Tender For emergent repair and renovation of nsot corridor at the 1st floor of surgery building under rg kar medical college and hospital during the year 2024 2025
Tender For ipgmer-sskm hospital --- emergent repair and renovation of existing philips caths lab, console room and allied area in connection with installation of new machine and other allied works at 1st floor of cardiology bldg, during fy 2024-25_civil work
Tender For special repair of degree college bangana tehsil bangana distt. una h.p.( sh:- repair of plaster , floor tiles & replacement of door shutters etc.)
Tender For repairs and maint to floor, plastering, sanitary fittings and miscellaneousellaneous b/r works, repair and maint of roofing, ceiling, tiling, joinery and miscellaneousellaneous b/r works and periodical services to various buildings at sigar mil stn under ge 872 ews
Tender For repair to joinery, roof, false ceiling, chajja, roof treatment, plinth protection, floor tiling and wall tiling for zone i of age b/r i under ge dinjan
Tender For repair chajjas, rcc members, plinth protections, sunken floor, anti-termite treatment, joinery and plumbing works of otm and md accn at nad sunabeda under ge project navy visakhapatnam
Tender For cleaning and repairs of drains of airfield at ins baaz, repair/ replacement of windsock poles, sinkers, installations, dispersal, repairs to floor, joinery, roof of tech bldgs and miscellaneous repairs at ins baaz, campbell bay under ge(i) campbell bay