless air handling unit has following features: 1) ahu capacity - 8 tr as per the site requirement. 2) has fresh air damper in the unit to get desired level of fresh air and to maintain positive pressure. 3) 20 air cycle per hour to keep room air more sterile and ess load on air conditioning. 4