Tender For supply of set of dampers (shock absorbers) for wap-7 loco as per clw specn no. clw/ ms/3/spec/eldo-bogie/002 (rev. nil) and clw drg. no. 1209-01.215-014, alt-2 comprising of (1) axle damper, qty - 08 nos, (2) vertical damper, qty - 04 nos, (3) horizontal damper qty - 04 n os, (4) yaw damper, qty - 04 nos. (04 items 20 nos). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of primary axle damper for wag9 locos as per clw spec. no. clw/ms/3/009 (alt-3) and cl w drg.no. 1209.01.215.014 (alt-2), ref-1. [ warranty period: 72 months after the date of delivery ]