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Vehicle Washing Tenders

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Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39114443 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of bathing soap bar (v2) (q4) , dust pans (q4) , high density polyethylene bucket (q4) , toilet soap or liquid (q4) , glass cleaner, liquid (v2) as per is 8540 (q4) , laundry soap as per is 285 (q4) , sweeping broom (v3) (q4) , toilet cleaner liquid (v2) conforming to is 7983 (q4) , household laundry detergent powders as per is 4955 (q4) , air freshener solid and gel (q4) , air freshener liquid (v2) (q3) , stainless steel pole mounted stainless steel dustbin (q4) , hand sweeping banister brush-is:2622 (q4) , scrubbing brush (q3) , squeegee washer wiper mopper (v2) (q4) , wax candle as per is 11359 (q4)

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39133074 Due date: 08 Feb, 202508 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of scrubbing brush (q3) , scrub pad (q4) , emery cloth (q3) , correspondence envelopes (v2) (q4) , mouse trap (v2) (q3) , toilet soap or liquid (q4)

CTN :39132958 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of automotive vehicles - retro - reflective sheets and tapes (traffic safety) as per is 14221 (q4) , scrubbing brush (q3) , water jugs (q4) , trowel -as per is 6013 (q4) , axes (q4) , hedge shears as per is 2563 (q4) , flower pots or planters (q4) , drip - leg drain (q4) , dah, jungle cutting as per is 3093 (q4)

CTN :37996735 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras procurement of kitchen equipments - industrial exhaust chimney , dishwasher , wet grinder 2 hp motor single phase , vegetable cutting machine 2 hp , chapati or roti making machine , dough mixing machine , floor scrubbing machine

CTN :39114457 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 81.0 Thousand
Tender For supply of tissue papers (v2) (q4) , garbage bags (q2) , toilet paper (v2) as per is 14661 (q3) , toilet soap, liquid (v2) as per is 4199 (q4) , household laundry detergent powders as per is 4955 (q4) , floor cleaner (v2) (q4) , glass cleaner, liquid (v2) as per is 8540 (q4) , squeegee washer wiper mopper (v2) (q4) , scrubbing brush (q3) , dishwashing products (v2) as per is 6047 (q4) , mosquito repellant cream spray and lotion (q4) , naphthalene (v2) as per is 539 (q4)

CTN :39123116 Due date: 12 Feb, 202512 Feb, 2025 20.2 Thousand
Tender For essential ot drugs for taluk general hospital, hassan district 573213 - diclo suppository, succinile choline, ab geell, ecgg electrodess, surgicall blades, surgicall glovess, inj lignocaine ten percent spray , endoo tracheal tube, e t tube, et tubes, vvicryl, vicrryl, viccryl, vicryl suuture, vicryyl, vicrly suture materials, inj bupivacaine hydrochloride , cautery pencil- monopolar, dynaplaster elastic adhesive bandage b p width stretched length, povidone solution for painting , povidone solution for scrubbing , iso flurane, benzoin tinctute, romo vac vaccum suction, romo vac vaccum suction , surgical bladde , surgicall blade , pct suppository , auto clave tape (indicator tape , ethilonn suturre, catgutt suuture, catgut suture, ethilon suture, ethilon suture material , ethilon sutture, disposable needle , disposable needle needle , spinal needle , gloves , endo tracheal tube, e.t tube , e.t tubes, hundred cm extension with three way, oxymetrazoline nasal drops, lacrigel ointment, ten cm extension with three way, swab sending culture stick, equivalent synthetic coated braided polyglycolic acid suture , dispo van syringe, nebulization mask pediatric, dispodable mask, disposable shaving blade- easy equivalent glide, uro bag, folleys catheterr , folleyss catheter , folleys catheter , suctionn catheter , suction catheter s, suction cathetter , sterile glove , injjection mephentermine, surgical mop , injection neostigmine , inj glycopyrolate , inj dextomid , inj dopamine e, injectionn clonidine, inj butodol , inj carbitocin , inj thiopentone sodium , inj buprinorphine , inj veccuronium , inj propofol , inj noradrenaline , inj nitroglycerine , inj myopyrolate , inj atracurium , nebulizationn masks adult, disposable capss, suction cathetre, cidex , vaccu suck suction set ramsons equivalent, spirit soln, sodium hypochloride soln, formaline, surgical bladess, appavisc hypromellose opththalmic solution sterile , spinal needlee, inj haemocoagulasee, ing sodium bicarbonate, inj labetaloll, inj midazolam , inj bupivacans hydrochloride heavy (anawin equivalent ), inj lignocaine , inj methylene blue, inj hyalase , inj metherginn, inj oxytocin , inj carboplast , inj atropine , plastic appron, hydrogenn peroxide

CTN :38662808 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : procurement of 3rd quarter ars items against nac - cloth calico grey 36 , bag polythene 15x24x50 micron , room freshner , steel wool grade 1 , battery dry 1.5 v , aerosol dispenser for flying insects , aerosol dispenser for crawling insects , brush scrubbing large , mop , polish metal for polishing metal surface , turpentine oli , paint rfu enamel exterior synthetic brushing navy blue , paint rfu finishing matt synthetic brushing spraying white , paint rfu finishing fire retardent br spr pale cream , paint rfu finishing exterior synthetic brushing white , linseed oil boiled , paint rfu interior decks and dadoes green burnseick middle , paint rfu air drying brushing spray synthetic animal black , paint rfu air drying brushing spray azure blue , paint rfu air drying brushing spray signal red , polyvinyl acetate dispersion based adhesive , tape adhesive transparent waterproof 25 mm wide , tape transparent w proof self adhesive cellulose film 28 mm , clothe hessain medium 102 cm , cloth flannelette 10 cm wide for cleaning fun bores and smalla , cloyth stocknitte

CTN :38997587 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For scrubbing and polishing of 1640 sqft floor

CTN :38997589 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For scrubbing and polishing of 5700 sqft floor

CTN :39085099 Due date: 15 Feb, 202515 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of bag polythene 18 inch 24 inch x 50 micron n0461 4617009 , battery dry 1 point 5 v n6135 000009 , gash bag 24 inch x 30 inch 75 micron n0461 r003521 , linseed oil boiled n8010 000289 , pen torch cells 1 point 5 v n0562 9101139 , plastic coated file cover n7920 p062256 , polish metal for polishing metal surface n7930 000003 , poly vinyl acetate dispersion based adhesive is 4835 n8040 000008 , polythene film 112 inch x 18 inch x 75 micron n0462 4638373 , steel wool grade i n5350 000041 , tape transparent w proof self adhesive cellulose film 38 mm wd n8040 000047 , tape adhesive transparent water proof 25mm wide n8040 000046 , torch cell dry 1 point 5 lechlance leak proof cells n6140 000009 , brush flat paint 25 mm 1 inch n8020 000035 , brush flat paint gs 51 mm 2 inches n8020 000036 , brush flat paint gs 102 mm 4 inches n8020 000037 , brush lining 13 mm 1 by 2 inches n8020 000031 , brush scrubbing large n7920 000020 , brush steel wire 32 mm 1 1 by 4 n7920 000023 , brush sweeping hand n7920 000024
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