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Virgin Bitterns Tenders

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Tender Value

CTN :39078251 Due date: 13 Feb, 202513 Feb, 2025 6.06 Lacs
Tender For supply of chemicals to science departments of brennen college - chemistry department, 1,10-phenanthroline monohydrate 99% ar/acs, 5g aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, 1,4-dichlorobenzene,99% for synthesis, 500galdrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, 1-naphthol ar/acs, 99%, 500g,aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, acetanilide, extra pure 500g aldrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , acetic acid glacial, 99.5 % ar 2.5 l aldrich/lobachemie/merck/alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , acetonitrile, 99.5 % ar 2.5 l aldrich/lobachemie/merck/alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , acetonitrile, 99.9 % hplc/uv-vis 2.5 l aldrich/lobachemie/merck/alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , acetophenone ar/acs 99.5%, 500 ml aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, aluminium chloride hexahydrate ar 99% , 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, aluminium nitrate nonahydrate ar/acs 98.5% , 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, aluminium sulphate 18-hydrate 98% extra pure/ ar/acs 500galdrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar, ammonia solution 28-30% 2.5 laldrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , ammonium acetate 98% ar/acs, 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, ammonium carbonate 95.3% ar/acs 500 g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, ammonium ceric sulphate dihydrate 98% extrapure 100g,aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, ammonium chloride 99 % ar/acs, 500 g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, ammonium ferric sulphate dodecahydrate 99% gr 500g,aldrich/merck emparta/alfa aesar, ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate 98% extrapure 100g,aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, ammonium nickel sulphate hexahydrate 98% ar, 500g aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, ammonium oxalate monohydrate 99.5% ar/acs, 500 g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals / lobachemie, ammonium sulphate 99% ar/acs, 500 g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, ammonium thiocyanate ar/acs 99% 500g,aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals , aniline, ar/acs, 99.5%, 500ml, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, arseneous oxide, 99% ar 500g aldrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , barium acetate 99% extra pure, 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, barium carbonate 99% ar/acs 500g aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, barium chloride dihydrate gr 500g,aldrich/merck emparta/alfa aesar/ gfs chemicals , barium nitrate 99% ar/acs, 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, benzaldehyde ar/acs 99%, 500 ml aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, benzamide 98% 500g,aldrich/merck emparta/alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, benzoic acid ar/acs 99.5%, 500 g aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, benzoyl chloride ,extra pure 500ml,aldrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , benzoyl peroxide 98% extrapure 500g aldrich/merck emparta/alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, biphenyl 99.9% 500g,aldrich/merck emparta/alfa aesar/gfs chemicals / lobachemie, bleaching powder 30%, 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals , boric acid 99.5%ar/acs, 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, bromine, 99.5%, 5x20 ml ampules, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, buffer tablets ph=4 pkt of 10 capsules, aldrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , buffer tablets ph=7 pkt of 10 capsules, aldrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , buffer tablets ph=9.2 pkt of 10 capsules aldrich/lobachemie/merck/alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , calcium acetate 99% ar 500g,aldrich/lobachemie/merck /alfa aesar /gfs chemicals , calcium bromide hydrate 82% extrapure 500 g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, calcium carbonate 99% ar/acs, 500g, aldrich/merck /alfa aesar/gfs chemicals /lobachemie, calcium chloride dihydrate 99% ar 500g,aldrich/lobachemie/m

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38763636 Due date: 27 Jan, 202527 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : supply of leb equipment - forex sheet 8 x 4 , yoga mat , music octopad , stop watch , vernier callipers , law of prallelogram apparatus , sonometer , searls apparatus , resonance opparator , meter bridge , compound microscope , ammonium carbonate , ammonium chloride , ammonium sulphate , ammonium nitrate , aluminium chloride , aluminium sulphate , barium chloride , barium nitrate , calcium carbonate , copper chloride , magnesium sulphate , lead acetate , lead nitrate , ferrous sulphate , cadmium carbonate , sodium hydroxide pellet , hydrochloric acid , sulphuric acid , glacial acetic acid , ethanol , acetone , sodium nitroprusside , potassium permangnate , potassium dichromate , potassium ferrocyanide , potassium ferricyanide , potassium iodide , a4 size colour papers , acrolic colour , colour- white, , colour- green , colour- yellow , colour- black , colour- red , colour- brown , thunmb pins , a4 size paper rim , silver ,,,,,,,, paper a4 size , scissors , hand made paper yellow , hand made paper red , hand made paper disigner , taper roll red , taper roll blue , taper roll golden , transparent packing wrap roll , transparent tap , double sided tap , tray plastic , catridge paper , art paper glossy , pastel paper blue , pastel paper red , pastel paper orange , pastel paper black , card board , chisel red , chisel bule , round brush 2, 6, 8 , camel poster colour , brown tape , cello tape , stapler pin , electric rip , electric wiring , bombay kil , brown sheet , marker pen rbb set temprory , marker pen rbb set permanent , football 5 , football 4 , cricet bat l size , cricet bat m size , football net , handball net , basket ball net , badminton net , flex 3 x 4 , helogen , hose pipe bundle , seeds pack , fertilizer bag , dustbin , water centralise ro system , gloves , mask , dustbin bag , phenyle liter , make up kit , big cement pot , book , badge , collar mike , 90gsm rim 500 sheet

