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Vaseline Tenders

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Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38558766 Due date: 13 Jan, 202513 Jan, 2025 108
Tender For for the supply and installation of medical laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test (cprt) basis to biochemistry, pathology and microbiology at central laboratory at chamarajnagar institute of medical sciences karnataka for the period of 05 years - syphilis rapid cims, hcv rapid cims, hbsag rapizd cims, hiv rapid cims, d-dimer cims, serum testosterone cims, estradiol (e2) cims, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (dheas) cims, progesterone. cims, insulin cims, c-peptide (c peptide / connecting peptide) cims, pth(parathormone) cims, cortisol cims, prolactin cims, follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) cims, luteinizing hormone (lh) cims, adrenocorticotropic hormone (acth) cims, carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) cims, calcitonin cims, cancer antigen 15.3 (ca 15.3) cims, cancer antigen 19.9 (ca 19.9) cims, cancer antigen 125 (ca 125) cims, human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)/ beta hcg cims, alpha fetoprotein (afp) cims, prostate-specific antigen (psa) -free cims, prostate specific antigen (psa)- total. cims, beta 2 microglobulin (b2m) /b2 microglobulin cims, drug sensitivity test for cerebrospinal fluid (csf) / all body fluids (blood/urine/ascites/pleural fluids/pus /sputum, etc) cims, automated blood culture and sensitivity cims, thyroglobulin cims, thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) cims, tetraiodothyronine t4 cims, triiodothyronine- t3 cims, t3, t4, tsh -thyroid function test (tft) cims, calcidiol / 25 hydroxycholecalciferol / vitamin d3 assay (vit d3) cims, magnesium cims, chloride cims, vitamin b12 assay. cims, serum ferritin cims, serum iron cims, lipid profile. (total cholesterol, ldl, hdl, triglycerides) cims, rheumatoid factor / rh factor test cims, ada cims, liver function test (lft) cims, kidney function test (kft) cims, glycosylated haemoglobin (hba1c) cims, blood gas analysis / arterial blood gas (abg) cims, troponin t cims, troponin i cims, cpk mb/ ck mb mass cims, acid phosphatase cims, alkaline phosphatase cims, lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) cims, prothrombin time (pt)/ international normalized ratio (inr) cims, creatine phosphokinase (cpk)/creatine kinase (ck) cims, glucose tolerance test (gtt) cims, triglycerides cims, anemia profile cims, serum ammonia cims, serum electrolytes cims, serum potassium cims, serum sodium cims, serum magnesium cims, serum lactate cims, serum lipase cims, serum amylase cims, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (sgot) / aspartate aminotransferase (ast) cims, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (sgpt) / alanine aminotransferase (alt) cims, total protein albumin/globulin ratio (a/g ratio) cims, serum phosphorus cims, serum calcium total cims, glucose (fasting & pp) cims, total iron binding capacity cims, serum cholesterol cims, albumin. cims, body fluid (csf/ascitic fluid etc.)sugar, protein etc. cims, c reactive protein (crp) quantitative cims, c reactive protein (crp) cims, serum bilirubin total & direct cims, serum uric acid cims, urine total proteins cims, urine occult blood cims, urine ketones cims, serum creatinine cims, blood urea nitrogen (bun) / urea cims, twenty four hrs urine for proteins,sodium, creatinine 50 58 cims, blood glucose random / blood glucose fasting / blood glucose pp cims, activated partial thromboplastintime (aptt) cims, packed cell volume (pcv) cims, dengue elisa cims, syphilis clia cims, hcv clia cims, hbsag clia cims, hiv clia cims, pct cims, chickengunya rapid cims, malaria rapid cims, dengue rapid cims, absolute eosinophil count (aec) cims, complete haemogram/cbc, hb,rbc count and indices,tlc, dlc, platelet, esr, peripheral smear examination cims, cbc cims, total red cell count with mcv,mch,mchc,drw cims, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr) cims, haemoglobin (hb) cims, stool occult blood cims, automated semen analysis cims, stool routine and microscopy cims, urine routine- ph, specific gravity, sugar, protein and microscopy cims

