Tender For replacement of worn out liner plate of appron feeding chute no. 1 and 02 vibro feeder of ps-2 at rom section at madhuban coal washery under block-ii area, bccl .
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - coal mines; electrical system or installation, diversion shifting of the existing 33kv oh line of simradhawatar feeder at deep mining zone dmz ob dump and charan tola v..
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - coal mines; electrical system or installation, repairing strengthening of the exiting 33kv overhead line of lm 46ht feeder from jseb dhankunda substation to dg substati..
Tender For repairing of coal receiving plate of mainframe hopper between unloading point to conveyor chain carriage plate of bwf make feeder breaker installed at tarmi siding in r/o sdocm project
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of graf seal formed gland packing spiral wound gaskets for hp valves of boiler - grafseal formed gland packing , od-56mm , id-28mm , t-14mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-b1 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-50mm , id-28mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-b85 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-55mm , id-35mm , t-10mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-e18 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-52mm , id-30mm , t-10mm , in two halves with oblique cut , to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-b84 , grafseal formed gland packing , od- 45 mm , id-30 mm , t-08mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no- b82 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-60 mm , id-38 mm , t-11mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s73 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-58mm , id-35mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-e20 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-55mm , id-27mm , t-14mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , manual valve - 50 nb , globe valve , ho , grafseal formed gland packing , od-54mm , id-28mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-sb9 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-in two halves , od-54 mm , id-34 mm , t-10 mm , with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temerature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s78 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-48 mm , id-30 mm , t-09 mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s34 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-56mm , id-38mm , t-09mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s35 , grafseal formed gland packing , od- 66mm , id-42mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-sb6 , pure graphite packing in braided form reinforced with inconel wire suitable to withstand pressure of 450 bar and temperature 600 degree c. , pure graphite packing in braided form reinforced with inconel wire suitable to withstand pressure of 450 bar and temperature 600 degree c. , pure graphite packing in braided form reinforced with inconel wire suitable to withstand pressure of 450 bar and temp 600 c. , rubber bushing and stud of drive pulley of coal feeder , as per sample , material - en24 , bush - neoprene and brass , sub part of head pulley - belt drive pulley for 36inch gravimetric feeder , scanner cooling rubber hose pipe , wire impregnated , for burner , size-o.d 70mm , i.d 50mm , length 1500mm , approx. , , non asbestos thermal insulation webbing tape 3mm x 50mm , withstand temperature 500 degree c , , oil seal size -75x95x10 , make skf-vako , oil seal size -28x47x7 , make skf , vako , oil seal size -45x62x8 , make skf , vako , oil seal size -70x85x8 , make skf , vako , oil seal size -65x80x8 , make skf , vako , oil seal , size- 50 x 62 x 7 , make-jk- pioneer , sunny , oil seal size -60x90x8 , make skf , vako
Tender For loading and unloading clearing of mill rejects coal debris and coal on feeder floor area and transportation in ktps vii stage as and when required during the fy 2025 26
Tender For repairing of top and bottom mother plate, side hopper plate, moving plate, coal receiving plate of hopper for b.w.f make feeder breaker (local sl no. 05) installed at tarmi siding in r/o sdocm project.
Tender For replacement of gravimentric feeder belts, replacement of head and tail pulley bearings of main drive pulley, opening of rc feeder doors and closing of rc feeder doors, replacement and overhauling of main bear box of rc feeder and replacement/repairing of feeder outlet gates and chutes of rc feeder, patch welding of 22" coal pipes from all corners and servicing of esp gates as and when required of unit-6/stage-iv/dr.mvr rtpp during the year 2025-26.
Tender For corrigendum : replacement of gravimetric feeder belts, replacement of head pulley bearings, coupling halves, studs, bronze and rubber bushes of main drive pulley coupling, opening and closing of r.c. feeder doors, replacement and overhauling of main reducer gear box of r.c.feeders and patch welding of 22" coal pipes from all corners of boiler to classifier outlet gate, dismantling /replacing and repairing of feeder out let gates, dismantling of damaged feeder out let chutes, replacement of new /recondition chutes, replacement of damaged center feed pipe of 36"gravimet feeder of out let of unit-3 and 4, stage-ii, dr. m.v.r. rtpp as and when required during the year 2025-26
Tender For corrigendum : replacement of gravimetric feeder belts replacement of head pulley bearings coupling halves studs bronze and rubber bushes of main drive pulley coupling take up pulley bearings opening and closing of r c feeder doors replacement and overhauling of main reducer gearbox repairing of 22 inch coal pipes from classifier outlet gates to all corners of boiler and rectification of coal leaks in critical areas of in service 22inch coal pipes (36 nos) from mill outlet bends to fuel inlet bends clearing of coal jam at bunker chute or bunker raw coal gate clearing pulverised coal powder jam in coal pipes connecting from mill classifier outlet elbow to boiler coal nozzle of unit 1 and 2 as and when required during the year 2025-26