Tender For supply of personal floatation device, life jacket,torch or emergency light, solar enabled,bob nylon rope,dcp fire extinguisher,emergency spotlight,tool kit,axe, hatchet 3 kg,blankets,first aid kit,twin progned grapnel, cat hooks,throw bag,gum boots,safety goggles,safety helmet, water rafting,gps sets,navigation lights,chain saw machine
Tender For procurement of various items for the kalahandi north forest division - flatbed scannerwith adf , gps tracking device forvehicle withmultiuseraccess
Tender For supply of gps antenna for fog safe device connector - should be suitable to hardware version hw v 4.2 of a paul instrument fog safe device.(detailed description enclosed) [ warranty period: 30 months af ter the date of delivery ]
Tender For procurement of various items for the kalahandi north forest division-, flatbed scanner with adf , gps tracking device for vehicle with multiuser access
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - centralized vehicletrackingmanagementsystem cvtms for lpg bulk packed trucks under contract with indian oil corporation limited for a period of five years