CTN :38588657 Due date: 07 Jan, 202507 Jan, 2025 14.71 Lacs
Tender For supply of albumin xl system pack pkt of 10x44ml,alkaline phosphat sys pack pkt of 2x44 2x11ml,amylase system pack pkt of 5x22ml,bilirubin direct system pack pkt containing r1-6x44ml r2-6x12.3ml,total bilirubin sys pack r1 6x44 r6x12 point 3ml,calcium arsenazo system pack pkt of 10x12ml,chloride system pack pkt of 10x22ml,cholesterol system pack pkt of r1 10x44ml,ck system pack pkt containing r1 2x44ml r2-2x11ml,ck-mb system pack 2x44 2x11ml,creatinine system pack r1 5x30ml r2 5x10ml,direct hdl system pack r1 4x30 r2 4x10ml,direct ldl system pack r1-2 x 30ml r-2- 2 x 10ml,ggt sys pack r1 2x44 r2 2x11ml,glucose system pack pkt of r1 10x44 ml,ldh p system pack r1 2x44 ml r2 2x11 ml,microprotein pkt of 10x12ml,phosphorus system pack r1 10x12 ml,sgot hl system pack pkt containing r1 6x44 ml r2 6x12 point 5ml,sgpt hl system pack pkt containing r1 6x44 ml r2 6x12 point 5ml,triglycerides system pack pkt of 5x44 5x11ml,total protein system pack pkt of 10x44ml,urea system pack r1 5x44ml r2 5x11ml,uric acid system pack r1 5x44ml

CTN :38507642 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 19.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of erba h560 lyse 1 , erba h560 lyse 2 , typhoid dot , erba h560 cell clean , erba wash soln , erba h560 controls l n h , blood urea kit , serum cholesterol , triglycerides , sgpt kit , serum amylase , ldh kit , ckmb kit , dengue kit combo , hbs ag kit , vdrl kit , hcv kit tridot , crp kit latex , ra factor kit latex , vacutainer edta with needle , vacutainer sterile with gel with needle , vacutainer sodium fluoride with needle , glucose powder , micro tips 5 to 200 micro ltr , micro tips 200 to 1000 micro ltr , t3, elisa kit , t4 elisa kit , tsh elisa kit , erba h560 calibrator , hiv tridot kit 1into100 , syringe 5.0 ml 1 into 100 , ggt kit , lipase kit , multistix for urine 10sg , bhi bottle for adult aerobic , bhi bottle for pediatric aerobic , crp quantitative , water culture kit , pregnancy card 100 test , malaria para check 1x30 , disposable petri dish , gram stain , zn stain hi media , clead agar , nutrient agar , mac conkey broth , abst disc cefazolin , abst disc peptaz , abst disc gentamicin , abst disc amoxiclave , abst disc norflox , abst disc linezolid , abst disc amikacin , abst disc vancomycin , abst disc levofloxacin , abst disc cefotaxime , abst disc cefixime , abst disc meropenum , abst disc imepenum , abst disc ceftazedime , abst disc nitrofurantoin , abst disc penicillin , serum anti d , anti-sera a monoclonal , anti-sera b monoclonal , anti-sera ab monoclonal , t3 1x25 i chroma ii , t4 1x25 i chroma ii , tsh 1x25 i chroma ii , hba1c 1x25 i chroma ii , i chroma ii system check , pct 1x10 i chroma ii , vit d i chroma ii , erba h560 diluent , calcium erba , prothrombin time , widal latex , occult blood bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5673417 dated/* : 07-12-2024 bid document/ 2 1 / 61

