Tender For comprehensive maintenance service contract for repairs, supply and servicing of variablefrequencydrives used for vibro feeders at chp for the period april-2025 to mar-2026
Tender For supply of replacement of conventional motor starter by energy saving variablefrequencydrive - material and labour for disconnecting the cabel connection from conventional starter complete all as specified and directed , material and labour for taking down conventional starter and removing to mes store for issue as sch of credit complete all as spd and directed. , supply and fixing variable frequecy drive vfd 15 hp 3 phase heavy duty 380 to 480 volt strong overload capacity with enclosure panel complete all as specified and directed , material and labour for reconnecting the cabel connection of vfd and mccb complete all as specified and directed , material and labour for testing of vfd on load with complete satisfaction of engineer in charge complete all as specified and directed
Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation, testing and commissioning of variablefrequencydrives(vfd) and dynamic braking resistor(dbr) for eot cranes at chlorination plant, panjrapur.