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38934586 Due date: 03 Feb, 202503 Feb, 2025 2.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of acetaldehyde 500ml , acetic acid 500ml , acetone 500ml , acetophenone 500ml , aluminium metal 250gm , aluminium nitrate 500gm , aluminium sulphate 500gm , ammonia solution 1000ml , ammonium acetate 500gm , ammonium carbonate 500gm , ammonium chloride 500gm , ammonium oxalate 500gm , ammonium sulphate 500gm , aniline 500ml , barium acetate 500gm , barium carbonate 500gm , barium chloride 500gm , barium nitrate 500gm , benzaldehyde 500gm , benzene 500 ml , benzoic acid 500gm , beta naphthole 250gm , borsches reagent 125ml , burnerol 500ml , calcium carbonate 500gm , calcium chloride 500gm , calcium hydroxide 500gm , chloro benzene 500ml , chloroform 500ml , chromatographic paper , cobalt nitrate 100gm , copper sulphate 100gm , cuprous chloride 100gm , disodium hydrogen phosphate 500gm , ether 500ml , fehling solution a 250ml , fehling solution b 250ml , ferric chloride , ferrous sulphate 500gm , ferrous sulphide 500gm , filter paper , glucose 500gm , hydrochloric acid , hydrogen peroxide 500ml , iodine 100ml , lead acetate 500gm , lead chloride 500gm , lead metal250gm , lead nitrate 500gm , lead sulphate 500gm , lime water 500ml , magnesium carbonate 500gm , magnesium chloride 1000gm , magnesium nitrate 500gm , magnesium ribbon , magnesium sulphate 500gm , manganese dioxide 500gm , mercury metal 100gm , methyl orange 500ml , mohrs salt 1000gm , nesslers reagent 500ml , nickel nitrate 250gm , nitric acid , oxalic acid 500gm , ph paper , phenol 500 ml , phenolphthalein 250ml , potassium chromate 500gm , potassium dichromate 500gm , potassium ferrocyanide 500gm , potassium nitrate 500gm , potassium permanganate 1000gm , salicylic acid 500gm , schiffs reagent 250ml , silver nitrate solution 250ml , sodium bicarbonate 500gm , sodium carbonate 500gm , sodium hydrogen phosphate 500gm , sodium hydroxide flakes 500gm , sodium metal 500gm , sodium nitrite 500gm , sodium sulphide flakes 1000gm , sodium thiosulphate 500gm , starch soluble 500gm , strontium chloride 500gm , sulphur powder 100g , sulphuric acid , tin metal 100gm , tollens reagent 200ml , unisol 500ml , zinc chloride 500gm , zinc metal granules 250gm , zinc sulphate 500gm , zinc carbonate 500gm , beaker 1000ml glass , beaker 1000ml plastic , beaker 250ml , buerette , conical flask 100ml , funnel , dropper plastic 25cm long , tongs 12 inch , wash bottle plastic 500ml , pippette 50ml , reagent bottles 250ml , spatula , test tube 10ml , test tube holder , watch glass 3 inch , mini refrigerator 5ltr , small plastic bottle 10 ml , plastic container 20 g , steel spoon small 7 inch , gloves , lab coat , glass rod half cm thickness , rubber cork 7mm 31mm x 36mm , glass tube half cm thickness , cotton roll