CTN :38519063 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of chemicals for biochemistry analyzer - albumin kit , alp kit , calcium kit , cholesterol kit , creatinine - enzymatic kit , creatinine kinase - nac - n acetyl cysteine kit , creatinine kinase mb - kit , crp - c - reactive protein kit , crp -hs kit , direct bilirubin kit , erba auto wash kit , erba norm kit , erba path kit , gamma glutamyl transferase kits , glucose kit , hba1c kit , hdl direct kit , iron kit , lactate dehydrogenase kit , ldl direct kit , lipase kit , magnesium kit , microalbumin kit , sgot kit , sgpt kit , total bilirubin kit , total protein kit , triglycerides kit , uibc kit , urea kit , uric acid kit , xl multical kit , phosphorus kit , rotor - pack of 20 , sample cup - pack of 500

State Government

CTN :38532514 Due date: 02 Jan, 202502 Jan, 2025 16.18 Lacs
Tender For supply of vitros alkaline phosphatase alkp,vitros sgpt altv,vitros sgot ast,vitros amylase amyl,vitros bilirubin unconjugated and conjugated bubc,vitros calcium ca,vitros cholestrol chol,vitros glucose glu,vitros direct hdl dhdl,vitros creatinine enzymatic crea,vitros total bilirubin tbil,vitros triglycerides trig,vitros blood urea nitrogen bun,vitros direct ldl dldl,vitros lipase lipa,vitros uric acid uric,vitros csf protien,vitros sodium na,vitros potassium k

State Government

CTN :38172892 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of physiotherapist consumable items - alcohol swab, analgesic gel (75gms), analgesic spray (75 gm), band aid, betadine ointment (20 gm), cohesive tape (5cm), primapore, cohesive tape (10 cm), cold spray (225gm) (lp), cotton rolls (500 gm), dry needles (25, 40,60 mm), dynamic tape (5cm x 5 m), dynaplast (10 cm x 6 m), healex spray, triangular bandage, k-tape (lp/mueller/kt tape pro), leucoplast (5cmx5m), leucoplast (7.5 cm x 10 m) (flam tape), micropore, paraffin wax, rigid tape (10 x 2.5 cm), tape adhesive spray, tape removal spray, tissue rolls, under wrap, ust gels, fixomull, scissor tape scissior, vaseline jelly

CTN :38492435 Due date: 28 Dec, 202428 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For procurement of laboratory consumables for echs medical stores - drugs and consumables, hbs ag card (kit of 25), cell pack (20 ltr), stromatolyzer (500 ml), cellclean (50ml), sod.hypochlorate sol. 5%, ketodiastick (pkt of 50 s), trop t test, distilled water, microscope cover slip(22x20mm) (pkt of 50), medicated band aid round (pkt of 100), erba norm erba em-200 (4x5ml), auto wash erba em-200 (10x100ml), uric acid erba em-200 (5x44 ml/5x11ml), urea erba em-200 (5x44 ml/5x11ml), creatinine enzymatic erba em-200 (5x30 /5x10), cholesterol erba em-200 (10x44 ml), triglycerides erba em-200 (5x44 ml/5x11ml), billirubin total erba em-200 (6x44 ml/3x22ml), sgpt erba em-200 (6x44 ml/3x22ml), glucose erba em-200 (10x44 ml), total protein erba em-200 (10x44ml), hba1c system pack with calibrator erba em-200 (2x15/2x5/5x0.5), hdl cholestrol erba em-200 (4x30 ml/4x10ml), sgot erba em-200 (6x44 ml/3x22ml), calcium erba em-200 (10x12 ml), albumin erba em-200 (10x44ml), xl - autowash ac/al kit erba em-200 (5x44ml/5x44 ml), alp erba em-200 (2x44 ml/2x11ml), gamma gt erba em-200 (2x44 /2x11), ck nac erba em-200 (2x44 ml/2x11 ml), xl multical erba em-200 (4x3ml)

