Tender For corrigendum : supply of curtains colour sky blue 7 feet , curtains white colour 7 feet , wallpaper size 10 feet x 10 feet with pasting , flower pot 2.5 feet , flower pot large 6 inh , tube light brown white colour , coil roll heater , curtains golden colour 2.5 feet x 3.5 feet with rod and site accessories , plywood board 4 feet x 6 feet
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - hiring of agency for upkeep of officer rest house sub ordinate rest house preparation and serving of food to the occupants washing of bed rolls curtains upkeep of lawn and campus of rest house at dongargarh under adendgg..
Tender For supply of curtains , carpets , centre table walnut , computer side table walnut , centre plastic table , plastic stool , epson printer , water ro , 55 inch tv , microwave owen , water geyser , hot air blower
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - operation and maintenance for 24 months of nhpc guest house situated at mahavir prasad block and hawa singh block asiad village new delhi for house keeping service as per item no1 of schedule of quantities and prices plea..,custom bid for services - providing of consumable items required for 24 months for house keeping work as per list attached at annexure c of scc of tender document,custom bid for services - washing of bed sheet single as per item no 3 of schedule of quantities and prices total qty 720 no,custom bid for services - washing of bed sheet double as per item no 3 of schedule of quantities and prices total qty 720 no,custom bid for services - washing of pillow cover as per item no 3 of schedule of quantities and prices total qty 1440 no,custom bid for services - washing of big towel as per item no 3 of schedule of quantities and prices total qty 720 no,custom bid for services - washing of curtains as per item no 3 of schedule of quantities and prices to