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39040340 Due date: 11 Feb, 202511 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of lab item - ammonium ferrous sulphate 500grm , formaldehyde 500ml , anline , oxalic acid , acetone , ethyl alcohol , gluose , sodium chloride , copper sulphate , sodium nitrate , potassium iodide , ammonium chloride , ammonium carbonate , sodium carbonate , sodium hydroxide , ammonium sluphate , zinc sulphate , calcium carbonate , barium chloride , ferrous sulphate , ferric chloride , ammonium hydroxide , potassium dichromate , potassium chromate , b-napthol , fehliing solutiona , fehling solutionb , tollen reagent , 2 4 dnp , silver nitrate , magnesium ribbon , filter paper , ph paper , hydrochloric acid 500ml , nitric acid , distilled water , phenolphthalein , pipette 10 ml qty , pipette valve , burettle 50 ml qty , hot plate , electronic balance , beaker 2ltr plastic , beaker plastic 5ltr , tds meter , concave lens , convex lens , concave mirror , convex mirror , hot metal plate with magnetic stirrer , wooden scale 1m long , galvanometer , ammeter , voltmeter , digital multimeter , screw gauge , vernier callipers , spherometer , pendulum bobs , ditital balance , analog balance , weight box , hookes law apparatus , surface tension apparatus , one way key , battery eliminator , daniel cell , lechlanche cell , zinc electrode , copper lectrode , ammonium chloride 500g , sand paper for removing insulation from copper wire , connecting wires easy to use , p- n junction diode app. , stop watch digital , travelling microscope , lycopodeium powder , t.s. of curcuxbita stem , t.s. of lotus leaf , t.s. of testes 7 ovary , t.s. of blastula , v.s. of shoot apex and root apex , oscillateria , spirogyra , rhizopus mycellium , agaricu fungi , trichophyton fungi , amoeba , plan glass slides , cover slip , dissection box , osmometer , raisius, dry , seedsof grams , thermometer , mortx 7 pestle , blotting paper , nails , cottonnylon thread , acetic acid , ethanol , aceto carmine stain , formaline solution , naoh, n10 hcl , sucrose solution , iodine solution , benedicts solution , fehling solution , raddish,carrots , beet,turnip, , sweet potato, , phermatophores , stilt roots, , climbing roots, , leguminous plants, , showing root modules. , solanacea family ex datura , pedigree chart , meiosis nutisas , models charts of human skeleton

State Government

CTN :39067741 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 5.77 Lacs
Tender For supply of crms, chemicals, sample containers and basic requirements for rdws&sd water quality lab (ramanagara, kanakapura & magadi) for the year 2024-25 - spands ar grade rmg 28, ammonium acetate ar grade rmg 26, mixed indicator rmg 25, phenolphthalein indicator rmg rmg 24, magnesium chloride hexahydrate ar grade rmg 23, sodium acetate ar grade rmg 22, barium chloride dihydrate ar grade rmg 21, silver nitrate ar grade rmg 20, potassium nitrate ar grade rmg 19, patton & reeders reagent ar grade rmg 18, eriochrome black t indicator ar grade rmg 17, potassium chloride ar grade rmg 16, sodium hydroxide pellets ar grade rmg 15, hydroxylamine hydrochloride ar grade rmg 14, edta ar grade rmg 13, ammonium chloride ar grade rmg 12, sample containers rmg 41, iron standard 100ppm nist traceble rmg 11, kcl solution- 0.01m, conductivity standard 1413s/cm 500ml rmg 10, copper sulphate nist traceble 80 gramsrmg 9, color 500 pt co units nist traceble rmg 8, sodium carbonate nist traceble 40 grams rmg 7, calcium carbonate nist traceble 40 grams rmg 6, sodium chloride nist traceble 40 grams rmg 5, potassium dichromate nist traceble 40 grams rmg 4, buffer solution ph 10.00, nist traceble standard rmg 3, buffer solution ph 7.00, nist traceble standard rmg 2, buffer solution ph 4.00, nist traceble standard rmg 1, glassware cleaner rmg 40, hexane ar grade rmg 39, toluene hplc grade ar grade rmg 38, conc. hydrochloric acid ar grade rmg 37, glacial acetic acid ar grade rmg 36, sulphuric acid conc. 99 % ar grade rmg 35, potassium permanganate ar grade rmg 34, ammonia ar grade rmg 33, potassium chromate ar grade rmg 32, iso propyl alcohol ar grade rmg 31, triethanolamine ar grade rmg 30, zirconyl oxychloride ar grade rmg 29, iron method 110 phenanthroline monohydrate ar grade rmg 27