CTN :38499502 Due date: 28 Dec, 202428 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of erba h560 lyse 1 , erba h560 lyse 2 , typhoid dot , erba h560 cell clean , erba wash soln , erba h560 controls l n h , blood urea kit , serum cholesterol , triglycerides , sgpt kit , serum amylase , ldh kit , ckmb kit , dengue kit combo , hbs ag kit , vdrl kit , hcv kit tridot , crp kit latex , ra factor kit latex , vacutainer edta with needle , vacutainer sterile with gel with needle , vacutainer sodium fluoride with needle , glucose powder , micro tips 5 to 200 micro ltr , micro tips 200 to 1000 micro ltr , t3, elisa kit , t4 elisa kit , tsh elisa kit , erba h560 calibrator , hiv tridot kit 1into100 , syringe 5.0 ml 1 into 100 , ggt kit , lipase kit , multistix for urine 10sg , bhi bottle for adult aerobic , bhi bottle for pediatric aerobic , crp quantitative , water culture kit , pregnancy card 100 test , malaria para check 1x30 , disposable petri dish , gram stain , zn stain hi media , clead agar , nutrient agar , mac conkey broth , abst disc cefazolin , abst disc peptaz , abst disc gentamicin , abst disc amoxiclave , abst disc norflox , abst disc linezolid , abst disc amikacin , abst disc vancomycin , abst disc levofloxacin , abst disc cefotaxime , abst disc cefixime , abst disc meropenum , abst disc imepenum , abst disc ceftazedime , abst disc nitrofurantoin , abst disc penicillin , serum anti d , anti-sera a monoclonal , anti-sera b monoclonal , anti-sera ab monoclonal , t3 1x25 i chroma ii , t4 1x25 i chroma ii , tsh 1x25 i chroma ii , hba1c 1x25 i chroma ii , i chroma ii system check , pct 1x10 i chroma ii , vit d i chroma ii , erba h560 diluent , calcium erba , prothrombin time , widal latex , occult blood

CTN :38443657 Due date: 18 Dec, 202418 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of reagents & consumables to the t-diagnostic centres in telangana under rate contract for a period of 2 years - emoi 4 channel ise cleaning solution - 5421 2 em02 4 channel ise module reagent pack 35 spd 3 em03 4 there is em04 ada cali 5 emos ada controls 6 em06 albumin 7 em07 albumin small system pack 8 em08 alkaline phosphatase 9 emo9 alkaline phosphatase small system pack 10 emio amylase 11 emi1 amylase small system pack 12 em12 bilirubin direct 13 em13 bilirubin direct small system pack 14 em14 bilirubin direct plus (dca)15 bilirubin total 16 em16 bilirubin total small system pack 17 em17 bilirubin total plus (dca) creatinine jaffe erba autowash system pack four norm four norm erba path erba path fb 125 ferritin ferritin calibrator ferritin control low ferritin control high gamma gt gamma gt small system pack glucose (god-poj glucose hexokinase - uv hbalc con h hbalc with l hdl cholesterol with calibrator ldh-p ldhpsmall system pack ldl cholesterol with calibrator lipase xl magnesium micro albumin control micro albumin with cal microprotein with cal microprotein with cal small system pack phosphorus phosphorus small system pack sgot-elsgot-el mini sgot-hl sgot-hl small system pack sgpt-el sgpt el mini sgpt-hl sopt-hl small system pack total protein total protein (two reagents total protein small system pack triglycerides triglycerides - small system pack uibc 125 urea small system pack urea small system packuric acid uric acid small system pack xl-aso turbilatex with calibrator (ita) xl-autowash ac/al kit xl-multical xl-rf-turbilatex with calibrator (ita) xl-crp-turbilatex with calibrator (ita) xl hbalc with cali set sample cup arterial blood gas test arterial blood gas test crp (quantitative) ra contractor (quantitative) urine for microalbumin procalcitoninhiv hbsag hcv antibody test igm antibody to hepatitis b core antigen s. anti-mullerian hormone (amh) anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide anti thyroid peroxidase (anti anti thyroid peroxidase (anti anti thyroid peroxidase (antivescube esr transponder, make:diesse model: vesmatic cube 80/vesatics 5 culture culture culture fdp fdp fdp reticulocyte count iqc semiautomated erba urine analyser/sysmex automated urine micro pcr hcv test kit ( hepatitis c) micro pcr hbv test kit ( hepatitis b) cr movie cr movie cr movie cr movie cr imaging plates and compatible cassettes: cr imaging plates and compatible cassettes: cr imaging plates and compatible cassettes: etc conductive tips 1000 l tips dilution weil strips dilution strip holder 1.5 ml vials 18 em18 calcium (a) 19 em19 calcium (a) small system pack 20 ec20 chloride 21 em21 cholesterol 22 ec22 cholesterol small system pack 23 em23 ck mb 24 em24 ck mb small system pack 25 em25 ck nac 26 em26 ck nac small system pack 27 em27 control h (aso/rf/crp) 28 em28 control l (aso/rf/crp) 29 em29 creatinine enzymatic