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38956172 Due date: 04 Feb, 202504 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of bvoc iwm - nitric acid , glacial acetic acid , h2so4 , macconkey broth , glycerol , water faecal colliform testing kit , acetone , hydrochloric acid , potassium hydrogen phosphate , di sodium hydrogen phosphate , potassium iodide , sodium hydroxide , sodium chloride , manganous sulphate , sodium thiosulphate , oxalic acid , potassium permanganate , ammonium chloride , ammonium ferrous sulphate , barium chloride dihydrate , copper sulphate pentahydrate , d glucose , magnesium sulphate , methyl red indicator , potassium dichromate , potassium chromate , potassium hydroxide , silica gel , sodium nitrate , sodium sulphate , sodium fluoride , sodium acetate , sodium azide , sodium ascorbate , starch , sodium hydrogen carbonate , lectose broth , macconkey agar , protein estimation kit quantitative , carbohydrate estimation kit , lipid estimation kit , amino acid estimation kit , glass capillary tubes , durham tubes , permanent slides plasmidium , laboratory tissue roll , permanent slides amoeba

CTN :38992465 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of a different masses 50gm, 100gm, 200gm, 250gm, with hooks , a small metal wedges , burette , rubber tube , capillary tube , pich cock , mono meter , beaker 250ml , cell , battery 6v , head phone (experimental) , dc battery, , electrolyte capacitor (500mf, 1000mf) , dc voltmeter , toggle switches , vtvm(vacuume tube voltmeter) , oscillator of frequency range 1hz-1mhz , variable capacitor , resistore of different value , one plane convex lens of large radious of curveture , plane glass plate , optical arrangements of newtons ring , spherometer , steam generator , analog rough balance , solar pannel , lamp , lux meter , cro , tracing paper , regulator poer supply(0-30v) , osciloscope or complete set up , study the photoelectric effect complete setup , to measure (a) voltage, and (b) time period of a periodic waveform using cro and to test a diode and transistor using a millimeter set up. , to study the frequency response of voltage gain of a rc-coupled transistor amplifier, set up. , hall probe , deflection magnetometer , a solenoide compensating coil, , ammetor , measuring scale , polarimeter , graduated cyllinder and thermometer , inverter , platinum wire , cobalt blue glass , amyl alcohol , hydrogen peroxide , tincture iodine , vitamin c tablet , potassium ferrocyanide , dimethyl glyoxime , sodium azide , manganese dioxide , pottasium iodide , pottassium bromide , ferric chloride , ferrous sulphate , ammonium molybdate solution , tartaric acid , magnesium nitrate reagent , calcium flouride , calcium chloride , barium chloride , manganese chloride , arsenic trioxide , zinc sulphide , sodium sulphate , ammonium carbonate , potassium bydroxide , ammonium acetate , lead acetate , borax , succinic acid , oxalic acid , mohr's salt , sodium thisulphate , pottasium dichromate , bleaching powder , erichrome blact. t , fe(oh)3 , al(oh)3 , baso4 , pottasium hydroxide , sodium metal , phenylene diamine , zirconium alizarin , nano2 , sodium bisulphite (nahso3) , schiff's reagent , benedict reagent , 2,4 dichloro benzene , calcium disulphide , nickel(ii) chloride , chloroform , carbon tetrachloride , phenylhydrazine , resorcinol solution , hgcl2 , phythalic anhydride , aniline , dimethyl aniline , benzaldehyde , acetic anhydride , barfoed's reagent , seliwanoff's reagent , manganous sulphate , denige's reagent , silver nitrate , cadmium chloride , ammonium hydroxide , bromine water , zn dust , sodium acetate , sulicylic acid , pyridine , acetyl chloride , benzoyl chloride , acetanilide , nitrobenzene , phenol , cyclohexene , benzoin , round bottomed flask , round bottomed flask stand , funnel stand , sepparating funnel , sepparating funnel stand , boiling point apparatus , suction pump , laboratory micro-oven , automatic double distiilation unit , spatula , tong , test tube holder , squamous epithelium , striated muscle fibre , nerve cell , t.s. of pancreas , t.s. of ovary , t.s. of testis , t.s./l.s. of adrenal gland , t.s./l.s. of thyroid gland , t.s./l.s. of sycon , t.s. of mammalian liver , t.s. of mammalian lung , t.s. of mammalian kidney , t.s. of of proboscis of balanoglossus , t.s. of branchio-genital region of balanoglossus , t.s. of amphioxus through anterior pharynx , t.s. of amphioxus through intestine , t.s. of amphioxus through caudal region , all mitosis stages , polytene chromosome of drosophila larva , human placenta , w.m. of balanoglossus , w.m. of herdmania , w.m. of botryllus , w.m. of amphioxus , life cycle of fasciola hepatica , life cycle of taenia solium , chick developmental stages - , [13 & 18 primitive streak] , incubation [hamilton ,24,28,33,36,48,72,96 hrs. stages]- , 21 hrs , frog developmental stages- all cleavage stages , gastrulatadpole(external and internal gill stages) , life cycle of ascaris lumbricoids , semi-discontinous dna replication , rolling circle dna replication , theta mode of dna replication , transcription , split gene , klinefilter's syndrome , down's syndrome , turner's syndrom

CTN :38902935 Due date: 31 Jan, 202531 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of buffer capsules ph-4 , sodium carbonate ar , barium hydroxide , buffer solution (ph-10)

State Government

CTN :38924753 Due date: 13 Feb, 202513 Feb, 2025 14.51 Lacs
Tender For retender for supply of laboratory consumeables under idp 2023-24 - mscw -silver nitrate 25 g, mscw -potassium iodide (ep) 250 g , mscw -stannous chloride 250 g , mscw -quinhydrone -100 g, mscw -potassium pyroantimanate 500g ar grade, mscw -titanium oxide 50g, mscw - ferrous ammonium sulphate 500 g , mscw - sodium thiosulphate 1000 g, mscw - patch cords with banana pin(4mm), mscw - immersion oil 100ml , mscw - xylene 500ml , mscw - sulphuric acid 500ml, mscw - hydrochloric acid 500ml, mscw - glacial acetic acid 500ml , mscw - beta mercaptoethanol 100ml, mscw - bromothymol blue 235ml, mscw - plastic trays, blotting papers sheets one ream, mscw - whattman filter paper 125mm pack, mscw - test tubes 27ml , mscw -test tubes 15ml, mscw -test tubes 13ml, mscw - petriplates pair 90mm, mscw - elisa 96 well microtiter plates, mscw - dmso 500ml, mscw - culture tubes 10ml, mscw - hydrogen peroxide 500ml, mscw - beef extract 500g, mscw -tryptone 500g, mscw - peptone 500g, mscw - iodine 100g, mscw -methylene blue 100g, mscw - safranin 100ml, mscw - crystal violet 100ml, mscw - bovine serum albumin 10g, mscw - standard rna salt 25g, mscw - standard dna salt 25g, mscw - fc reagent 500ml, mscw - caliberated loop ( urine analysis) one pack, mscw - bromocresol green 125ml, mscw - snyder agar (bcg dextrose agar) 500g, mscw - litmus 500ml, mscw - resazurin 5g, mscw - microtips (10micolitre), mscw - nitrocellulose membrane, mscw - agar 500g, mscw - bis acrylamide 100ml, mscw - acrylamide 100ml, mscw -syringe driven membrane filters (0.22 micrometer) one box, mscw -syringe driven membrane filters (0.45micrometer) one box, mscw -immunoelectrophoresis kit, mscw -dot-elisa kit, mscw -specimen jar 5 litres glass, mscw -antisera kit, mscw -formaldedhyde 5 litre, mscw -soap oil 1 litre, mscw -tissue roll, mscw -patton-reeder indicator 5g ar, mscw -paraffin (liquid) 500ml, mscw -phosphoric acid 500 ml, mscw -ordinary filter paper ream, mscw -o cresol 500 ml, mscw -o chlorobenzoic acid 500 g, mscw -oxalic acid 500 g, mscw -nickel chloride 500 g, mscw -nitric acid 2.5 litre, mscw -nitrobenzene 500 ml, mscw -2 naphthol 500 g, mscw -monochloroacetic acid 500 g, mscw -methyl acetate 500 ml, mscw -methyl orange 25 g, mscw -methyl red 25g, mscw -methylene blue 25g, mscw -mercuric chloride 100 g , mscw -manganous sulphate 500 g , mscw -manganous chloride 500 g, mscw -methanol 500ml lr grade, mscw -magnesium carbonate 500 g , mscw -magnesium sulphate 500 g , mscw -magnesium chloride 500 g , mscw -lead carbonate 500 g , mscw -lithium carbonate 250 g, mscw -lead acetate-500 g, mscw -hydrogen peroxide 1000 ml (30 percent), mscw - iodine 100g (resublimed), mscw -hydroxyl amine hydrochloride 100 g, mscw -8-hydroxy quinoline 100g. ar grade, mscw - n hexane 500 ml , mscw - ferric oxide 250 g, mscw - ferrous sulphate 500 g, mscw - ferroin indicator, mscw - ferric ammonium sulphate 500g ar grade, mscw - disodium hydrogen phosphate(dibasic) 250g ar grade, mscw - cobalt chloride hexahydrate 100g ar grade, mscw - ceric ammonium sulphate 250g ar grade, mscw - ph 7 buffer tablets 50 tablets pack, mscw - ph 4 buffer tablets 50 tablets pack, mscw - biphenyl-100 g, mscw - barium chromate 500 g, mscw - ammonim molybdate 100g, mscw - 2 4 dnp 100 g, mscw - widal test kits, mscw - urea lr 500 g , mscw - trisodium citrate 500 g , mscw - tris hcl buffer for elexctrophoresis 100 g , mscw - trichloroacetic acid extrapure 500 g, mscw - toluene lr 2.5l , mscw - tlc sheets ( silica gel) 25 sheets box, mscw - temed for elexctrophoresis 100 ml, mscw - sulphuric acid lr 2.5 litre, mscw - sucrose, extrapure 500 g, mscw - sodium thiosulphate lr 500 g, mscw - sodium sulphite lr 500 g, mscw - sodium nitrate lr 500 g, mscw - sodium hydroxide pellets, lr 500 g, mscw - sodium dodecyl sulphateextrapure for electrophoresis 100 g, mscw - sodium chloride lr 500 g, mscw - sodium bisulphite lr 500 g , mscw - silver nitrate extrapure 10 g , mscw - pyruvic acid sodium salt extrapure 100 g , mscw - potassium iod