CTN :38448870 Due date: 18 Dec, 202418 Dec, 2024 3.52 Lacs
Tender For purchase of materials - acrylic cold cure-powder tooth moulding powder, small bottle containing 55gm powder, assortedshades of c,d and e, acrylic self cure-liquid sealed jar, acrylic denture material, rapid repair liquid, 4 liter jar, alginate impression material algitex type, packet of 750gms, dust free, antiseptic hand wash 500ml, articulating paper-thick double sided occclusion paper, double sided thick sheets (red&blue), book of 20 papers (1packcontains 10 books), bonding agent dentine vial containing 6gmadheivse with pinch and flip cap design adper single bond 2 type, bp blade size 11, bp blade size15, calcium hydroxide paste root canal,medicamet dentocal type, calcium hydroxide paste-dycal 2 paste-base and catalyst, calcium hydroxide powder extra-fine, dental grade, 30gms, caries dissolving and detection dye (carisolv type), cellophane strip colour coded, composite material light cure, a1 shade universal, 3gm syringe-a1, composite material lightcure, a2 shade universal, composite material light cure, b1 shade universal,, composite posterior -a2 a2 shade, 4gm syringe 3m type, dental stone type iii in air tight pack, yellow colour 3kg packet (gyprock), disposable plastic suction tips (pkt of 100), edta gel 15% edta.10% carbamide peroxide., endoflas, etchant/etching gel/37% phosphoric acid bluegel.insyringe, 5gm syringe, eugenol arsenic free, dental grade, flowable composite, a3 shade bendablecannula. triangle finger plate and plunger. a3. filtek type, glass ionomer cement-luting type1 gc fuji type-1 35g powder+25g liquid, glass ionomer cement-restorative type 9 high strength posterior fuji gc type15g powder, 8gm liquid, guttaperchagints assorted no:45-80 (dentsplytype), gutta percha points no:15, gutta percha points no:20, gutta percha points no:25, gutta percha points no:30, gutta percha points no:35, gutta percha points no:40, gutta percha points assorted no:15-40 (dentsply type), 1pkt of 120, irm- dentsply-pkt of powder and liquid, lidocaine spray topical anesthetic (100ml), lignocaine gel ip 2% w/w, local anesthetic solution 2% lignocaine with 1:80000 adrenaline, paper points assorted 15-40, pitand fissure sealant with acp, lightcure2* syringes, sodium hypochlorite 3-5% for root canal irrigation, 500ml, stainless steel wire 20 gauge, stainless steel wire-21gauge, stainless steel wire-22 gauge, vaseline / petrolatum white / clear type, 500g, zinc oxide powder arsenic free, non absorbable surgical suture 4-0 sterilized surgical needled suture (18mm 3/8 circle, reverse, separating medium cold mould seal, isolet type, opaquer 4gm tube, echain closed, band material 006, disposable micro applicator brush, ss crown deciduous supper right first molarsize 03-d3
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