State Government

CTN :38878992 Due date: 08 Feb, 202508 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of chemistry lab equipement for government pm shri higher secondary schools - micro test tube , test tube holder , test tube stand , dropper with rubber bulb , glass rod and stirring , spatula , beaker (10 ml) , funnel , dry cell holder , torch bulb with holder , beaker (50 ml) , measuring cylinder (10 ml) , w-tube , tripod , kerosene burner , laboratory stand , litmus paper , watch glass , china dish , laboratory stand , boss , head , m.s. rod , clamp base plate , g-clamp , thermometer (laboratory) , ph paper , metals (zn, cu, fe, , emery paper and sand paper , iron nails , fe-filings and zn dust , filter paper , micro test tube brush , dispensing bottle , vials , double mouthed flask , measuring cylinder , pipette 25ml (borosilicate) , measuring cylinder 200ml , reagent bottle sooml , chromatography paper , chromatography chamber , machine & pestle , bunson burner/sprite lamp , sprite , testtube (borosilicate) , tounge , chemical balance (electronic) , conical flask 250ml , ignition tube , ph chart , burrete 100ml (borosilicate) with glass stopper , thermostat , dropper , dil-hydrochloric acid , conc-hydrochloric acid , dil-sulphuric acid , conc-sulphuric acid , dil-nitric acid , conc-nitric acid , acetic acid , oxalic acid , sodium hydroxide , ammonium hydroxide , potassium hydroxide , ammonium acetate , ammonium chloride , ammonium carbonate , ammonium molybdate , ammonium oxalate , ammonium sulphate , barium chloride , bromine water , chlorine water , copper sulphate , dimethylglyoxime , disodium hydrogen phosphate , ferric chloride , lodine solution , lead acetate , lime water , litmus solution (blue) , litmus solution(red) , methyl orange , potassium chromate , potassium dichromate , potassium ferrocyanide , potassium iodide , potassium permanganate , potassium , thiocyanate , phenolphthalein , silver nitrate , starch solution , sodium carbonate , sodium bicarbonate , sodium nitropruside , zinc dust , copper turning , ferrous sulphate , nesselar's reagent , potassium nitrate , calcium carbide , alcohal , ferric chloride , sodium hydrogen carbonate , sodium nitrate , b- naphthol , ferrous sulphate , potassium permanganate , bromine water , ceric ammonium nitrate , 2,4-dnp reagent , fehling's solution a , fehling's solution b , schiff's reagent , silver nitrate , dil-hcl , sodium hydroxide , acetone , great's reagent , molisch's reagent , lodine solution , glucose , d-naphthol , benedict's solution , starch solution
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